Possibly, since it has been over 2 years since I last played this game. I'm not so sure about that last statement you made. Since almost immediately after this thread got the "abandoned" tag on it, DC released version 21.0.0 WIP.4008. Which at that time actually did have almost 80% of all playable content gone.
If you look into the thread people were arguing about that very issue. Because almost a week after 21.0.0 WIP.4008 came out DC released 21.0.0 WIP.5003. most likely to replace all of the missing playable content that he took out.
Considering that due to the fact that I never downloaded 21.0.0 WIP.4008 I can only speculate on what others have said since I myself haven't played this game in a few years. Which goes back to my point that DC at this point doesn't care about anything but money. Especially since one of the rules of this site is that if a game in progress hasn't updated in one year, or 6 months without any update progress by the creator it must have the "abandoned" tag.
Interestingly enough, most, if not all of the game from the previous version before the Tech Update is still there, just locked out. That includes all of the older art, plus the newer stuff that's ready for the rig, whatever that means. There was an earlier post in here, asking about the tech update, and I've unzipped and taken a look at the folders, finding that their system is completely redone. Every single aspect of the characters have been split up and recategorized, and given their own series of folders, that sit within folders, that sit within folders and so on. There's even a new character there that's never been in the game to date.
"Can anyone please advise how to stitch together game characters in Ren'Py using the latest assets? Arms, body and face seems to be in separate folders now - I suppose, there is a piece of code that combines it all."
The amount of time it's probably going to take to put everything into this updated system is going to be extensive. I had made mention of this before, but the Jenny character has over a thousand images. I can imagine the main character has four to five times that number. I'm not going to pretend I understand it, but it's what's happening.
Addressing the money issue, I think it's fair to say that pretty much every developer is looking to cash in on their work. The only difference I'm seeing here, is that DC isn't locking away his game behind a pay wall, and you can download it from his site for free, whereas people come here to steal games.