Hello, I have a bug with the mission when I have to get into school at night with Erick.
I triggered that event on Saturday and it let me get into school with Erick, saw those people walking throught the hall, went after them and then he said to go to Mrs. Smith's office, but when I click ' Get back to the hallway ' it got me outside of the school and said ' School is closed at night ' then my map turns gray ( as it indicates I have a mission to do ) but I can't get back in the school. Luckly I had a save and just slept on Saturday. I thought ' Hey, I might be able to get past this if I go to school on Monday night ' but I can't sleep on Sunday because it says ' you need to meet Erick at night ' and I do not have a save before this event so I cannot undo the meeting with Erick, is there a way to skip the night? And if not, does anyone have a save with ~ sister on cam show, mom on shower and teachers like halfway throught the story ~ ? + the console code for max stats, please.
I hope I am not too specific and I explained well my problem, thank you.