VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sun Breed [v1.0] [SuperWriter]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I give 5 stars - mainly for the coolly written interactions between the girls. In addition, the main character can be liked, and this is already a big plus in this type of game. The story itself is also quite engaging. Maybe the ending itself is a little worse than the rest, but not enough to lower the rating.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I walked into this with extremely low expectations, given the devs previous work, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's probably 3.5 Stars for me.

    It's plagued by the same issues that their other games are. Slightly creepy, frozen expressions, the women always a little bit too close in conversation shots which feels weird and unnatural, the writing... being a bit too self-indulgent. As always the story is largely forgettable.

    But having said all that, it kinda works as a character study. It works when it's exploring the relationship between the sisters. The MC really doesn't matter much, other than being the focus point of the relationship.

    It's ok.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is good. I won't say it's SuperWriter's best work. Though SW has written some impressive pieces, they can't all be bangers. While the direction can be somewhat predictable at times, tropes being what they are, the story itself is a unique telling and is well told. However, I will caution the underpinning premises of the MC's origin take some liberties with the "science" bits that are injected into the plot.

    For starters, not really sure how a vampire is supposed to be literally born when the circulatory system is pushing blood at such a slow rate as to make molasses seem fast (I think I recall something like 20 over 4?). Either the circulatory isn't strong enough to push the blood or there's simply not enough blood to support the additional life... unlife? On top of that, with such a low blood pressure, it would be highly unlikely our MC would have the blood flow to get Little MC up.

    Anyway, I understand we're meant to suspend our disbelief, but it's far easier to do that when you aren't inserting science on us. People suspend their disbelief for magic and the unknown, not for everyday science. This part of the story feels contrived in a way to evoke feelings of Twilight but without all the unnecessary sparkle and tacking on a harem. Approve the harem, not so much the Twilight.

    Lastly, a vampire spawn in a human mother would just drain the mother--that blood is dinner, and the kid'll eat well. Meanwhile birth from a vampire mother would kill the child (in this universe, vampire blood is poison to other vampires, unless we handwave that for the mother). Now of course, conceptually, it's "poison" to circulate the wrong blood type in people so it sort of makes sense, but it isn't explained like that in any roundabout way by the two medical students, leaving me to believe it's more like eating rat poison than getting the wrong blood type... and that's no good for a vampire kid.

    Setting aside the general premise of our MC's existence, I'm also bothered by the vampire LIs confusion over common things. I get the part about not really understanding technology, they are in their 60s (but don't look a day over 21)... but they're only in their 60s. How do they not know what camping is? It's not a foreign concept for characters that would've come about around 1960. If you're going to do this, at least make them a little older. Like... maybe 300, 350, many generations older. I mean, there's a good chance they would still understand the concept as they've had to adapt to the changing times, but at least there's some wiggle room.

    Outside of the question of how our MC exists (and silly character misunderstandings), the story is good. (slightly spoilery, nothing big) Some mythical BBEG comes back to haunt our cast on the 15th anniversary of the MC's vampire father and human mother passing, and only he, the daywalker, the man between two worlds, the... Sun Breed... only he can be the one to fix this as the child in the middle because of the tenuous threads holding a secret mixed humano-vampiric society together.

    Of the LIs, my favorites are Camilla and Aditi. Camilla because of her personality, which is similar to Najah but without the violence; Aditi because she's hot and rational. Najah's a little too campy, it's difficult to take her seriously at her most violent when half the time she acts like a big kid playing Inquisitors and Vampires (it's like Cops and Robbers, but more fantasy).

    Graphics are pretty solid. Animations are short and basic, but good. I watch an animation, I don't feel like an emphasis was put on a single part of the model for movement. No, everything moves and I really appreciate that level of detail.

    Sound is good, no complaints there.

    Going to knock a point off for the story feeling a little contrived and asking me to suspend a little too much of my disbelief while trying to dip the sci-fi pen into the fantasy ink well, but other than that it's a solid outing. Four stars.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Sun Breed [v1.0] I like the plot idea, I just didn't like the way it was executed. It seemed like there were whole sections missing which made things confusing there were a lot of scenes that didn't drive the story and seemed to be put in as a filler. The girls were good looking but I really didn't have a real connection with any of them.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting idea and glad to see that someone took a spin on the vampire society.

    The girls are all unique in their looks. They are not just some generic renders that you can find in other games. Also they change their appearance and clothes few times during the game.

    You are presented with choise along the way but to be honest I did not felt (or maybe I did not played properly) that it change too much. The love interest are written nicely, and you feel the bond between them, and how close they are. To be apreciated that MC is not written as a douchebag and neither as an immature 15 years old. The girls do not like him for his big dick but unfortunetly it does not explain too much why the girls like him that much.


    I did not apreciated the fact that at the beginning of the game you are offered a walkthrough just to be redirected to the patreon page. I believe that there are better way out there to gain supporters, quality game and consistents updated beeing two of them. The sex scene are not so often and dev is not going too much in depth with them. Otherwise the renders are of very good quality and is visible that the dev put quite a bit of effort on them.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    good game but the ending feels rushed, after the funeral scene felt like Devolper wanted to end the game quickly to go to the next project.

    Hoping season 2 at some point

    the story is decently good, experiments and scenes, girls enjoyed.

    Was was the entire point of the girl's mother (Vampire) telling his human sisters that she'll owe them in the future but nothing comes up in the rest of the game.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Wasn't this VN abandoned for a year or longer? I was glad to see it back, but then shit went sideways. I'm honestly just glad that Val's hair isn't in the batter any more.

    So right there in the change log: In-game walkthrough mod
    But when you start the VN and it asks you if you want to activate the walkthrough, IT ASKS FOR A CODE! Why bother putting it in there if you don't have access? Great ploy to drum up some supporters.

    Every time you interact with the human roommates, I get sex scenes with the vamp girls. Why?

    Writhing is good
    Renders are good

    What kept me from giving this VN 4 stars is listed above. Back when this VN was first released I actually liked it. Then it was forgotten about.
    Good luck to SuperWriter, but I'm passing on this one.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The game started off with so much promise before the rework, sad how it's going into another super writer fashion.

    As a guy who love vampire stories, this one had me hooked early on in development.

    The love interest were written nicely, and you felt the bond between them, and how close they were.

    So at the start the human sisters were presented as not having much of a social life outside of speaking to mc, sleeping, YES correct sleeping in the bed with the mc, tits out and everything, and completely devoted to finding a cure for the MC, and were presented as virgins. Now they apparently had boyfriends and college, and more, which goes against how they were presented. It was not known, hinted at, or nothing that the human sisters had boyfriends, or sexual experiences until late in the game.

    Before they were presented as being closer than normal with the mc, even they showered nude together (that the dev removed) btw for some reason.

    All of that got smashed into bits with the current writing of the human sisters.

    Also, the dialog has gotten pretty bad, with bad English, and void of any emotion.

    It's the same with the sex scenes as well.

    The sex scenes are short, and in 0.9 with the human sisters, it's just not satisfying in one bit, with no build up towards it.

    It just happens and it's over, yup.

    I can say the only positive is the renders, tho.
    They are solid.

    Everything else is pretty meh in terms of story in writing, and of the characters.

    Like in super writer fashion, the game had a HIGH promising start, then starts hitting rock bottom as time goes on.

    Overall, this is just my opinion, 0.9 of the game.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This game was good for vampire and supernatural enthusiasts, tries to immerses players despite being a kinetic novel(-1 start for me). It features a strong, likable adult protagonist, two enticing sisters, and two childhood friends, all well-crafted characters. The love interests are unique and appealing and beautiful(3 stars) as is typical of Superwriter's work. It was mediocre before 0.9 but it changed after that. The dialogues became more tedious and booring .There was too much of info dump before mating with human friends .I hate to force myself to read on fear i would loose some vital info.And finally the first sex scene with the duo was bland .From being weired out of sex to suddenly have sex .No buildup .Nope they even didn't have even a kiss .The vampires suggested to be in harem and they were like mmhh.. okay. At least camilia had seen his dick so it counts for common porn troupe. (-1 star)

    The unexpected revelation about the human sisters' virginity status deep into the game was disappointing.They always slept with mc with tits out .They were even dedicated to cure him all time. But somehow they had multiple bfs in the past and the mc was not aware. I have played many other games where the LI is not virgin like summer with mia which was fantastic since mia was strong and experience women . But the human sisters in this game have been portrayed as naive and prudent characters who has no social life(at least none shown by the author (-1 star)).Maybe i have been effected by porn troupe and you can be judge of the game .

    EDIT:Just wanted to tell this was review for 0.9.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure if the developer just doesn't speak English as their first language, but it's a story that is both very frustrating and intensely boring. It's strange that it's somehow melodramatic and yet equally as tedious to read. How anyone can rate this above 3 stars is beyond me. Perhaps they speak the dev's native language and it's much better than what I was reading, but there was quite literally nothing about the writing or story that had any ability to grip me.

    The models are good though, so I guess they got that going for them.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    English: 7
    User Interface: 4
    User Experience: 3
    Art: 7
    Dialogue: 4
    Story: 7
    Opinion: 5
    Avg: 5.29

    I generally don't mind everything from this dev. That said, every story is essentially the same. And after I started typing out the reductive synopsis of "MC is isolated in a bubble with love interests that non- (or at best barely) fluidly decide they need to share him." I realized, that is the story to 99% of the stories on this site. But "SuperWriter" somehow manages to make all their stories still feel the same. Which unfortunately takes me out of all of their work to an extent. I will say, the interpersonal interactions and even some of the story beats are kinda good, but it just doesn't matter when it feels like instead of reading "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone" you're reading "Barry Planter and the Wizard Rock" by the same writer. This is better than most content on this site, even IF they use default fonts and THE WINDOW IS STILL TITLED "A RENPY GAME". But I guess my bar has been set too high, somewhere along the way. I do also want to say this story opens up and in the first few lines of dialogue MC makes an "I have a big dick" joke and if my eyes rolled any harder I'd have bruised my corneas. But hey, gotta appeal to a certain demographic, amirite?

    Basically, you "play" as MC, half blood heir to a famous vampire bloodline. The story starts out with MC and his human half sisters trying to cure him of something. What that is, I really can't infer. At first I thought it was of his vampirism, but MC has something else going on that isn't outright said. At the time of writing, I haven't gone back through to see if I can get any details yet.(I went back and No, whatever they're doing they don't talk about at all, maybe it's vampirism maybe it's just bloodlust) Moving on, MC works for the police to investigate vampire-human crime as this world everyone knows about vampires but you only meet three and a half humans. Upon investigating the first crime of the story, MC finds out whatever killed his parents is somehow back and killed again. And that is 100% of that storyline. Next you meet MC's vampire half sisters that he's already in a sexual relationship with. The unfortunate truth is both pairs of sisters have the same dynamic/personality traits. The smart, sensible one and the brash younger one that is always impulsive. After that, outside of some mysterious black smoke and MC's super vamp powers, the rest of the story has nothing to do with the base plot.

    I really like vampire stories, let me start with that. But for whatever reason, a lot of the ideas in this just don't click with me. If the story stayed focused on the crime drama and sought relief in the interpersonal relationships MC has, this coulda been amazing. But immediately after the initial murder, you go on a tangent about territory wars between vamps and some dumb hunger games tournament for vampires. All while the human sisters "discover" their attraction to MC. And why MC has these weird ultimate powers just seems so out of place as his pure blood, warrior sisters don't have any hint of them. Ultimately the story lacks focus. But again, dumb porn game, what can ya do?

    The English is noticeably flawed, sadly. It's not entirely distracting, but spelling, verbage, and tensing issues pop up all the time which take me out of the reading. The UI/UX is painfully default minus a font for names, but the game still having a default window title is unacceptable. And the UX is poor because the choices don't matter, I chose not to fight Rex and the entire game MC comments about his fight with Rex. Like, yes the variables affected minor things, but Dev didn't fully super write out all the paths. The art is okay. The faces as always just look dead flat or are smiling, nothing in between. Tattoos appear and disappear. And the complete HAM FISTED REFERENCE TO ANOTHER VAMPIRE GAME is just completely jarring and practically offensive. And it goes on FOREVER. In NO WAY would other vampires have a "completely different biology" from some that are a plane ride away, that's a complete farce of an explanation. The dialogue is usually where this dev shines, but this time around its too quippy. I'm interested in how the main story will play out though.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Small review.
    Plot? Plot are real nonsense... One click and your sis's (right?) start relationship with you without even slightly explication here. This is so dumb. No even minimal characters backgrounds...
    It looks even worse because no ipatch here. Totally confusing and weird (storytelling suffer from this too).
    Renders not good, but not bad, same with models. Some models are ugly imho. But where animation? It's 2023 and no animation in such 3d game, really disappointing.
    Well... 3/5 from me, but frankly it looks like 2/5.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I like most of the games with a mythical/vampire story line if they are decently written and this one is no exception. Even tho there arent many of the typical vampire-stereotypes involved, like they have a heartbeat and a pulse and pretty much are more like empowered humans it still has the kind of plot you can really enjoy. The renders are great aswell even tho the skincolour of the MC is a little bit weird like almost greyish. Overall the game and the girls look great and the sex scenes are quite nice even tho they are as of yet not animated.
    The reason i gave it only 4 stars and not 5 is that i do enjoy music and sound in those games but i know most people dont feel like that. Another reason is that i like if games are a little more complex when it comes to choices. Not too complex of course with hundres of score and skillpoints to track (Like the Bite is almost too complex) but a little more than those two-sided choices.
    Overall those points come down to personal preference and i can really recommend this game if you are into VNs with Vampire plot.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow Just Wow!!!

    This Story is Amazing <3
    The "Porn" isn't my Favorite (its not Bad but just not my Preference)
    But the Characters Are Great!!! I also Really Like their design, Both Physically and Mentally, I actually LOL'ed a couple of times, and they each have their own Charm and I'm Definitely Looking Forward to more of this Story <3

    10/10 would Highly Recommend
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    It started out great but as time goes on the younger human LI becomes less and less likable to me. And the story didn't get me hooked enough to deal with the purple headed cyst.
    Cherry on top, SW decided it was necessary to tell us the sexual past of said LI. What was the point of that? It added nothing and only pissed off people.

    Anyway I really wanted to like this VN, but it seems that this is a miss for me.
    It is what it is
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    (v0.6 - On hold)

    Sun Breed is one of my personal favourite games on F95, the story, render, characters, everything about this game is almost perfect....:)

    SuperWriter Please continue with the development of Sun Breed, or at least give us a ending.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    well where to beggin>>>>one of the most intrigued games over here but like i ready told the dev a number of nices things abut this game
    1- the mc isnt a douchebag and isnt a 12 years old pussy chaser ,he have a nice background and a normal behavior.
    2-the gorls are all lovely ,you have for all tastes,,
    3-the script or background story is compelling so no much of thinker for me.
    4-dev is such a nice guy even when he is mad xdd but someone who just reach out of you asking to chat about his game and why he should being put work again .devs like him who put time to talk to his fames even if they arent his pledges worth to try,
    and finally a nice work overall and nice to see that sometimes a word reach out in time let the dev thinking if he is doing something right or wrong.totally worth my time to wait for next update of him finally have time and strenght to do it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is as of version 0.6 currently on hold.

    Sun Breed reflects all the expected strengths of SuperWriter’s work. I’ve played or am playing all of his offerings here, and am an avid fan. That said, Sun Breed is my favorite to date. SW found the KN format diminished and eventually ended his enjoyment creating it and so abandoned it. The outpouring of support for Sun Breed, eventually convinced him to place the game on hold until he completes one of his other projects and then to rework and continued Sun Breed as a VN. While I supported the reasons he stopped development, I couldn’t be happier with his decision to continue Sun Breed’s production. It is an excellent KN and will make an excellent VN.

    The existing KN is technically proficient, has beautiful LI’s with distinct personalities. They each share a rich interaction with the MC, who is a half vampire. Two of the LI are the MC full vampire sisters, and the other two are his human friends dedicated to finding a “treatment” for his vampirism. The MC is also an investigator who looks into criminal activity where vampires may be involved. This provides for an interesting plot different from the typical vampire storylines.

    The writing is solid, the plotting and overall pace are good. There is plenty of adult interaction with his sisters relatively early in the KN. This is a really well made vampire themed KN. IMHO, if that theme suits your interests, this is well worth a look, as I’m sure the reworked version will be as well.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is for V0.6 of the game.

    As a disclaimer I'm not one who usually reviews games but seeing as the opportunity is there to try and help this game continue, I'll gladly try and write one.

    For me, whether its adult games or regular games, the #1 component that's important to me is the story, with close 2nds being the sexual content and gameplay respectively.

    Coming from that perspective I love Sun Breed because the characters are very likeable, and they are placed into a narrative that is proceeding smoothly and holistically in my opinion.

    Many games—even though they may be great—usually drop certain plot points, or are not balanced in the way the story moves forward, so there always seems to be a piece missing as the game develops. This is something difficult to do well no matter what kind of medium or genre your story is in, but I feel with Sun Breed, everything is there, and I just want more of it.

    The characters are all absolutely beautiful, and their relationship with the MC is a loving one. Considering this is an adult game and sexual content is to be expected, you do have plenty of that,—with love—from a couple characters, while there are a couple more that as of right now we have not had interactions of that nature with, setting up more of a slow burn with them. You can get the best of both worlds here.

    The story itself is very intriguing to me. With the mystery of a world of vampires and all that entails being the centerpiece, there is a wealth of lore and plot to be consumed. Without giving away the story, the game currently feels like a power fantasy which might be "simple" but is completely enjoyable and satisfying all the same.

    I love the POV aspect of the game, and wish more games would implement this view. The advantage of a game is that its not real life and we don't need the "camera man" porn angle during sex scenes, but we can be more intimate or add elements that are difficult or impossible for real life without suspending our belief too much. I personally feel more games need POV climax scenes, since that is the view that you have with your partner in real life, and it is the most intimate view to look into your partners eyes in a loving relationship, which these are.

    The game runs great with no bugs that I experienced myself and the English is perfect as I assume the dev is a native speaker. The game currently sits as a kinetic novel with no choice which isn't a problem for myself, but I know it can be for many. That said, the dev said that they will be trying to go back and add choice to the story as of now, so maybe that will change in the future.

    The game can improve by adding music and audio, at least for me. To be honest I didn't even realize it did not have these elements as I am an avid user of mods and especially love Koga's mods where he adds in music and sound elements whether the game has them by default or not. I personally find great enjoyment out of music in all games, adult and otherwise, so in the absence of that, it degrades the experience for me.

    It can also improve with the aid of animations, but with good facial expressions, and POV view, I can live without it. They would no doubt be a positive for the game, but I'm not sure it would be worth the extra dev time here for me personally.

    Sorry for anyone that read through all that, I know my ideas are not structured properly and are all over the place, but hopefully I wasn't too subjective, as I said I don't really write reviews, hehe.

    TL;DR: To copy a post I made in the thread, power fantasies are great, loving relationships are great, and supernatural elements are great. Add on top of that POV, gorgeous models, and a good story to complement and I'm left just wanting more.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating for the game version v0.6:
    For now the characters, story, and writing is really good, also the quality of the renders is above average and will probably even get better (you can see that in the other games of this developer, too). Also the girls are really hot and sexy.

    This game is a kinetic novel (for me that's ok and fits to the story), but is probably be changed into a "normal" VN with choices when it's continued. The game itself is working without any known problems.

    The game itself has no audio (but there's a great solution for that) and also no animations (would be great to see the girls in "action"). Also the beginning was a bit rushed for me (you kinda got kicked into the story without any background infos). Therefore a solid 4/5 for me so far with potential to get 5 stars in the future.