VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.991] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely great game.

    The story of this is very interesting. Although the art may look a bit jankey. The characters, the story and damn the music of this game makes it worth it. I would highly recommend people to give it a shot and I would also like to congratulate the authors of this game on the amazing job they have done.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style isn't the best but you get used to it pretty fast and all the characters, for the most part, are designed distinctively and memorable and the style works in favor of the monster design and the whole supernatural horror setting with a slight comic book vibe to it.

    The writing and dialogue are good and easy to read with interesting characters and a good amount of options regarding story and dialogue choices which adds a layer of replayability as well as some romance and plenty of sex possibilities of various kinds throughout the story, including gender transformation and a freaky Lovecraftian monster giving head...

    And the music is mostly fitting I rarely leave it on in VN's so that's a plus.

    Overall I find this game very entertaining, especially since there aren't that many competent horror-themed adult games, the only downside to it is that some might have trouble accepting the art style but to me, it fits the tone of the game well and adds a certain creepy flair to it which is good for a horror-themed game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Pleasantly surprised by this game. Honestly I ignored this game for a while because of the art style. However when I finally gave it a try, it turns out that this is actually a really enjoyable VN.

    It has a lovecraftian vibe to it, which makes for some very interesting and unique scenarios, both related to xxx content, but also outside of that. Which personally I really liked

    The game also offers the player a good amount of varied choices that make playing through the game satisfying and a lot more engaging compared to most games you can find here
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    In a site so full of amateur projects with unoriginal concepts and that often get abandoned with barely any content, this is a pleasant surprise.

    The art is not stunning and it might have it's weird moments, but it's well done and with quite a lot of personality. Complements the sex scenes well.

    The most positive point for me is the story. I won't say it's the most unique or complex narrative so far, but it's captivating and fun. It reminds me of a shonen anime, but with less cliches and with a more adult atmosphere. Also, not big walls of irrelevant texts so far which is lovely.

    For gameplay, it's just a visual novel so you only find it in the form of choices. Said choices can be just about how you spend your time which may bring you to sex scenes or simply new events or it can bring you to a bad end which will immediately play out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have got to write a review for this game just to express my love for this game.
    The art may not be the most polished, but it has a charm to it that makes it grow on you over time. The kinks may not be for everyone, but every scene as of yet, not counting story related ones, is completely optional, and the choices you make lead way to what scenes and kinks you will see. Speaking o choices, while the storyline may or may not be appealing to most, one thing that this game has nailed for me, is that the choices you make actually matter and branch out to new storylines and opens up ways you can play the game. The characters are varied and well-written such that any relationships you form will eventually lead to events unfolding differently. On top of all that, all of this has been done with few, if not no bugs at all, which is not something you can say for a lot of Renpy games. Every update this game releases is like christmas to me, and i suggest not letting the art turn you away from what is an excellent Renpy RPG/Visual Novel hybrid.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Richard Johnson

    I love everything about this game from art style to the story and setting.

    The Jake storyline is really ominous. :D

    A few minor gripes, there does not seem be enough time in the day to do what I want to do before the plot progresses.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I just got to put it out there and say Superhuman is an amazing game.

    Between the Lovecraftian vibe given off by the monster's to watching your own character grow to become a badass, I got to say I love it all. The art style compliment's the supernatural aspect of the game really well. The world building has been phenomenal in my opinion and the ability for your character's actions to affect the story really adds to the feeling that the choice's you make really do matter. I'm glad I gave this game a chance and I hope many more people do the same. You can tell the creator put a ton of effort into delivering a good story and if I have my way I fully intend to see it through.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I will say, up front, that I'm not a fan of the art style. Biggest negative in this game to me. It's not a deal breaker, obviously but it takes getting used to. I will say the art makes for terrific otherworldly monsters. Those seem super well done. The vanilla humans, however, seem to have gazed a bit too much into that abyss.

    That said: the porn gets sufficiently Lovecraftian to make the art not seem too terribly out of place. People talking about homework? Art weird. People jerking you off with a tentacle fleshlight? Art not weird. So the game's art only really seems odd when people aren't fighting or fucking. Which is kind of why you're here anyway.

    Now for the pros: this is a 2D western chuunige. This means that there are exactly zero games to really compare it to. There are a few in 3D ones but Superhuman stands out in particular from even those for one reason, and it's the game's biggest strength. It really makes you feel simultaneously like both predator (to the normal humans) and prey (to literally everything else). Your best bet for surviving this is staying completely anonymous while hoping that, if you're cornered, whatever chuuni hax is behind your powers can bail you out.

    And man, this is such a thing that's simultaneously necessary for any chuunige and completely absent in the western contemporaries. It's got the other stuff that makes for good chuunige which we've come to love. It has a daily, mundane, routine which exists only to be protected from the plot. It's got conspiracies, secret societies, crime, death, all that good stuff that can go RIGHT into my chuuni veins. It's not a Tsukihime or Dies Irae or anything, but while other games might be in the stands or watching from their couch at home, this game is firmly on the bench. And where else would a game that's not complete yet really be?
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourites!

    Here you'll find: corruption because of power, big damn titties and originally pretty art

    Hope the dev will carry on with the game, Best luck!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't expect much because the art style but this game catch me. I like games where your choices affect the world around you and this games has it, the girls are great and has some level of degeneracy like ntr and the best part... A NEW FUCKING GENDER BENDER GAME :PogChamp:,I hope to see more of that in the future.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty damn great. I love the concept of the story and how it's performed by the developer and at first I felt a little unsure about playing it because of the artstyle but I think it ties together with the game amazingly now I can't get enough of it! I can't wait for the next update.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 573745

    Revised as of V0.81
    This is still not quite what it promises to be. But it isn't bad either. This game is actually a fairly normal life simulator with college undertones along with the added ability to waste entire days being forced to "train your powers" or receive a bad end. This is particularly troublesome now that it is entirely influenced by the invisible had of the creator. As you can't gain power too quickly, the game literally removes the option. However, the story is paced well enough to do without branching lines,. God forbid you beat the final boss in his introductory fight, how anticlimactic. (On that same note tho... NewGame+ that starts you at full power or accelerating training would be wild.) You use your powers much more frequently now, and they are implemented well, where implemented. The power level system as stated above is just a tool to keep the reader on the tracks of the railroad. "Again as previously stated there are no branching storylines, only dead ends. With two possible , or rather optional exceptions. (futa content and ntr path). Do or do not, nothing matters, unless you hit a dead end you just get to choose your flavor text." It still remains true to its visual novel heritage. Not to mention training your powers doesn't always boost your power level (still true-real gains are got through weird anime esc events). Also not to mention that there are moments where your powers would be insanely useful and your character acts like they don't have any for plot contrivance (still true- I get story comes first and there is only so much time for so many scenes... but...idk. Some things still just feel kinda basic. It just kinda feels like this game is being written by a regular person with no Superhuman abilities.). "Superhumans are not the focus of this game," porn is! As it should be, FINALLY! One of my biggest concerns was addressed, well played. And The Superhuman part has really taken off and is in a pretty rocken spot rn. It is still a little bloated with words at times and non-sexual walking and talking but not nearly as bad as it was, the extra content really helped (Also, previous experience with the game #Skip), but has completely earned a pass cus they are pretty good. Actually, I really feel like the writer has come into their own and are churning out real good shit right now. But, this game is no longer light on sexual content early and is a lot less heavy handed with exposition. "Its corruption time. This is a concept near and dear to my heart, so I will be blunt af. It is executed so poorly that I'm sure people have played and not even noticed it. And there is no implementation of the corruption system, at all. It probably won't matter until the end of the game and since their is no way to manually change your corruption, (meditation, prayer, potions, drugs, etc.) its just going to serve ass a vague threat for the end scenes and restrict players from playing the way they want to, "adding" to replayablility factor. "Good" run or "Bad" run?! Even though you will go through 99% of the same content but with slightly more angsty text. Spoiler!: There isn't even angsty text, let alone darker choices. AKA Garbage Gaming." I have been told with no uncertainty that this will absolutely remain a feature and is functioning as intended. "But straight up skipping through the game my 2nd time through it took me like 20 minutes to get to any sort of meaningful content adult or otherwise." (Fixed? Idk, I seriously skim all the dialogue until I can't figure out what's going on and have to back track until I can't. I'm really here for 1 thing.) And the fact you have to press buttons in scenes shouldn't make this a "game". This is a visual novel (Still true). It does the bare minimum to be considered an interactive novel, which is essentially having random death scenes that take you back to the title, even though it railroads the shit out of you. There are several 1st choices in game that feel like they'll have consequences, but they don't go anywhere.

    "There are still a few red flags. The game introduces Jake (We'll get to him...), 1st red flag. It already had 5 antagonists, we really needed another and the fact the MC couldn't give 2 fucks about him and our superpowers are again completely worthless.)(Still true- but, now with hand waving!) then Mai, then Demi and the fan club. Basically this game is going to turn into nothing but filler and college drama. The table is already set, you have mob, rich people, Ella and the struggle to conceal your identity. Boom. That's it, that's all you need, there is enough their for a compelling 5 star game." The creator stopped adding for the most part and my god. The story is in a really great place now. Obviously other monsters would pop up (One more-ish, like if you think about it, is it really?), like the party scene. How much backstory did we get on the monster at the party. Don't care, didn't need it. It was a solid set piece. You established why he turned and established gripping stakes. Competence. Side plots, Emily/Gym/Shadow, Stripper detective (questions about Ella), horny detective (seems like a tie in to the rich people, but because she's her own character with her own motivations she's here.), Public relations( talk show), "therapy (which why?! It literally takes over the late game completely and fails to flesh anything out.)" (Still True- not sure if its my play style or what, but the section seems to have gotten much shorter.), fight club (shit! I wasn't supposed to talk about that.), The rich jock kid, cheerleading practice, the angry teacher, will Daryl ever get laid, the fan club, the mutating masseuse, etc. This game is a perfectly great, good game.

    "its execution is too flawed and its quickly losing its identity. It shows fits of passion and then adds filler that you have to dredge through for 20 minutes. Even on my first play through I was skipping text. A few hours of content AND the MC is at 2 corruption AND still has his Vcard... really? That should really be the players choice at that point. HES IN COLLEGE!!!" Full 180. This train is back on track and better then ever, although it ends in a weird spot.

    "Soft horror with ntr/sexual molestation and the MC is super powered and incapable of rape or manipulation. Its very clear you want the MC to be a hero. Illusions of choice," Still very much the case. Look, the game isn't called Superheros... ok?) Visual Novel. If you like VN's then give it a go. As far as VN's go its about as good as it gets. Although, I did just notice the developer likes a different visual novel series that is known for terrible endings... so we'll see. But hey. You probably would like that one too. Everything in this game is begging me to give it 5 stars.... Except 1 very important thing that literally implodes the ENTIRE game for me. No spoilers. But I think you made a tremendous mistake with Jake. I have no immersion left, you've stripped it from me, I can never be part of your world as long as he's in it. It all feels... wrong. Like, all of it. And then it just keeps getting weirder and more wrong. There is no logic, character consistency or course correction. Its just a nose dive into a spiral. Oh, sure, there is a ton of hand wringing and pussy footing. But I guess story has to story. And for the love of god, what can't he fucking do? In our dm's I looked you right in the face and spelled out exactly how this game is going to end with the bread crust analogy didn't I... Oh god, Eh, it could just be me. Otherwise, Wow. Best VN on the market?
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Some very unique concepts in VN smut going on here; which is nice. The story pulls the game up hard. The development of the characters powers and abilities is fantastic. The characters are great as well; they all seem pretty real and most of them pull off feeling uniquely differentiated with a good helping of their own personalities. Most of them are relatively nuanced Not sure how into any of the LI I am; a lot of them are overly slutty or bimboy; but that is more of a personal taste thing than anything else. There are a couple more petite characters that would be nice to be pursued- but I'm not sure if that is the long term intention- they are not currently listed in the relationship point system. The mechanics / point system for growth and relationship still needs to be ironed out I think- but it is a nice start. I am excited to see where the dev takes things.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say about this game well its awesome man its everything a man like me could wish from the woman to the powers of the mc.this game has a lot of potential and i mean alot i have really high hopes for this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked the art and the history and the variety of options you can follow... the only place i thought i had no option and could only be a corny man by saying "i will be a hero" kekw
    gonna be here for the next updates :D
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first started this game I didn't really think I would enjoy it, mainly because the graphics was barely past my are-you-seriously-going-to-fap-to-an-alien-meter so to speak. When I reached the latest update though, I was seriously glad I played this.

    I have a bad habit of being super long-winded, so I'm going to try and keep it short. This game actually gives me vibes of Fate/Stay Night (18+ VN version). The fight scene graphics at least was a blast to the past, which is something I don't mind at all.

    There are some bugs here and there in the 0.43 version. For example, both versions of the news report (both fight and run) after the fight at the diner were displayed back-to-back. The week before the fight with Kenny, when you train you get a dialog about how you want to be able to deal with Kenny or enemies like Kenny more effectively in the future (or something like that, I don't exactly remember now), which made no sense whatsoever since the fight hasn't even taken place yet. There's also the dog sniffing you and thinking you're beta, but assuming that you've been avoiding the gender/bender scenes its impression didn't quite make sense. Pretty sure that the event can take place before the fight too, so can't really say that the alpha choices of not blaming yourself, or more accurately blaming yourself for not murdering Kenny sooner affects this. It's stuff I can easily ignore though.

    Music is great. Can be a bit loud sometimes, but that's a personal preference thing.

    I'm fairly concerned about the branching choices, because it can potentially become very complicated. The bugs I listed above already suggested that making certain choices - like avoiding gender bender content completely - can result in bugs. Throw in NTR content where one version is you're alpha, and the other you're beta (i.e. you transformed into Amber, and Jared fucks you thinking it's her, and things gets worse for the actual Amber from there, which wouldn't happen if you didn't go that route), and things can get really messy. Not sure if the dev can handle this.

    All in all though, this is a game I could've just played for the story itself. There's a lot more content than I expected for this type of game too, four months in and already 2 or 3 hours of content, and that's considering that I skipped the gender bender content? Seriously good work. I very much look forward to this and more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Kinda over-edgy at times, but Alex Mercer fucking hot goth girls and turning himself into one as well? Sign me up babyy. The world needs more goth babes in adult games, and any game with transformation that isnt just "MC turns into a girl and becomes a mega slut" is a yes in my book
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Update... I'm changing it back to a 4. While I have some issues, overall, the game is doing something in a unique art style that few other games do. In a swarm of 3 pages of updated games a day here, this on stands out. That's always worth a point and a try if you haven't.

    Okay this is a loaded review... the game could be a 4 with the potential to be 5.
    Amazing themes, unique art style, fun to play. The primary issues I run into are it's apparently very easy to miss scenes and the limited walkthrough doesn't help much. I'm not going to play a game 3 times. These games are fun but we're not talking (famous franchise) seven here. So, achieving the scenes needs some better guidance or easier/clearer objectives.
    Also, for the powers the characters get, I fell the game shy's away from some darker uses for them. Maybe that's to keep sites it patrons on happy but, if I play a dark game, I'd like some slightly darker choices towards adult content.
    So for now, that leads me to call it average but, There Is Definitely The Potential For More Here, this game could absolutely grow into a 4 or 5 and fill a role few other games tap into.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    The story seems very interesting so far, I really like the supernatural "Lovecraftian Eldritch Form" thing going on. The art is great, unique and different, which is very refreshing!
    The story is interesting and the art is unique and I'm also a fan of the music.
    The graphics are quite original, even personal preference, but I really like them. What I like most are the dialogues and the rhythm of the story. It's well written, the characters manage to distinguish themselves from each other and feel like real people talking rather than super exaggerated characters.

    Many choices with consequences, author even put tips to avoid NTR in Liz's route!

    I can't wait for future updates to continue my saga with Alex Mercer! "Yes, the game reminded me a lot of Prototype, so I named my MC :cool: "
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    'Superhuman' is a... well, a porn game. In which our poor MC gets thrown into the chaos that is.... Whatever that's city name was.

    ANYWAY, the strengths of 'Superhuman' lie within(heh) its cool art style, interesting character, mystery, and atmosphere that I haven't seen yet.

    Aside from that, I guess the game plays with the idea of the superhero genre that is oh so well know in the west and takes on the more Lovecraftian style of the things. Which is cool, plus BOOBA.

    So yeah, cool game go play it. (y)