
Feb 27, 2018
Alright, let me break this down. This post is about the game and its production.

One side is filled with people not taking into account that this game is DC's livelihood. So, current patrons being unhappy (which a lot of people are also unhappy on the patreon page) can directly affect his life. People vocalizing what they're unhappy about should be important to him. Whether you like or dislike people bitching about it, is of actual no concern. This is how business works. Everyone has a right to be pissed about the way things are done and he has a right to not care, but that will probably negatively affect his income. Something that many of you aren't taking into account. "If you don't it like it, then don't play it or pay for it." I'm guessing you're not successful businessmen. For example, look at Akabur, he used to be pulling in over $10k, but he's so horrendously slow with updates that many of the patrons have left. Fortunately, he says he doesn't really care about the money, so that's actually a plus.

You saying that DC owes them nothing is just a straight fallacy. DC owes his home to them, (I'm assuming this since he said that this would be full time after $6k) his food for his child, his food for his wife, the ability to stay home with them at all times. Even the people who don't support his patreon help with this because the more people who vocalize about it, (good or bad) the more people will check it out. Then those people may become fans and decide to support him financially. The people who actually just have no real criticism are still helping the game at its current state. So, I say, let the bitching continue.

I think he should be more open about what is going on with the inner workings of the project. (and not put that information behind a $5 paywall) Not necessarily spoiler stuff. It can be "I finished up art on this person and now am working on art for a scene." When the only information you hear about the project is a mediocre bar graph that is rarely updated, that easily becomes a point of contention. Most people bitching are talking about how long it takes to update. Personally, it's a little annoying, but until you see how much content is released I think the bitching about that specific thing should be kept to a minimum. The Roxxy update was great, in my opinion. Lots of new story and scenes and since you only have one artist on the project, I really think it was a reasonable amount of time. The Diane update was a little disappointing, but hey, you can't win them all.

I don't like that it takes 5-6 months for an update to happen, but I also am holding off my real feelings towards .18 and its production time until it's released. Until then, I'll just keep shitposting about my minor annoyance over a porn game. ;)

The one thing I actually am truly unhappy about (since two updates ago) how long it takes to assemble the images into an animation. But, then again, I don't know what process they go through to do it, but it seems incredibly inefficient.

Either or, DC does great work, makes great art, and has a good thing going for him. If we keep him happy, I think he'll keep making games for years. I just hope he doesn't get greedy, like I've seen so many patreons fall into. *Cough* Breeding Season *cough*
You do realise that DC actually streams on Picarto everyday (except during week end) and that you can see what he's working on and ask him all kind of questions ? Plus, sure DC got his home, the food for his children etc... with the Patreon money but as far as I know those are donations, and he respected the goals he has set so far. He doesn't ask people to give so he'll make the game, this is more a "plus" (a huuuge plus really).
I agree with you that criticism should be allowed for everyone but on this thread you'll most of time see people being mad cause they don't have their fap material

(Sorry for the broken english)
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Jul 28, 2017
I don't think he *needs* to make any compromises if he doesn't want to. He had clear goals for up to $30k (in terms of what resources he would add) and nothing after that. He hit $30k, got those promised resources, and kept on going. He obviously has some kind of vision that he wants to adhere to, and it seems that no amount of extra money is making him change his mind on adding new people unless they are a great match. And he's been working at the same speed for well over a year now, so I don't understand why the same people keep making the same complaints and "liking" any negative comments like it's going to change anything.
I agree that he's been working at the same speed and it's admirable he's managed to keep from burning out like so many others on this board. My issue is that every update keeps adding more and more things, so working at the same pace and not bringing on anyone new means that inevitably the update pace is going to slow further and further. Announcing that the next update will be the biggest yet immediately after taking the longest time yet to release the current update (before it's even released, to really put salt in the wound) is going to put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths and the complaints and criticism will only get louder. It's obvious that he's frustrated with the delays as much as the rest of us are, so I'm having a hard time understanding why he's preemptively setting up months of bitching rather than delivering a solid Eve update without the added fluff.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
I agree that he's been working at the same speed and it's admirable he's managed to keep from burning out like so many others on this board. My issue is that every update keeps adding more and more things, so working at the same pace and not bringing on anyone new means that inevitably the update pace is going to slow further and further. Announcing that the next update will be the biggest yet immediately after taking the longest time yet to release the current update (before it's even released, to really put salt in the wound) is going to put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths and the complaints and criticism will only get louder. It's obvious that he's frustrated with the delays as much as the rest of us are, so I'm having a hard time understanding why he's preemptively setting up months of bitching rather than delivering a solid Eve update without the added fluff.
the misteries of life...i once questioned myself the same question when the DM presented us with a Tarrasque and our Barbarian just attacked him like it was a "simple" dragon....but to each their own as they say...


Nov 23, 2018
I love how the number of bugfix issues has skyrocketed.
I'm willing to bet most of the issues are tied to the new DEX system. The pragency feature was a major factor in the Diane update being delayed. If the Eve update has an introduction of a new feature, this shit is going to happen again.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
Why does this game even have minigames?

Does anyone actually want more minigames? Why the fuck is so much time wasted on something nobody wants?
I think it's a carry-over from when DC started making this game just to learn how to code for Ren'py.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
Just because you do not like the minigames doesn't everyone else does
i dont really like,but since i stopped paying for it,i just bear with it...but if you put some logic into it,minigames do put a toll in developing speed,if you consider they need a specific program just for little to none benefits(i'm speaking of Dexter's basketball challenge btw,which needs a high lvl of dex and it still is a little too annoying considering it how little benefits it brings),some minigames are funny and get a nice tone to the game(like the lotery of life for diane's/daisy pregnancy),but the basket one and the karaoke/music show was a friggin waste of time that gave more troubles than solved,or more nuisances than laughs....


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
just wait at least 1 more month and you will get the update. lol
well,i dont have any problem with waiting that,since i'm more worried with another game than SS for the next 2 updates(which will probably mean that the nearest hype about a release this thread could give me,is probably fated to happen next year)


Aug 5, 2016
i dont really like,but since i stopped paying for it,i just bear with it...but if you put some logic into it,minigames do put a toll in developing speed,if you consider they need a specific program just for little to none benefits(i'm speaking of Dexter's basketball challenge btw,which needs a high lvl of dex and it still is a little too annoying considering it how little benefits it brings),some minigames are funny and get a nice tone to the game(like the lotery of life for diane's/daisy pregnancy),but the basket one and the karaoke/music show was a friggin waste of time that gave more troubles than solved,or more nuisances than laughs....
Again you not liking them doesn't mean they are a waste of time


Oct 28, 2017
So when is the game going to come to an end? The final version so to speak. Great game but having to start over every update makes it not worth the effort.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
Again you not liking them doesn't mean they are a waste of time
it depends on perspective really,but as far as i seen,those 2 minigames arent really that popular,and by now,it really just costed Dogeek the time and effort to try and correct them just after the release...and just so you know,depending on how complex the code is,programing a minigame is just a friggin headache...take as example the pizza delivery minigame,bugged as fuck when it got released,and it still have its problems,the only advantadge it brought was to some people who didnt used the cheat mode to earn the moeny to buy a car and a house faster...
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Aug 5, 2016
it depends on perspective really,but as far as i seen,those 2 minigames arent really that popular,and by now,it really just costed Dogeek the time and effort to try and correct them just after the release...and just so you know,depending on how complex the code is,programing a minigame is just a friggin headache...take as example the pizza delivery minigame,bugged as fuck when it got released,and it still have its problems,the only advantadge it brought was to some people who didnt used the cheat mode to earn the moeny to buy a car and a house faster...
Summertime saga is not visual novel but a dating sim and I don’t see how removing Gameplay elements from a video game is it is a good thing. Also the music and pizza can be changed though out the development of the game to run better.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
Summertime saga is not visual novel but a dating sim and I don’t see how removing Gameplay elements from a video game is it is a good thing. Also the music and pizza can be changed though out the development of the game to run better.
dating sims minigames are more like the rap contest than the pizza delivery or the basketball ones...heck,there are lots of minigames on dating sims that are more like quizes,so they dont burden the coder with anymore unecessary work....to add even more,basketball minigame and karaoke minigame doesnt even mean anything to you gamewise...take as example the minigames for stats,they have a function there,just as the life loto(which gave a hell of a work for dogeek thanks the pregnancy bugs),the pizza delivery,the fishing and even the tending to Diane's garden....
(a nice example of annoying minigames on porn games are those candycrush/tetris ones)
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