I finally played this game. I'm actually surprised how much I liked it. The three female family members are my favorite so far. The scenes are quite well done lots of work put into them.
Things I liked to see in the future
-Threeways with Aunt/mother, sister/mother, aunt/sister, and maybe mom/Mrs. Johnson.
-I'd love to mess around with Iwanka Rump!
-A point when the MC's sister doesn't want to kill him after every sex scene. A little more romantic or something.
-A better quest log. Their were a few times when I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do, with the mom quest.
-Finally just scenes with more people.
Questions "I haven't look at the Patron yet"
-Is There anything else with Mia besides getting kiss rejected by her?
-Is anyone else not allowed to use the back button on dialog or did the game developer turn that off for some reason?
-Can the MC impregnate character in the future?