Maybe I've missed it, but I don't recall anyone doing a "victory dance" over the loss of content.
well rather late to the news about patreon forcing a change on this game, I did go back and read some posts since it first announced, but not all.
Am not surprised many on this forum are unhappy about it, as this forum does seem to be mostly filled with incest friendly people. However, its not something I like, so am very happy to hear about the change.
That's just one I saw today in this thread. I've been seeing a lot of people around here happily noting more games removing incest or getting started without incest in the first place (likely out of fear of getting shut down by Patreon), and that shit sounds like a celebration of censorship to me.
Well, whatever you feel about incest patches, the fact that this has actually changed the direction of DC's development of Summertime Saga should clue people the fuck in that this makes a difference and is bad. If people don't want to make incest games because they don't like to, that's 100% their call. Totally fine with me. If people
can't, however, because they are forbidden to by an external party, then that's some bullshit that concerns everybody. Because this won't just stop with incest unless people make it stop.