Comics - Collection - Sumigo Collection [2020-08-18] [Sumigo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice thnks lo estaba buscando, me agradan este tipo de comics, alguien sabe de comics nurv thnks lo estaba buscando, me agradan este tipo de comics, alguien sabe de comics nurv thnks lo estaba buscando, me agradan este tipo de comics, alguien sabe de comics nurvos?
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Eleven comics covering different type of kinks and even tho' I didn't approve on a lot of them I have to give this collection a 4/5.
    The renders are flawless!
    Only a few have strange looking pussies (they seem skewed and the pixels look off)
    The stories were the usual "OMG I need to fuck this dick" or merely "being raped in silence"
    I look forward to the resolution of the ones with "to be continued"

    Rated: 4/5
    Based on: 2020-08-18