if you like steak. and you eat it. and then someone tells you it was chicken THE WHOLE TIME! would it matter? you cant unlike something even though you think its different but already enjoyed it. if i stare at a women cause shes hot and then my buddy says "thats a trans" ill still hold my first opinion. knowing its a dude doesnt mean he's not attractive as a female. so my point here is "cause im certain WEVE ALL been waiting for the days" is that AI or not if the art is good enjoy it! cause AI is pretty amazing and i think its only getting better. the more its trained on art styles we like the more and more content we will have. the past few years i have noticed a MAJOR decline in quality games. hoping that AI can help re invigorate and speed up the process of artwork and writing so maybe MORE people with BETTER ideas can start cranking out games. because AI can even handle coding... to some degree.
In the last 3 or 4 years, going back to pre COVID era, I hate to say it but many of my favorite artists have REALLY gotten lazy and many of them have resulted to half assing and just uploading the same image, altered 200 times and calling it a "gallery".
AI art in late 2023 was overall pretty bad but we are midway through 2024 and there is some amazing Anime/Cartoon accurate stuff out there!
A lot of people are against AI art because they feel it's screwing over the real artists but to be brutally honest? The real artists had been a letdown for quite a while and many of them have just been mooching the patreon money while doing the bare minimum output.
Also, too many artists have been focusing on just what is current, especially when it comes to anime. NOBODY bothers at any real extent to commit to anything 1980's-2005 yet people are acting pissy because AI is stealing away the content that the artists weren't creating anyway!
Also commissions are going to quickly become archaic and bullshit at this rate unless you are getting something from a very well known artist. Paying $100-$400 a page is going to look stupid when AI can fart out 50-200 images on the fly and you get the stuff the artists don't want to draw anyway!
The downside of AI: It's taking away from the great artists and yeah, people are going to try and mooch money with it but there is still plenty of places to find free stuff.
The upside of AI: You don't have to wait 20 FUCKING YEARS!!! For a human being to make the gallery you want and if AI screws over the dead beat artists who don't update for months/years or they do only enough to let people know they are alive while taking in $4000-$5000 a month? Then good! Screw em! They have been riding this gravy train for too long!
end rant.