Alright, so this is just my opinion as a software developer on the current status of the game and the latest update.
At the moment to me it looks like an insult to all the supporters. It took 2 months to deliver 3 (!) H-scenes. I understand that it's only the beginning of the those routes (mom, Mia, Erik's mom) and in the future we may see more (or may not since the next 2 updates are already planned for different chars).
I also understand that Patreon is not a job but a tip collection platform. But come on, if you collect 16-17-18+ thousand dollars per month in the form of tips and it still takes you (and your team) 2 damn months to finish 3 scenes... then that's not a 'team' and that's not a gamedev project. That's a shame and - I did not want to use that word - milking.
At the moment money stopped being a motivating factor for DC and change nothing. As someone earlier in the thread said, throwing more money at it does not give any result any more. As we've seen for the last 5 (that's almost half a year) months, the speed stays the same - 2-3 H-scenes per update.
I understand that is a hand drawn art not a 3DCG so it may take more time to actually finish all the visuals but there's no way in hell 250 variations based on 20 templates (already drawn poses/faces/places) take 2 months - hope we all understand that DC reuses pics with small changes and does not draw every update from scratch). The coding - don't even get me started on that. Renpy is a simple scripting language and if takes 2 months (or even 1 month, even 2 weeks) for DC's team to code an update as small as 0.14... damn, even it's your friends, just fire those incompetent bastards. With the current volume of content and keeping in mind you said to your patrons you quit your job the game is all you focus on - it should not take more than 3 weeks even if put in only 50% of your time.
I am no one to tell DC what to do with his game, I'm just a patron of his on Patreon but damn man.
At current speed we will soon see how DC gets 20-30-40k a month in tips while still delivering 2-3 H-scene updates and that bothers me as a developer (here someone usually says that I just envy his success and money - nope, my hourly rate is high enough to let me not have any envy towards his financial success) and a supporter. We are ending up in the situation where 0.2 will be out somewhere in September 2018 (!) and we are safe to assume how much content we'll be getting with every next update.
I don't think DC will suddenly change his team's approach since we proved to be incapable of managing his team in the first place - therefore I think we will see more underwhelming updates and more people frustrated with the support/result ratio.
To all of those who will say "it's not finished game, he develops it and allows you to test pieces of it" - well, if you develop a game and release public updates while presenting them as new chapters in the story then it's not an unfinished game, nope. That's called continuous development where every deployed version is considered (and is) finished. So may not judge the whole game but its chapters - and that's what I've tried to do.
Thanks for reading. Hope it wasn't too random and sorry for the typos.