Umm, I really would like to know what happened with your game. Because the helen angelica traning variable is False, but after I can get into the house, then I found Helen in corset... WTF? 0.o Also Harold is nowhere and it seems the game is in that state where you choose to have sex with Helen in the church (but the church doesn't even unlocked), so Harold and Helen broke up and you even can have sex with Helen when you go to her... But on the other hand in the evening you can go there to study with Mia like nothing happened.
Most. Weird. Thing. Ever.
You can go through on this with cheat of course, but it would be better so start over (unfortunately). You can use the M_mia.set('front door locked', False) command to unlock the door and see what I just wrote here.
Also you can pick up the ring from the attic.
And the cat also.
But that quest is the part of Mia's quest if I remember right. :O