RPGM - Completed - Sunny Coast College [v2.0.1] [Dekarous]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Too fucking buggy! It's extreme femdom (castration, scat and all that stuff) so if you are not into that avoid like the plague. I was really looking forward to play this but I keep getting myself softblocked and I refuse to keep trying. I wasted a couple of hours with this, not worth the effort unless someone makes a step by step guide for every route that works. I managed to get 2 endings and I had fun with that, but failing to get the rest gives me a sour taste in my mouth.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn't expecting much from this but I was pleasantly surprised. The choices felt impactful and they made me replay the game a few times. Can't wait for more content to be added. If I had to criticize something I'd say its a bit buggy. Oh, and the casual racism made me kinda uncomfortable in a non erotic way.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Playing Through This felt more like a struggle than it did being enjoyable. If you like this kind of stuff its all you but for those looking for lighter content I would look somewhere else.

    Genre: Overly Extreme Femdom.

    List of Problems:
    - Unlikable Characters
    -Some scenes either broke suspension of disbelief
    - Art that doesn't match and may be stolen
    - Felt very railroading and no sense of freedom/exploration
    -Certain game mechanics are either broken/buggy
    -Events happen too quickly on the character and there should be cool down moments
    -beta MC (give us some power)

    Some Positives:
    -Okay Story not the best but still not terrible
    -Choices felt like they heavily mattered
    - Mc and brother were the only likeable characters

    - Another name for this game could be Kinky Prisoner of war camp
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fantastic here are the pros:

    1. Brutal Femdom, not everyone likes extreme femdom but I do!
    2. Quick updates by the dev
    3. Choices that matter to the story

    Con side there were a lot of bugs to start with but most of them have been fixed. Some of the action starts very swiftly and it can be off putting if you aren't expecting it but I think these are minor things.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    On the one hand, I wish to praise this game for being one of the greatest representations of the school experience for the bullied. The teachers just tell them to get info from those that are constantly hurting them, everyone else is just constantly ensuring you fail as much as possible.

    The main issue with this game however is the railroading. You rarely get any sense of freedom, often your choices feel like they weren't the choice you wanted. A punch is stopped, you are forced to take everyone's abuse, never really do you get much of a chance to do anything. While this is more realistic, especially with the rape charges, it is a bit frustrating in a game where we seek to avoid reality. In a way, this means we end up with a title almost too realistic for its own good.

    There are also mechanics that just are a bit broken. For example, I have had portions without music. I have also had my classes switch positions if I go into the East wing, with there being apparently an order of A2-B1-A2-A4-B2. There is also a bookcase that allows you to "study", but doing such is entirely worthless. Note to other people who might think like me, don't spam the bookcase in the hopes that it worked one page at a time. I probably should have noticed the book earlier, but this doesn't excuse a blatant object telling me to study not allowing me to study as according to the bed.

    Needless to say, a decent life simulator, but one that also will be less gameplay oriented due to that. Because in life you often have few choices and are instead ordered to submit by those around you. This just leads to a rather unfun world, since even the freedom promised becomes a lie like the freedoms of life. Perhaps this is an art piece made to represent these concepts, and in such a direction I can say there is a lot of success, but I also find little appeal with this title as something playable. Instead it just makes me angrier with people.

    Also, what is up with all the random papers thrown around the school? I see a bunch of empty papers on the floor, which feels very illogical for a place like this. Also, I am quite scared about there not being any teachers besides the one I am stuck with.

    Another criticism I should mention, I find it difficult to keep track of the characters' names in this one. This is likely due to them only being mentioned once or so in conversation, RPG titles generally have some sort of nametag so you know who is speaking to you, but here I don't see any. This means I am entirely lost as to who is who, even after interacting with them.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game could fairly be considered what most would consider extreme femdom (non-consensual, torture/severe trauma on a character or two) blended with gore/horror elements in a lot of ways. It does not match at all the generally cutesy cartoony characters you see so be prepared.

    I got intrigued by it even though I'm not really into femdom that much (much more into couple dom on others or maybe a female or male corrupting the other sex/lover/partner into corruptive/evil actions) because you just get curious about extreme content I suppose. I can also greatly see my better half in one of these characters (who I battled for over two years in our relationship for dominance/control before settling down and marrying) with the level of sadism and delight in seeing others suffer. If this game had Nicole as the MC instead of the male, she would be playing this game for sure.

    The game's writing isn't that great so far, and the game is very buggy too. But I commend the dev so far for generally being responsive and trying to fix things and improve the game. The rating could change over time.

    I think for people that are into this specific type of extreme femdom, they are probably going to be getting what they want. Keep in mind it's extreme femdom, although it appears you will be able to play more gentle femdom options with specific characters. But, if you're not specifically into these types of fetishes (it's a very specific niche) into roleplaying a pathetically weak character, you are probably going to get annoyed controlling such a beta MC. (I honestly got quite annoyed only once, the Nicole scene in school where I felt I was railroaded into no option) I'll probably check out one more update or two but I feel like the MC will always be incredibly weak and unable to become a strong partner of one of the other characters, and that is when I will probably bail. Still some potential here...especially for those that like this sort of thing.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game, it's a little more heavy on the femdom side, a little more brutal so to speak so it won't be for everyone. A fun experience if you are into the heavier side though, it's got a pretty unique feel to say the least. It's enjoyable and can't wait to see more!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a very niche type of game, The level of sadism is more then what most people will enjoy, for reference this is a game where the main character in many scene is seriously not having fun.
    I would not advise this game if you are not into torture, extreme humiliation, and mutilation

    If you are you might enjoy the game. The other warning I would give is to save often, this game is full of bugs, the doors in the side wings of the school will trap you in place if you try to enter them. Several scenes will repeat like they never happened if you interact with the character again, and while 2 desk give you the prompt to sit on them only one of them works(the left one). As well as all of the interact-able items that currently do nothing.

    There seems to be a few hidden scenes if you use certain items, or go to the left wing bathroom, which is nice, even if they are not what I am into, and there are a few scene that seem to vary based on your choices(ie sitting next to a girl or not)

    Overall I think the game could be alright, there is some good base here, but the game is rather extreme, and there are coding issues.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Better then it looks, give it a try. It has semi soft femdom to very hard that some people probably wont work. For a first release pretty well made. Still a few bugs so save often. 200 characters is a lot man not sure what else to say besides for a first release im very hopeful, id recommending giving on patreon min tier is 2 dollars everyone can afford that.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Purposeful use of slurs that are just unnecessary.
    A lack of clarity on the exacts of the game which is a must for niche games.
    Terrible human beings who are one note and for the most part have nothing to engage with, Even as a masochist, you'd still want partners that you'd like in some feature (Ariah's kinda good with this and the brunette almost had this with the banterous talk possible despite the very obvious slur usage before she went psycho).
    No options with what sort of content to see or avoid.
    Completely breaks suspension of disbelief with things that don't make sense (EG voltage) or scenes that make no sense (If that foot scene actually happened the police would have been called absolutely, especially given a literal crowd who saw everything from start to end and know it's not a kink thing)
    Very obvious stolen assets given the completely different art styles of characters, if they aren't stolen (I would be surprised) art wise speaking too much difference in styles to work properly not to mention clothes choices art wise speaking for the setting... there's a lot of art problems so imma stop here.
    Bugs galore- trying to do anything you should save first since it could glitch you stuck and unable to continue from any basic action.

    What it pulls off well:
    SADISM- like if it toned down the psychotic and abuse levels I would be so in with this (Or ramped up to the current EARLY! game levels of it depending on your choices).