Played through 15.0, and only bugged twice. Once I honestly don't remember where it was (I just clicked 'ignore' four or five times, and it progressed through the event), and the other time I had the Aunt Diane dinner, watch-a-movie-with-Mom-a-second-time, and the sneak into the school at night events all trigger on the same day. So I got stuck where it was after midnight, so I couldn't go to school or Erik's house, and I couldn't go to bed before sneaking into the school.... which I was locked out of doing because it was so late. My save was from earlier that same game day, so I was able to redo everything and progress, so no worries.
Honestly, if that's the worst of my complaints I'm a happy camper. This update was the first time I played through from scratch since the .12 versions, and it remains by a fair margin the best adult game I've ever played. I have a few niggles and issues with certain things - while the reworked Mom path feels much more organic and natural and believable in its build up, the way she turns into a complete dick-obsessed horndog after consummating sexytime is a little contrived, for example - but overall, the game is outstanding.
My only suggestion for improvement is that with something like a dozen or so 'fuckables' in the game, it's a little weird that only like five of them deem it appropriate to blow MC, and one of them doesn't do it to completion. That's contrary to real life (because I demand realism in H games! lol), and including more oral content would add variety to the flow. In particular, both the Helen and Mia paths would benefit greatly from oral scenes. In the former, moar Holy Seed ingestion! In the latter, it's an option for maintaining her purity. Also, I really like blowjobs.
One other suggestion: Not that it needs to happen with any great urgency, but at night when MC goes to bed, he should have more than two options to think about when jerking off. Like I said, he's actively banging around a dozen women at this point. He'd have more options to choose from than his Mom and the neighbor girl. But that's a nice-to-have feature for a more complete version of the game.