No one is trying to do anything of the sort, and the people who look "foolish" are doing it to themselves.
Think about it, these people who are so upset about the state of the game, are at times unhinged, calling other forum posters cuck suckers and dick riders, saying that they're being paid by the Dev and are shills for the game. And they'd be shills for what? For imaginary money or back pats? Does that seem reasonable to you? Looks pretty foolish to me...
The truth is, this isn't about the people supposedly defending the game, and this isn't about someone else's money, like some people claim is oh so important.
No, what this is, is people who are more than likely 13 or 14 years of age, who don't know how to wait and to cope with not getting what they want, when they want it. And because of that, they lash out because they're not mentally developed enough to handle disappointment.
Because they didn't get what they want, the dev also needs to be punished monetarily or with abandoned tags (lol), and we've seen plenty of those posts.
I have zero control over when releases happen, nor do I have any control on how much, or what content is released, and you know what? I'm perfectly fine with that. Life goes on and it doesn't cost me a dime. There are more important things in life.
My advice for anyone who doesn't know how to handle the situation, is to take your hand off your junk, get up from your seat and go outside and get some air. Find another hobby for the time being.