1. Just to make it clear,DC adds new updates on specific characters,that means 1 character gets an update so when you start the game you can see the new stuff he added,so basically yes you will start a new game but you don't need to do everything from the start,skip all the other characters and focus on the one he added new scenes.
Unfortunately, this is not true, because the progress with the new character is largely intertwined with progress with other characters or bullshit mini games that you can't skip altogether. The last addition I remember was Harold's wife (whatever her name was) and the ordeal I had to go through just for two interesting scenes was what made me quit.
Sure, it's a great concept, I like the art, the story too, but the basic game design and development is either retarded or specifically designed to milk that sweet Patreon money. If someone is desperate enough to play a minor addition every five months with no end in sight, I can't protect you from yourselves, but what I'm going to do is focus on and support developers who offer considerably higher value with a
much lower budget (Lewdlab, Stiglet, CheekyGimp, Jikei, etc.).
Like… do you even realise what an ethical and eager developer would be able to do with
$250,000 in five months?! Bloody heck, that's enough for a whole new game that is longer and without bugs! Pillars of Eternity raised around $4 million and took about 2 years to complete, yet here we have a broken porn game in bloody Ren'Py with a budget that already exceeds at least half a million USD and has taken almost 3 years.
2. Why did you came back if you stopped following it about a year ago then ?
Because I looked at the top rated games here and was surprised to still see this up there.
"all those gullible idiots who actually continue to pay are the worst plague of this Patreon porn genre because other developers see this and think: “Hey, if this jerk can get away with it, then let's try to milk this as much as possible too!” first of all you are the worst plague of the world because like everyone else you can't stop whining about everything and starts shitposting every time.
So a mildly critical post after about a year makes me worse than those who support developers who are releasing broken updates despite earning in the excess of $50k per month and produce the same or even less amount of content compared to when they were earning 1% of that, thus encouraging other developers to adopt the same model? Sure, sure…
And people who actually pay DC they're paying him because SS is still one of the best games out there and people like them actually pays him because they like this game and they wanna see it completed.
Good luck!

You might see progress in the main story in about five years and then
maybe it will get an ending in ten years or so.
Can't you see that as soon as he finishes the game, it will likely be all over? His income will drop considerably because he likely won't be able to generate the same hype for his potential next game, thus he's motivated to keep developing this very game for as long as possible. He's found a gold mine and if he shuts it down and moves to find another one, he risks never finding it.