I haven't been following this game at all except occasionally checking for updates, but I do hope for a couple things to happen eventually:
1) that a few paths get adjusted or even remade. Namely, the redhead friend's mom paths & Mia's paths (including her mom & church etc.). They both either have meh art, are lacking in content, or just have very awkward story/scene execution, or sometimes all three. I never liked the friend, he was always irritating and just got in the way, and his mom doesn't do anything for me. But it's still a path that isn't fully realized imo. I did really like Mia, though, so it's a shame she has such little content given how long she's existed in the game. And also, I think she's the only character in the game where you have to pick between her and her mom, which is dumb considering no one else has that limitation; it doesn't remotely follow the rest of the game's logic.
and 2) there's still some girls that have zero content. The hispanic girls are the main ones for me that come to mind; was really sad when I first played it slowly finding out they had nothing except a lame shower tease. And some more content for trailer blondie's friend Missy. Big fan of her look & personality in-game, but no solo content
There are others, too.
Feel free to tell me none of this is ever gonna happen blah blah, this is just a drive-by for my own benefit but maybe others agree.
Also, just my opinion: I've always thought the trailer park chick being
the popular girl and being friends with Missy & the redhead, which seem on the richer side, didn't make much sense. Seems more appropriate for a spoiled blonde taking her place, and the trailer girl having her own friend group.. or maybe even none, maybe she's only 'popular' with the guys for being easy? Then her path basically becomes like.. a 'redeemed slut' path or something. Eh, doesn't really matter in the end and it's obvious the dev is trying to be efficient, which is fine. But it's always been a pet peeve for me