I'd like to see a patch focused on interactions between story lines and characters. As a one patch break from all the single character focuses.
Add several events that would require different characters be at certain points in their story and you get some scenes that add depth to their relationships with each other not just you (and threesomes and stuff too obviously)
Like if you have June and Judith at a certain level you can invite them over for a role playing game with you and Erik. If you have Ronda and Roxxy at a certain level you attend a sports awards ceremony and party with them after. Mia and Roxxy address their over and under parenting in some context (and then you get over and under them because, well, adult game
Fun for the story to see how other characters know and interact with each other, fun for the eye when the MC gets it on with them.
... or not. The single character patches are good too and I've liked how all the votes have gone even though I've only paid to vote in one of them. We all have some great taste lol.