Unreal Engine - Super: A Walk Home [Alpha 2] [Kemonokun]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    a huge bee

    Wish there was more, the animation is pretty good and the lvl design is alright. I was really hoping to come back to this after a year and hope to see a new lvl or some new enemies but I guess I'll need to wait longer. All in all pretty good and worth a try
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Always was someone who enjoyed furry sex games. I remember when the original version of this game released years ago. It was a bit smoother if you had a good pc but stuck to the 2 dimensional part. The beginning starts 3d which made me raise my eye. Possible 3d version of this game would be amazing.
    However after leaving The Foxhole it goes back to 2d> it looks alot better than the original and the "lost" animation allows you to rotate enough to see the penetration. However the protagonist's tail goes straight throught the antagonist's body and the animation is just shoving in and out on repeat. Movement feels a lot better but the enemies that spawn in don't seem to have a limit.
    I've never been someone who enjoys playing the protagonist that get's fucked but hey with Edef on hiatus Adeptus focusing on creating the nastiest bug creature i've ever seen and Full Frontal frog releasing updates at a snail's pace i hope this developer actually keeps on consistently updating. Let's be honest not a single furry game developer does that but hey here's to hoping we don't just get a remastered A Walk home