Good job, man! Voting for the tech update was totally a good idea. There were no signs by DC that he was going to milk us dry previous to this update! : )
well at that time it seem a good idea
thinking it will open up routes for new quests etc. not knowing the recent content will be taken out entirely
I think you are to optimistic, DC has shown no interest in adding new content.
well being optimistic was not my intent, as personality i always give people a chance once or thrice
tbh all this procedure can be handled better imo. but overall blindly defending or blindly bad mouthing never should be the way of reacting to a badly handled situation imo.
from my perspective as an old supporter. coding and posing was always hectic.
and lets be honest
are there better games in this platform or any other ? yes there are.
are there worse handled games ? yes there are.
could this update handled differently ? absolutely.
will all the questions above change anything ? Never!
so again for the sake of the 4000+ pages here lets calm down because DC will never join and answer anything here. so instead of argueing one can take action such as not playing the game or unsubscribing from the game. at the end of the day this is not
a life and death situation.
as i stated in my original post see you in 2 years Summertime Saga
P.S: saying 2 years! now it is optimistic
peace and love to all the good people here