- Jun 26, 2019
- 30
- 666
And you know that baby will have all the best designer clothes.IWANKA being breed by MC, images by DarkCookie.
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Since you forgot the sausage with my breakfast, I've got one for you, with a side of milk.DEBBIE, by BSsummerG.
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What, MS. BISSETTE? I was distracted by something.MS. BISSETTE 1, by Joakadraws.
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I would fail every test and quiz on purpose. I would write Spanish answers so that she would have to give me extra lessons.MS. BISSETTE 2, by Joakadraws.
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*Rachel is heavily breathing, as she is trying to calm herself down**Astrid was sitting on her bed and just scrolling through her phone. It was another lazy day for her. She hadn't even found motivation to put on pants, it was just a scrolling on her phone kind of day. That was until she got a facetime call from Rachel.*
Astrid: What up, girl?
Astrid: Whoah, chill. What's going on?
Rachel: I'M HAVING A PANICK ATTACK IS WHAT'S HAPPENING! My Mom is in prision, and Dad needs me to get some money from the house for bail, and I don't know what to do! I can feel my heart pounding through my chest.
Astrid: Okay Calm down. Breath. text me your address and I'll head over there to help.
Rachel: Okay...I'll do that...it's 240 Cookie Street.
Astrid: 240 Cookie Street....Wait, that's the house literally right behind me....Have we been neighbors for 5 years and not even know it?
Rachel: This would be more intresting if I wasn't having a PANICK ATTACK RIGHT NOW!
Astrid: Okay, I'll be over there ASAP. *Astrid finally says as she hangs up the phone and Reaches for her pants as she heads out the door of her room.*
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*She Makes it to the main hall before being stopped by a familiar looming voice*
Annie: And just where do you think you are going?
Astrid: Getting some Fresh air. Reflecting on all the ways I can be the obedient pion you wish for me to be, oh glorious leader. *Astrid says with bitter sarcasam*
Annie: Don't lie to me. You are still grounded for your arrest yesterday.
Astrid: Sure, but a friend of mine is having an emergency, so I'll re-ground myself after taking care of this.
Annie: One of your druggie friends, I assume.
Astrid: That doesn't matter, they are needing help, so I'm going to help.
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Annie: No you are not! You are grounded and are not leaving this house. Besides, I don't understand why this person can't just handle their own problems by themselves. You don't get anything from helping this person.
Astrid: It's called "being a friend". You should try it sometime, but that would require you being likeable enough to have friends.
Astrid: Yeah how about this, I'm 20 years old, and Fuck you. *She says giving her mother the bird before heading out the front door.*
*Annie Rubs her temples*
Annie: I swear, she was so much easier to control before she became a teenager and started thinking on her own. I love that girl but she is so much like her father she will put me to an early grave. I need a fucking asprin, or a drink.
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*Astrid makes the brisk walk across the properties until she makes it to Cookie Street, finally seeing 420 as she approaches the door and knocks. The door open with a clearly shaken Rachel answering it!*
Astrid: Nice place you got here.
Rachel: THANK GOD YOU ARE HERE! I tried to find as much as I could where dad said but it's not enough, and no one else is here, and I'm panicking, and I keep trying to light this damn drag but I keep fumbling the lighter!
Astrid: Okay....I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but Rachel, I don't think you need weed in this situation, I think you just need to breath. Deep breath in. *Astrid breaths in deeply for example* and then out. *she then exhales slowly*
*Rachel Breaths in and out quickly before she eventually slows down and starts to become more calm*
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Astrid: Better?
Rachel: A bit. But I still don't know what to do. I don't know how bail works or anything like that.
Astrid: okay, how about I go with you?
Rachel: Really?
Astrid: Look I've been in prison plenty of times to know how the process works. I mean my dad has bailed me out enough times that I can give pointers. Help you and your dad.
Rachel: Ash you are the best!
Astrid: That's what friends are for.
Rachel: Oh yeah sure. *Rachel smirks* Friends do the kind of stuff we did at the cast Party of '35
Astrid: Okay REALLY good friends. We ended the year with a Bang that's for sure. Come on, You drive.
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(Last Alma Matter Comic for the Year. See you guys in 2025)
What a great way to begin the year! Funny as fuck. I do have a few questions.*Rachel is heavily breathing, as she is trying to calm herself down*
Rachel: Just one hit, Ash, I just need to calm my nerves.
Astrid: Rachel, we are literally 30 feet away from a police station. Just try to breath.
Rachel: It's just that I know this isn't all the money we need. How can I find $1,200 in cash?
Astrid: Look I don't think your Dad will be mad. You did everything you could.
Rachel: I know, I just am afraid I'm going to disappoint him.
Astrid: Look, I'm here, and I'm going to help you through this.
Rachel: Okay...Thanks Astrid.
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*The Girls walk into the police station. Their eyes search the business of the police station, as Rachel looks for her Dad, and Astrid looks for a man that looks like Rachel...that is until she spots a familiar Pink shirt and haircut.*
Astrid: What's Dad doing here...*she mutters to herself before being interrupted by Rachel bursting out*
Rachel: DAD!
*Rachel Runs up to Anon, as he turns around and she gives him a hug*
Anon: Rachel! I'm glad you are here. I'm sorry I brought you into this, But I didn't have any options left.
Rachel: I got some of the money, but it isn't enough for the bail.
Anon: I know, but every little bit helps. I'm proud of you for stepping up when I needed you.
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*Finally Astrid stepped up with her face utterly confused.*
Astrid: DAD?
Anon: Ash? What are you doing here?
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Astrid: Helping my friend, what's are you doing here?
Rachel: You already know Astrid? Wait, hold on, 'Dad'? *Rachel says looking to Astrid*
Astrid: Is this a joke?
Rachel: Why are you asking that?
*Astrid and Rachel look at each other for a moment before they say what's on their mind
Rachel and Astrid: That is my Dad.
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*They Both go wide eye as they are in Synch as they then look to Anon.
Anon:...*sigh* I knew this day would come eventually....Just was hoping it wasn't when I'm trying to bail out your Mom. Rachel this is your half-Sister Astrid, Astrid your half-Sister Rachel.
*Both girls are in shock.*
Astrid:....Dad can you excuse us for a few minutes?
Anon: Sure go ahead.
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*Moments later outside the building as they are desperately trying to light their drags*
Rachel: HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? As far as I knew it was just Me and Ryan!...OH MY GOD, I ATE OUT MY SISTER'S COOCHE!
Rachel: I'm too pretty and yankee to be from Alabama!
Astrid: I'm going to hell! I don't even believe in any of that bullshit, but I'm going straight to it!
*A random stranger walks by and stops as he sees Rachel and Astrid*
Stranger: Are you two smoking weed 5 feet away from a Police Station?
Astrid and Rachel: NOT THE FUCK NOW! *They both yell, scaring the stranger into minding his own business*
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1. Nope. Closest we had was the Smoking in the boys room chapter, but if you re-read that chapter, Astrid knew Anon had another family, but had no interest in knowing who it was because it would be depressing for her.What a great way to begin the year! Funny as fuck. I do have a few questions.
1. I thought Astrid knew about Rachel being a part of MC's family; I could have sworn she knew about the others to some degree as well. Was I wrong?
2. The stranger. Please tell me it's someone in the STS universe that we know.
3. Now that they know they are siblings, will this mess up their dynamic?
4. Given that Rachel now knows about Astrid, Bruce, Mitchell, Jackie, and Dillan's parentage?
4. Sorry about that. What I meant was, will Rachel question Anon if he fathered other children besides Ryan, Astrid, and herself? Like Bruce, Dillan, Jackie, Mitchell. I don't know if she or Roxxy believe that they were sperm donors (I do know that Roxxy gave permission for Becca and Missy, but that is it)1. Nope. Closest we had was the Smoking in the boys room chapter, but if you re-read that chapter, Astrid knew Anon had another family, but had no interest in knowing who it was because it would be depressing for her.
2. Stranger is just a stranger. There are plenty of faceless people that live in Summerville.
3. ....I mean maybe for a bit, but at the same time, they are still friends and they already crossed that boundary.
4. Rachel only knows about Ryan and now Astrid. She knows less about Anon's other kids than Roxxy does. But the question also looks like it's a bit incomplete, so what did you want to know?
Hard to say. Rachel probably is just in surprise there is any other half siblings out there. Might not think to ask if there are others, but we will see now won't we?4. Sorry about that. What I meant was, will Rachel question Anon if he fathered other children besides Ryan, Astrid, and herself? Like Bruce, Dillan, Jackie, Mitchell. I don't know if she or Roxxy believe that they were sperm donors (I do know that Roxxy gave permission for Becca and Missy, but that is it)
Yes, we will. I'm looking forward to it.Hard to say. Rachel probably is just in surprise there is any other half siblings out there. Might not think to ask if there are others, but we will see now won't we?