Its a MR Dots game.
The renders and models are great, but they have the exact same 5 facial expressions he have used since DMD.
But the biggest flaw here is the writing.
It's been the same issue for all 3 games now, but its become worse and worse for each game really.
Its just a lot of text that is just filler, and brings nothing really to the story.
Its not funny, its not engaging, it doesn't give you more info, it doesn't build anything what so ever.
Its just filler dialog to extend the updates.
Take the whole learning how to do a taco scene.
How is it engaging at all to "learn what order to put the toppings".
You can still do that scene, but make the writing more engaging.
Where he learns how to make them for the storys sake but there is dialog, things happening, banter and so on.
Same thing with the event planning.
Melody had the exact same issue but with music.
Every single lesson you had random music info, and every single date, you talked about random music trivia.
Almost every update had the exact same basic build also:
Have a lesson with random music info.
Have a date with random music trivia.
Have a sex scene where she have a new pair of underwear, or in a random place.... Rinse and repeat... that was 75% of that game.
This game is going the exact same direction after just the first update.
With taco building, event planning and meditation techniques.
But in every Mr Dots game, there is like 75% filler content that just feels like he has brought up a Wikipedia page and he takes some random stuff to write around.
Another issue is that all characters feel the same, they are the same base person, with just tiny differences in behaviors and interests.
No one feel really unique in any way.
They talk the same way, they react the same way, they act the same way.
And they are all VERY keen...
And also the whole start of this story feels just messy, like it doesn't really know what kind of relationship it wants to portray.
Both the sister and the MC are behaving really strangely and stupid.
Like the MC is acting like a "nice dick" its so messy.
The relationship with the sister is so strangely written, one minute you dont talk, next you do, next you lie, next you hate each other, next you kiss.
Like she says she does not mind you checking her out when you are daydreaming, but the next she gives you minus points if you do.
Like this was a full update where the player is still none the wiser of what kind of relationship they have at the end of the update.
You are not able to relate to anything the MC feels or acts, or what the sister feels or acts.
You never feel like they have a real moment you can relate to.
Its just a huge mess the whole thing.
Also it falls in the trap of trying to be a slow burner teasing game, but at the same time throwing in full nudes of EVERYONE, (not just 1 or 2 persons) way over the top reactions and flirting.
Adding the donuts and peeping thing is just a huge mistake tbh.
If you are doing a slow burner, you cant just let the player see everyone nude 1min after the first render you see them in. There is no teasing what so ever.
How do you build a slow burner game, with no teasing, and characters that you cant relate too, and a story that is 75%+ just filler no one cares content, like what order you should have your taco toppings...
At least the renders and faces look nice... Even though they have they all have the same 5 facial expressions Mr Dots have used since day 1.... sigh...
Also the boobs are a bit to plastic for my taste.
And the music makes no real sens to add to the game if its just a playlist, and not tied to any mood or scene.
I guess im just not very "keen"...