Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote
May 8, 2021
*Rachel is heavily breathing, as she is trying to calm herself down*

Rachel: Just one hit, Ash, I just need to calm my nerves.

Astrid: Rachel, we are literally 30 feet away from a police station. Just try to breath.

Rachel: It's just that I know this isn't all the money we need. How can I find $1,200 in cash?

Astrid: Look I don't think your Dad will be mad. You did everything you could.

Rachel: I know, I just am afraid I'm going to disappoint him.

Astrid: Look, I'm here, and I'm going to help you through this.

Rachel: Okay...Thanks Astrid.

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*The Girls walk into the police station. Their eyes search the business of the police station, as Rachel looks for her Dad, and Astrid looks for a man that looks like Rachel...that is until she spots a familiar Pink shirt and haircut.*

Astrid: What's Dad doing here...*she mutters to herself before being interrupted by Rachel bursting out*
Rachel: DAD!

*Rachel Runs up to Anon, as he turns around and she gives him a hug*

Anon: Rachel! I'm glad you are here. I'm sorry I brought you into this, But I didn't have any options left.

Rachel: I got some of the money, but it isn't enough for the bail.

Anon: I know, but every little bit helps. I'm proud of you for stepping up when I needed you.

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*Finally Astrid stepped up with her face utterly confused.*

Astrid: DAD?

Anon: Ash? What are you doing here?

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Astrid: Helping my friend, what are you doing here?

Rachel: You already know Astrid? Wait, hold on, 'Dad'? *Rachel says looking to Astrid*

Astrid: Is this a joke?

Rachel: Why are you asking that?

*Astrid and Rachel look at each other for a moment before they say what's on their mind

Rachel and Astrid: That is my Dad.

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*They Both go wide eye as they are in Synch as they then look to Anon.

Anon:...*sigh* I knew this day would come eventually....Just was hoping it wasn't when I'm trying to bail out your Mom. Rachel this is your half-Sister Astrid, Astrid your half-Sister Rachel.
*Both girls are in shock.*

Astrid:....Dad can you excuse us for a few minutes?

Anon: Sure go ahead.

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*Moments later outside the building as they are desperately trying to light their drags*


Rachel: HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? As far as I knew it was just Me and Ryan!...OH MY GOD, I ATE OUT MY SISTER'S COOCHE!


Rachel: I'm too pretty and yankee to be from Alabama!

Astrid: I'm going to hell! I don't even believe in any of that bullshit, but I'm going straight to it!

*A random stranger walks by and stops as he sees Rachel and Astrid*

Stranger: Are you two smoking weed 5 feet away from a Police Station?

Astrid and Rachel: NOT THE FUCK NOW! *They both yell, scaring the stranger into minding his own business*

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An Hour and a Half ago:

Crystal: I'm not paying those.

Rhonda: They are Parking tickets, if you don't we will keep adding interest until we impound your vehicle.

Crystal: I was in that UPS store for 5 minutes, I shouldn't have been ticketed to begin with.

Rhonda: You parked in a handicapped parking spot, was on the Curb, and you Had an 3 year expired parking ticket in the windshield wiper to trick the police officer to believing the car was already ticketed. If it was anyone other than Officer Yumi, you would be arrested for trying to fraud an officer of the law.

Crystal: Just admit you were trying to set me up, you....


*Crystal is interrupted when she hears a familiar voice*

Anon: Hey Annie, How are you doing?...

Crystal: Crap it's Anon!

Anon:...Fine. Look, Me and Roxxy were out driving earlier and we may have gotten pulled over, and...Roxxy is currently in custody....Look I'm not asking for you to drop the charges or anything, I can admit fault, but Dexter put the Bail to $1.2K and he says the "Credit card Machines are down", despite the fact they were working yesterday, so he's only accepting cash. Is it Possible to call him to reduce the fine? or at least you can help me Pay this Bail, and then we can call it even for me paying Astrid's Bail yesterday. $400 is more manageable than $1.2K?

Crystal:....Roxxy is in Jail?....Maybe this is my chance....Rhonda just take my credit card. I got to Go quick but I will be back.

*Crystal hands Rhonda her Card, and then Runs out the door while Rhonda is looking the other way*


**45 minutes later**

Crystal: God, I need to be better organized about where I store all my stuff. I just hope that they actually accept my help on this one....been forever since I seen any of them.....Wait a minute...that kid looks like.....

*Crystal, Turns the Car closer to the curb and stops.*

Crystal: Hey Kid....You Ryan Cummings?

*Ryan is looking really confused as he sees this woman in a old beat up pickup truck pull over and start to chat him up*

Ryan:...Um.....Yo no Hablo Ingles. Vete, forastero.

Crystal: Kid you aren't Mexican. I'm just asking if you are Anon and Roxxy's Kid. and if so, why are you heading back to your house?

Ryan: Lady, I don't know who you are, but I'm not interested in...whatever you are offering.

Crystal: You're Mom is in Jail Kid, didn't you're Dad or Sister text you?

Ryan: Wait really? Hold the phone, how do you even know this?

Crystal: Look, I'm just trying to do the right thing. Walk home for all I care, but you're going to be walking home to a empty house. Do you want a ride or not?

Ryan:....fine...only because you seem to know everything about me already for some reason.


*Ryan get's into the truck. It smells of Cigarettes and beer, as he is clearly uncomfortable with this woman who just picked him up on the side of the road*

Ryan:.....So, are you like an Old family friend or something?

Crystal:....You know I'm not surprised you don't remember were still a baby when I last saw you....that was a long time ago...

Ryan: Doesn't really answer my question.

Crystal: Yes. I'm your Grandma.

Ryan:.....I know my Grandma, and you do not look anything like her.

Crystal: Yes, you know Debbie, but you have more than one Grandma you know.

Ryan: Wait...You're Mom's Mom?

Crystal: Yup. But just call me Crystal, Kid.

Ryan:.....But Mom told me you died years ago.

Crystal:....You know part of me wants to be mad she told you that...but at the same time, considering how things ended last time, I don't blame her. No I wasn't Dead, but I was "Dead to her".

Ryan: So you two aren't on speaking terms? Why would Mom tell me you were dead then?

Crystal: Because honestly, I wasn't in a good place at the time. Probably wanted you to not go looking for me. Look I'm just trying to do right for my little girl, and frankly you might be my only way back in...can you help me?

Ryan:....I can't promise anything, but the least I can do is believe you....Grandma Crystal.

Crystal: Yuck...please, I don't like being reminded I'm Old.

Ryan: I mean, you are. You got to be what, 65-70?

Crystal: 56. Don't do Drugs kid, they fuck you up hard.

Ryan: Yikes....Point taken.



Jul 29, 2020
An Hour and a Half ago:

Crystal: I'm not paying those.

Rhonda: They are Parking tickets, if you don't we will keep adding interest until we impound your vehicle.

Crystal: I was in that UPS store for 5 minutes, I shouldn't have been ticketed to begin with.

Rhonda: You parked in a handicapped parking spot, was on the Curb, and you Had an 3 year expired parking ticket in the windshield wiper to trick the police officer to believing the car was already ticketed. If it was anyone other than Officer Yumi, you would be arrested for trying to fraud an officer of the law.

Crystal: Just admit you were trying to set me up, you....

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*Crystal is interrupted when she hears a familiar voice*

Anon: Hey Annie, How are you doing?...

Crystal: Crap it's Anon!

Anon:...Fine. Look, Me and Roxxy were out driving earlier and we may have gotten pulled over, and...Roxxy is currently in custody....Look I'm not asking for you to drop the charges or anything, I can admit fault, but Dexter put the Bail to $1.2K and he says the "Credit card Machines are down", despite the fact they were working yesterday, so he's only accepting cash. Is it Possible to call him to reduce the fine? or at least you can help me Pay this Bail, and then we can call it even for me paying Astrid's Bail yesterday. $400 is more manageable than $1.2K?

Crystal:....Roxxy is in Jail?....Maybe this is my chance....Rhonda just take my credit card. I got to Go quick but I will be back.

*Crystal hands Rhonda her Card, and then Runs out the door while Rhonda is looking the other way*

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**45 minutes later**

Crystal: God, I need to be better organized about where I store all my stuff. I just hope that they actually accept my help on this one....been forever since I seen any of them.....Wait a minute...that kid looks like.....

*Crystal, Turns the Car closer to the curb and stops.*

Crystal: Hey Kid....You Ryan Cummings?

*Ryan is looking really confused as he sees this woman in a old beat up pickup truck pull over and start to chat him up*

Ryan:...Um.....Yo no Hablo Ingles. Vete, forastero.

Crystal: Kid you aren't Mexican. I'm just asking if you are Anon and Roxxy's Kid. and if so, why are you heading back to your house?

Ryan: Lady, I don't know who you are, but I'm not interested in...whatever you are offering.

Crystal: You're Mom is in Jail Kid, didn't you're Dad or Sister text you?

Ryan: Wait really? Hold the phone, how do you even know this?

Crystal: Look, I'm just trying to do the right thing. Walk home for all I care, but you're going to be walking home to a empty house. Do you want a ride or not?

Ryan:....fine...only because you seem to know everything about me already for some reason.

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*Ryan get's into the truck. It smells of Cigarettes and beer, as he is clearly uncomfortable with this woman who just picked him up on the side of the road*

Ryan:.....So, are you like an Old family friend or something?

Crystal:....You know I'm not surprised you don't remember were still a baby when I last saw you....that was a long time ago...

Ryan: Doesn't really answer my question.

Crystal: Yes. I'm your Grandma.

Ryan:.....I know my Grandma, and you do not look anything like her.

Crystal: Yes, you know Debbie, but you have more than one Grandma you know.

Ryan: Wait...You're Mom's Mom?

Crystal: Yup. But just call me Crystal, Kid.

Ryan:.....But Mom told me you died years ago.

Crystal:....You know part of me wants to be mad she told you that...but at the same time, considering how things ended last time, I don't blame her. No I wasn't Dead, but I was "Dead to her".

Ryan: So you two aren't on speaking terms? Why would Mom tell me you were dead then?

Crystal: Because honestly, I wasn't in a good place at the time. Probably wanted you to not go looking for me. Look I'm just trying to do right for my little girl, and frankly you might be my only way back in...can you help me?

Ryan:....I can't promise anything, but the least I can do is believe you....Grandma Crystal.

Crystal: Yuck...please, I don't like being reminded I'm Old.

Ryan: I mean, you are. You got to be what, 65-70?

Crystal: 56. Don't do Drugs kid, they fuck you up hard.

Ryan: Yikes....Point taken.

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Bro I have to admit you are on a role with these!
Why won't you post the stories on a different site or something other than just f95?
May 3, 2024
An Hour and a Half ago:

Crystal: I'm not paying those.

Rhonda: They are Parking tickets, if you don't we will keep adding interest until we impound your vehicle.

Crystal: I was in that UPS store for 5 minutes, I shouldn't have been ticketed to begin with.

Rhonda: You parked in a handicapped parking spot, was on the Curb, and you Had an 3 year expired parking ticket in the windshield wiper to trick the police officer to believing the car was already ticketed. If it was anyone other than Officer Yumi, you would be arrested for trying to fraud an officer of the law.

Crystal: Just admit you were trying to set me up, you....

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*Crystal is interrupted when she hears a familiar voice*

Anon: Hey Annie, How are you doing?...

Crystal: Crap it's Anon!

Anon:...Fine. Look, Me and Roxxy were out driving earlier and we may have gotten pulled over, and...Roxxy is currently in custody....Look I'm not asking for you to drop the charges or anything, I can admit fault, but Dexter put the Bail to $1.2K and he says the "Credit card Machines are down", despite the fact they were working yesterday, so he's only accepting cash. Is it Possible to call him to reduce the fine? or at least you can help me Pay this Bail, and then we can call it even for me paying Astrid's Bail yesterday. $400 is more manageable than $1.2K?

Crystal:....Roxxy is in Jail?....Maybe this is my chance....Rhonda just take my credit card. I got to Go quick but I will be back.

*Crystal hands Rhonda her Card, and then Runs out the door while Rhonda is looking the other way*

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**45 minutes later**

Crystal: God, I need to be better organized about where I store all my stuff. I just hope that they actually accept my help on this one....been forever since I seen any of them.....Wait a minute...that kid looks like.....

*Crystal, Turns the Car closer to the curb and stops.*

Crystal: Hey Kid....You Ryan Cummings?

*Ryan is looking really confused as he sees this woman in a old beat up pickup truck pull over and start to chat him up*

Ryan:...Um.....Yo no Hablo Ingles. Vete, forastero.

Crystal: Kid you aren't Mexican. I'm just asking if you are Anon and Roxxy's Kid. and if so, why are you heading back to your house?

Ryan: Lady, I don't know who you are, but I'm not interested in...whatever you are offering.

Crystal: You're Mom is in Jail Kid, didn't you're Dad or Sister text you?

Ryan: Wait really? Hold the phone, how do you even know this?

Crystal: Look, I'm just trying to do the right thing. Walk home for all I care, but you're going to be walking home to a empty house. Do you want a ride or not?

Ryan:....fine...only because you seem to know everything about me already for some reason.

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*Ryan get's into the truck. It smells of Cigarettes and beer, as he is clearly uncomfortable with this woman who just picked him up on the side of the road*

Ryan:.....So, are you like an Old family friend or something?

Crystal:....You know I'm not surprised you don't remember were still a baby when I last saw you....that was a long time ago...

Ryan: Doesn't really answer my question.

Crystal: Yes. I'm your Grandma.

Ryan:.....I know my Grandma, and you do not look anything like her.

Crystal: Yes, you know Debbie, but you have more than one Grandma you know.

Ryan: Wait...You're Mom's Mom?

Crystal: Yup. But just call me Crystal, Kid.

Ryan:.....But Mom told me you died years ago.

Crystal:....You know part of me wants to be mad she told you that...but at the same time, considering how things ended last time, I don't blame her. No I wasn't Dead, but I was "Dead to her".

Ryan: So you two aren't on speaking terms? Why would Mom tell me you were dead then?

Crystal: Because honestly, I wasn't in a good place at the time. Probably wanted you to not go looking for me. Look I'm just trying to do right for my little girl, and frankly you might be my only way back in...can you help me?

Ryan:....I can't promise anything, but the least I can do is believe you....Grandma Crystal.

Crystal: Yuck...please, I don't like being reminded I'm Old.

Ryan: I mean, you are. You got to be what, 65-70?

Crystal: 56. Don't do Drugs kid, they fuck you up hard.

Ryan: Yikes....Point taken.

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Oooo. Nice chapter. I admit I did not see this coming. I always thought Crystal would regret being a bad mom and I'm glad she is trying to get back into her daughter's life. Ryan is a bit too trusting; hasn't he ever heard of stranger danger? I wonder what was said that was so bad that Roxxy basically killed off her own mom and doesn't even have a picture for her kids to go by.
Side note: I love the truck. Choveitin. DC could not have done a better job. And the license plate INBR3D. I take it was a joke. We don't know who Roxxy's father is, so we just speculate.
May 8, 2021
Oooo. Nice chapter. I admit I did not see this coming. I always thought Crystal would regret being a bad mom and I'm glad she is trying to get back into her daughter's life. Ryan is a bit too trusting; hasn't he ever heard of stranger danger? I wonder what was said that was so bad that Roxxy basically killed off her own mom and doesn't even have a picture for her kids to go by.
Side note: I love the truck. Choveitin. DC could not have done a better job. And the license plate INBR3D. I take it was a joke. We don't know who Roxxy's father is, so we just speculate.
Well you got to see what happened next weekend then won't we? ;)

To be fair to Ryan, he literally did tell her "I don't speak English. Go away stranger" in spanish to his own Grandma. But at a certain point, you find someone who knows more about you and your life than you do, you might have to take them at their word.

I was proud of that Chove-it-in Joke. And for the INBR3D License Plate, Again, DMV lady having the mystical power of just taking one Look at Crystal, mentally says to herself "I hear Banjos", and Gave her the License Plate as she saw it.
May 3, 2024
Well you got to see what happened next weekend then won't we? ;)

To be fair to Ryan, he literally did tell her "I don't speak English. Go away stranger" in spanish to his own Grandma. But at a certain point, you find someone who knows more about you and your life than you do, you might have to take them at their word.

I was proud of that Chove-it-in Joke. And for the INBR3D License Plate, Again, DMV lady having the mystical power of just taking one Look at Crystal, mentally says to herself "I hear Banjos", and Gave her the License Plate as she saw it.
You know the DMV lady should make an appearance in your comic someday; that would be fucking great. It could be a distant relative of the inhabitants of Summerville.


New Member
Jul 22, 2018

I downloaded fan art from this thread (pages 1 - 300) and uploaded everything to the cloud in one folder for myself.
And decided to share, maybe someone else will find it more convenient.
My plans:
- download all fan art from other pages
- sort them into character folders
- maybe I'll put my favorites in a separate folder

If anyone else interested in this, let me know, I'll be glad =)

link -
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote