yeah,but she is so bland that no one wants to vote on her,back to when i was still pledging to DC,i voted on her in a poll for next content,and she got 7 vote,counting with me....kinda sad eh?
Her participation on Ross questline kinda fits in what could i say,DC trying to see if her popularity rises a little(just as Civil War tried to revive that certain Captain popularity) and people gets more interest in seeing anymore content for her.
The biggest problem is that everything she could have to call some more attention from the public,is so weakly inserted on her that any other character who bear any similarity fill better,she could be the simple shy girl who likes the MC,but Mia beats her so bad that she already have her own content.Ok,she could be the nerdy/geeky girl,there's still that,but June got that role designed on her character,so yeah,not this time Judith,but maybe we could put her on the bullieds team,however,her bullies(the Latinas) are way inferior on that role that MC and Erik bullies(that are Dexter and Roxxy) yeah,she is the bland girl,but even the bland girl needs one characterist who attracts the attention of the public,and until now Judith only have inverted nipples and cant wear bras.....just that....(oh there is her obssession for the MC)