Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote
May 3, 2024
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Roz Time Travel Fanfiction Part 1. The first three pics are from Justhavingalook1; the rest are from Scorpiov
MC had been helping Ms.Okita for months on her secret project in the forest. She said it had something to do with time travel. She was watching too many movies. "OK, MC, place the clock inside the machine; if all goes right, it should be brought 54 min into the future," she instructed. He did, and she started it up. There was a bright light, a rumble, and nothing happened. 'What the hell! My calculations were perfect. MC, go check the clock while I run a diagnostic." MC opened the door, retrieved the clock, turned and slipped on a rock, and went tumbling into the machine, hitting all sorts of buttons and levers, trying to steady himself. Just then, the door closed, and the machine roared to life. There was a bright light and nothing for a second. The bright light returned, and the door opened, throwing sparks as it did. MC exited the time machine, and it looked FURBAR. He took in his surroundings; he was back in the forest, but Okita was nowhere in sight. He tried his cellphone, and there was no service at all. So he headed into town, and that's when he noticed something was wrong. The people were dressed differently, the buildings were different, everything was different! Where was he? He collected a loose paper from the street; it said the year was 1954! What the hell? It worked. A better question would be how he was going to get home. Suddenly, there was a scream for help from an alleyway. MC rushed in without thinking. Two men were over an injured woman, and they had weapons. He snuck up behind and used his Muay Tai skills to knock his attackers out. He went over to the woman, and she looked familiar. "Thanks, honey; I thought I was a goner." It was a young Roz. Like the one from the photograph. "No problem. Let's get you to a hospital." He helped her up. "No hospitals! They watch those. I have a safe house not too far from here." She grimaced in pain. Safe house? What was she talking about? The safe house turned out to be where Debbie's home would be. "Inside...quick," she gasped. Once inside, he saw the extent of her injuries and was told where the first aid kit was. His scout training paid off, and she was stitched in no time. "By the way, my name is Roz," she introduced. He didn't want to mess up the timeline, so he said his name was Frank. She once again thanked him, but he was now in terrible danger. He had just interfered with an operation. She was CIA, and now he was a target. The men that he attacked were Soviet agents tasked to find some guy called Jebediah Dumont and his cow. Apparently, he had powers over crops and animals that the Russians needed, and she was tasked with tailing them but slipped up and dam near died. MC said he knew who he was but didn't know where he was. He told her he would help her out with her out of commission. She gave him money so he could buy some clothes to blend in. He learned the lay of the land and talked to various people around 1950's Summerville. He also learned more about her; she had been active in WW2 as a spy for America and could speak German, French, and Russian. After the war, she was recruited by the CIA and given this assignment but was quickly abandoned. Women had to prove themselves in the field. MC thought that was terrible, so he bought her a gift of black earrings; she felt it made her look like an old lady. "If she only knew," he thought.
May 3, 2024
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Roz Time Travel Fan Fiction Part 2 Conclusion The story continues with Roz Fanfiction 1. The pic is from Scorpiov
In the weeks that followed, MC was able to track down where Jedediah was, but he wasn't alone. Those two guys that he knocked out were also searching. And while they didn't get a good look at his face when he knocked them out, he knew they were also still searching for Roz. So he tailed them as well and, through his phone, would record his conversations when and where he could. Before he returned to Roz, he would memorize as much as he could so that she thought he was some wiz kid. She was getting suspicious, but that was all. He told her about Jedediah's location and a nearby shack they could buy to keep an eye out for the Soviets. She was impressed. She was so impressed that she kissed him, then one thing led to another, and they slept together. When he came to, he was bound to the bed posts with Roz pointing a gun at him and his phone beside her. She wanted to know who he was, where he came from, and what this technology was. MC explained everything he could while omitting essential parts, even showing her how the phone works. She wanted to know more, but he told her no more, as it could jeopardize things as they are now. She understood and decided to proceed with the mission. They purchased the shack near Dumont's under the names Jethro and Bernice. All was quiet until MC saw movement in the yard one night, and they investigated. It was Daisy. Roz had never seen anything like Daisy and was shocked. Daisy begged for food. MC greeted her by her name and brought her inside to feed her. When she was finished and thanked him, she asked how he knew her name. Just as he was about to answer, the door flew in, and her master stepped. He was the spitting image of Clyde but older and with a long beard. Before they could get a word out, he pointed a gun at them and told Daisy to "Come here now." She sadly did, and with the gun still pointed at them, he told them, "If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill ya!" and left. The next day, they went to his place and nearly got shot, but Roz produced her CIA badge and told him that Russians were life. He did not buy it. And thought they were the ones trying to steal Daisy. Just then, MC noticed movement out of the corner of his eye... It was the Russians! They found them and Jedediah. He shoved him out of the way and was shot in the shoulder. A firefight ensued, and Jeb and Roz emerged victorious. While Jeb was treating MC's wound, he wanted to know how MC knew Daisy's name, and MC told him he was a time traveler. "Makes sense," Jeb said. "You saved my life. How can I repay you?" He asked. "Do you know how to fix a time machine?" MC asked. "No, but I can send you back. I am a wizard, after all," Jeb said with pride. MC led them to the machine. Roz and MC shared one last kiss. "No way are they going to believe all this; your secret is safe with me." MC went inside the time machine and shut the door. Jeb did some redneck wizardry shit. There was a bright light, and MC woke up in the hospital. The Micoe explained he slipped on a rock, hit his head hard, and suffered a concussion. He hadn't time traveled like he thought. On his way out, he ran into Roz and commented on her earrings. She thanked him and said it was from a guy named Frank, whom MC is the spitting image of
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The Black Cat

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2023
Indeed finally! Now i can post each video here on this thread...

One of the new Dildorog works, A festive night in her costume 1 (Patreon).

9 straight sex scenes with MC doing JENNY, MRS. SMITH, ANNIE, MS. ROSS, MARIA, MIA, BECCA, ROXXY and JOSEPHINE.

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The Black Cat

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2023

The Black Cat

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2023

The Black Cat

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2023

The Black Cat

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2023
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote