I just hope he uses the old content updates to unlink some story elements.
Personally I find it a bit annoying when I want to progress a characters story but get locked out of it because I am not far enough with another character.
This is especially tedious for the agility stat since it is linked to the sister story which is kinda linked to the mother.
Maybe it's not needed, but I play without a guide and just like to max stats asap to get stat requirements out of the way.
While it's of course nothing gamebreaking it's just bad design imo and also is probably why the cheating start stats was removed because the way it is linked into the story it just breaks stuff.
Also while I like the family content, it gets reworked all the time. Meanwhile you have Mia which I honestly don't know why not more people are mad about it. The Mia update was the worst he ever put out. It is a lot of loose ends and filler content that won't go anywhere anytime soon. You can't even have all content in the same playthrough because of choice and it ends in like 1 little scene for both. The Mia one is especially low effort.
I hope he has planned the content for the next year because with implementing of choices he writes himself into a corner and with his constant rewriting of old stuff it is prone to breaking things.