VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Summer of Love [v1.2] [Captain Kitty]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    My Rating for is: C+

    + Graphics Great
    + Characters Great
    + Great Start
    + Long Playing time for Demo
    + Hot Story
    + Different Paths

    - Not much Happening (Demo)

    Nice Start, Great Graphics ,nice Characters,Different Races and Ages, good looking,and less good looking, all in one Game....
    Great Demo with Long Introduction, I have seen the Controls and Gameplay from other Games, but doesn't make this game less Interesting, the Story differs somewhat from the other games, and it the Paths are not to confusing in the future it is well worth supporting.

    A Hot beginning, and if future updates are hot then worth supporting.
    Great Characters.
    Definitely worth the Download.