That's because DC (for now) took her questline out with this update. Because he's trying to remaster his game with updated graphics for a game that's not even finished. Remember, it's taken two years for him to even release this new version, but it's basically him taking ten steps back. I wouldn't have mind if DC decided to just abandon this thread just to start a new thread titled, "Summertime Saga Remastered." I'm all for having a game at its best, but he could have done this AFTER completing the game. Or at least give us new stuff, while he's updating the old stuff. But if he's doing this because he's trying to figure out what to do next, I got one word, Annie.
I've been waiting for her route since 2018 when I started playing this game. And in this 6 years, there have been no progress on that route whatsoever. I'm convinced that DC doesn't care about the playerbase, all he cares about is the moolah.