Trust me, me too! Is just that not being a native English speaker some time, is really hard to understand if someone are just joking or not. So every time i need to rewrite or write me comment better

because otherwise look like to much serious!
Anyway this game is to good. Really see someone draw so well, let me think that i made the wrong choice to left me art course. Me too was really good in drawing, But now... it will be years since I touch a pencil to draw seriouslly something.
Anyway i hope that DC adjusts the sex time in mother/Debbie bed. Is really frustrate that every time we need to go back and choice another thing to do.
MC sex time with mother.
stop cuddle
stop kiss
suck tits
stop suck tits.
Why we can just go toward the next action without stop every time the act?
Was not better to do in sequence all the thing? Like in sister room at night?