Ren'Py - Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.5605] [Kompas Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I Think it is too Overated even though it is popular and it was mention a lot yes it has good art and sex script also what I like the renpy engine is that they have done a work that other didnt do was open world map in this game, but sadly the update is too slow then it will be perfect game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    SummerTime Saga was my first game of this genre. I immediately loved it. Several good points: the graphics are good. the story is gripping. lots of characters to interact with. There is humor too. Now I am looking for a lot of games of the same genre.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Bueno el juego implementa muchos personajes y todos se pueden desarrollar unos mas que otros pero es bueno el juego pero en muchas ocasiones tanto texto aburre y mas si el ingles no es tu lengua materna ya que cansa un poco leer tanto ingles.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The whole Summertime Saga could be splitted in 2 main parts.
    The 1st one, the good one that approximately was released almost 2 years ago and the 2nd-actual one, which is only a bland attempt of struggling in keeping the game alive, or mostly people hooked with the promise of releasing new content within a X date. There're lots of fanboys on this forum, most of them don't even accept a negative review or attack others, nothing wrong with that within certain limits and if you really like something, but the excuses I read over months-years are getting r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s. Patreon is indeed made for supporting an artist, but when the same guy takes advantage of it(as it's basically now his job), then you can't justify further. It'd be interesting to see the same situation with Kickstarter and eventually deadlines to respect.

    Apart that why 3 stars? (scroll down for the newest rating)
    For the reasons explained and as I enjoyed a lot having fun with Jenny, the sexy auntie and the puzzles-interactions with old characters in-game. They were funny, not soulless and mostly you had somewhat a story to follow, excluding the lame-coding, which after years it's at the level of a beginner or amateur(same with the Rick and Morty's game if you know that).
    The negative part comes instead from the lack of interesting updates, an atrocious new plot and so many fillers regards stereotypes and politics that I was almost tempted to skip the whole dialogues for a while.
    Remarkable it's instead the short Halloween release, mostly as I like the goth girl, but it can't fix 2 years of delays and low quality.

    For the rest SS is a game that I'd in any case suggest to fans of genre and similar games,but that over years lost what made it interesting. Moreover I'm pretty sure the game won't be finished in other 3-4 years and still people will justify the dev, no matter what and in a neverending circle.

    EDIT(update 0.20.8): I think the game will follow 2 directions now, that is random updates, or releases based on patreons' tastes, even more than before and introducing new(useless) characters. In any case the main story was pretty much rushed, after all these YEARS I was expecting a little more, even the Aqua's quest chain was more interesting than this. 5 months(7 if you exclude the small halloween update) for such a dull and common story is a joke.
    The new scenes? Boring, not detailed, again a side view and you can't see a damn thing. The only one I'd save is the 2nd scene with Nadya on the sofa and that's it. If you don't understand my point try to compare them to 2-3 years old scenes(Roxxy,Eve,even Debbie's oldest ones). That's why I'll decrease my rating. At this point I don't even see a reason for being a patreon or just to follow this game further. The fanboys will keep defending him, they'll never admit the game has gone downhill, people with a bit of common sense will understand that he's pranking his own patreons.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well made game, very deserving of a 5 star rating across the boards. Art is unique, characters are unique, story is unique, scenes are exceptional, enjoyment through the roof. There are no bad qualities about this game, this is what a game should be.

    Art: 5/5
    Characters: 5/5
    Story: 5/5
    Progression: 5/5
    Content: 5/5
    Enjoyment: 5/5
    Overall: 5/5
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    summertime saga is an example of a well made product
    the story is well written and thought-out the characters and fun and enjoyable
    The Art is of a more western style which is a nice change of pace where most other games have a 3dcg or an eastern style to them and its well drawn to top it off
    there is plenty of sex animations story elements some mini-games some better then others
    overall I recommend this game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Summertime Saga is my very first VN I've ever tried. I'm not a fan of cartoon graphic paste. But this one really charmed me. The story is nice and the fact that I can travel freely around the city makes it even more depth to the game. The management of finances and jobs in order to be able to buy items that are almost required to continue the story are interesting, even if a lot of items are already present, but at the end are not yet useful. I love the political drawings of the different characters and their stories are just as interesting. It's very daring and successful at the same time. For the rest from what I've seen, I'm looking forward to seeing the next updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much to say that hasn't already been said. Normally I'll break the review into PROS and CONS but there's no point in a long drawn out explanation of this game. Cant believe at the time of this review this game is 5 years old. 5 YEARS and its not only outlasted almost every other game in its genre its also remained "The Champ".

    Now, "The Champ" definitely has had its share of flaws. Aside from game-breaking bugs and glitches, particularly the redesigns in recent years. Redesigned animations that actually somehow make certain scenes worse. It also has a weird development cycle. Lastly the saves used to not work with each update which made me only play it once a year. But everytime I comeback I'm reminded of the the character diversity, awesome memorable legendary sex scenes, characters with the same face that still grow on you aka memorable characters, awesome simple plot and awesome game mechanics besides the minigames.

    Of course this is a masterpiece, of course you should play, and of course use the wiki.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Charming story set in a white suburb of the American dream. Gameplay is a point and click visual novel with a few unintrusive minigames thrown in. Game world build with quite a lot of variety: you get to screw your shy classmate, cheerleader, teacher, neighbor lady, good old nurse, mom, ... a fish and, possibly, even a cat. All of it wrapped in a pleasant art style and unpredictable story lines.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Summertime Saga is actually one of the most enjoyment I've had out of an H-game I've had. The sex animated sex scenes were great, the animation felt nice, clean, and smooth. I enjoyed the characters. It has lots of variety in its appeal to fetishes, which is nice.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    RG Coballion

    Interesting history, it is not everything about sex scenes, also character history lines all well structured, you can follow the evolution and understand the relationship of your decisions and their consecuences. It is a comic like animation but very well made, I personally enjoyed it. I recommend it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely in the Top 5 of this generation .The characters are really well done in both appearances and personalities and there is a lot of content and mini games to keep you occupied and wanting more . Keep up the good work
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Scripting makes all the difference! There are a lot of competently coded games with arguably higher quality artwork, but this one excels in the most commonly overlooked area: STORY. Characters are well developed and consistent, the dialog is funny, and as an added bonus you never feel trapped by terrible choices among terrible people. This is a fun game that doesn't insult your intelligence, easily one of my all-time favorites.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games on this site. I can't recommend it enough.
    1. The main character is likable. He's kind of naive but he doesn't come off as a smooth brain.
    2. The side characters have genuine depth to them. You actually begin to care about the characters as you play their stories.
    3. This game has an absolute shit-ton of content. That includes a nearly complete main storyline.
    4. Updates for this game or relatively frequent. The developer deeply engages with his audience on Patreon. (that's why this game is extremely well-funded)
    5. The artwork is beautiful and continues to improve for a 2-D game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    St. Nix

    Simply amazing. I know 2D games is so hard to make it fast. I truly wanna fastest update from DC but, i know 2D arts doesn't need any kind of rush. So, be patient for the update. It maybe kinda long, but trust me. IT'S FREAKIN' WORTH IT!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    i sincerely believe that this is one of the games that are competing for the best 2D adult video game to appear on this website. Just all the scenarios and options you have at your disposal is amazing. The game also provies a check sheet so you always know what you can do to advance indiviual character and main stories. The animations are great espescially those from more recent releases. As long as you don't need your games to be planted in reality then I believe you'll enjoy this one.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The story of this game is amazing, it isn't build slowly or fast but perfectly, both the main story and every single character worked on. I consider it to be an original story even though it isn't finished since it has so much content already and was one of the first games I fell in love with. The renders are top quality and unique. One of the key aspects for a game's quality, IMO, are the animations, which this game isn't S+ tier but still S tier, at least. As I said before, the game isn't finished but still has so much content you will probably need more than one day to finish it! My first language isn't english so when it comes to grammar I'm probably not the best to speak, but I'll still rate it as perfect since I don't think I ever stumbled upon a single grammar mistake. I'm not a fan of sandbox games but this game does it so well that I honestly don't mind it. The last thing I'll rate are the bugs and I would probably rate it as a 4/4.5 because I may have gotten a bug or two when I played the first version of an update here and there, I'll not rate it lower since bugs should be expected in those versions of an update!
    I would rate SS as it is a 4.5, if I could. Since I cant do halves, I'll round it up to a 5 stars, hoping I don't regret it when it gets complete.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is what got me interested in these types of games. The story is good. The character development is good. Most importantly, the art is good. PLUS the scenes are animated which most games fail to do. It may be multiple years in the making but it is solid which is a credit to the development. Just my opinion but I don't think I'm alone.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Some characters are really lovely with good stories behind it, like that pizza store content.
    + Even tho there are problems and not enough main content it's still mostly well-written.
    + Art style is unique, and looks decent.
    + Sex scenes have animations and they are decent.
    +Have some good references like Walter White reference can make you laugh.

    Bad Points
    -MC is realy weird dude. Even his hair cut tells this us cleary. Come on man? You are earning thousand bucks go and get youself haircut dont look like bowl. Joke's aside in one questline we got cool hair but it doesnt effect main game this is pretty disappointed and its lead us to other bad point.
    -Yes we have lots of content but that contents dont effect our main game at all. For example MC changes his hair for Talent Show and its looks realy good but after that little scene we never saw him with that hair again. Its like that scene never happened. DEV need make this contents connected with main story/game to. This is normaly how things work and need to work. If it doesnt effect main game at all why I'm playing that quests? Why I'm wasting my time?
    -And that ''Lots of content'' sometimes feels pretty bad for story. I mean its like main story is not important at all. We have lots of different route for girls/women but in all that content main story looks pretty less and petty. DEV should add more main story content and less character routes and with this way main story could be more balanced with game.
    - Most of characters are really annoying, rude and bitchy, even tho they got development and become better later on it still doesn't change how annoying their content/character were until they become better and you had to bear their bullshit. Writers not thinking players might not like them as a love interests after how they acted is wild, like seriously why the hell Roxxy says things like ''Didn't your deadbeat loser of father kill himself or something?'' to the MC? It make no sense some characters acting too over the top like this despite being a love interests to the MC.
    - Right mouse button doesn't lead to save page like all other Renpy games, and that wastes your time if you are saving a lot and like that aint enough our right mouse button in save screen is used for overwriting the saves along with original feature, which feature lets you exit and go back to game, so when you right click it shows ''overwrite'' screen and it makes you waste more time.
    - Position of quick-menu is really bad, it should have been at the bottom of the screen like all other games have, it makes no sense it to be middle right corner.
    - Bed icon should be on the HUD, not on the map HUD.
    - This game started getting developed in 2016, and as you know we are in 2024, so normally it should have finished years ago already, but no it's not finished, because DEV was adding very little content with every update, dragging the game for no valid reason for years and not adding enough content, then at some point he decided to remake the game, even tho main story didn't had enough content or paths of girls/women, and didn't done good job with it like he never did and it did take years him to release ''pre-tech'' update, then he released two ''wip'' updates with new tech, basically a remake of the game with 16:9 resolution and better art and art quality, but with far lesser content and without a lot of old feature the game has like money earning mechanics, etc. Currently the game don't have even have half of the old content the game had, and updates are too slow that even reaching the old content level of the game can take years with this speed, so I wouldn't say it was worth all those years of wait, or worth waiting for new updates either. It was something can and should be done in months of work, not years, and the game should have at least have the old content added in the new version already at this point, regardless to say this game had very messy development and even today things are not going well. It's 8 years old game with nowhere close to finish the main story nor paths of girls/women, and that's huge con.

    For The End
    There was a time I gave this game 4 stars and praised for the main story and how well-written characters are, but after 8 years and very messy development cycle, and DEV still not fixing his messy development style, sadly this game is not worth playing, and at this point it will never finish, since updates takes too much time and adds very little content, gotta milk I guess, right?
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2596230

    Beyond excellent. One of the best lewd stories I've ever experienced. The writing is superb, much higher quality than you typically find in adult games, and very well structured. Minigames are fun and not a chore, art style is incredible, story is excellent.