VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.991] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I would like to rate this super game (Version 0.751). Trust me if you are reading this, and if you are a fan of sci fi movies and superhero movies/games, this one will be worth every penny. There are so many twists and turns I sometimes though I am going through a rollercoaster of emotions. Also, in nearly two and half years of playing adult games, this is the first time I laughed playing such a game. The way Jared (shapeshifted by the mc) striped the teacher and shat on the table, even the scene makes me smile. My stomach was hurting so much watching those renders. Thank you dev, you really rock. Only thing that needs improvement is from 2dcg to 3dcg. Except for this everything is perfect. Keep up the good work. There is suspense, drama and obviously, sex in the game as well. Again thank you dev for this game. I would like to play more of these games.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It was a pleasant surprise, the sex scenes are not my favorites, and it does have a few genres that I do not like but I could avoid them so it won't affect my rating of the game.
    To be honest I am hooked with the story, the sex is just a bonus.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.751

    This game really is quite entertaining to play. The story and the scenes both are well done. The story especially, both dark at times and funny at times, well mainly depending on the choices you make. I also like how our choices really affect the gameplay, not just like a place holder to simply be present and represent nothing. The latest update really ended in a good cliff hanger. Focus is on both sex scenes and story and that is pretty good thinking and a good game design in my opinion. Really loved playing this and really happy it has content for different genres. Waiting for future updates and good luck with the project.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most entertaining VNs I've ever played and a must play for those that enjoy fantasy and a bit of a thriller atmosphere.
    If you take any one part of it out of context it could, at times, be shit but put it together and it just works. The best example of this is the art, it's always unique, it's never great, sometimes it's shit (and maybe it can be redone at some point for the times where it gets really shit, like where the girl's hair goes down her forehead to almost between her eyes) but somehow it just fits the game better than 3d would. Story also gets not particularly original at times(later in the game) and I get the feeling that some of the yet to be revealed stuff could have a shit explanation but it just keeps you so engaged up until the current end.
    It may not be so good for those that can't tolerate flaws but if you can, it somehow still ends up feeling like a 10/10.
    Side note: I think the huge tits are probably the most polarizing part of the game. I like really big tits at times, usually I don't particularly like or dislike huge tits, but here they work, in fact I kind of like, it does not make a huge amount of sense but it kind of fits with the story, perhaps there could be more normal sized ones and fewer huge ones but otherwise I would not really make the biggest ones smaller.
    Likes: GaRbS
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed v0.751.

    Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I'm not used to strong writing in games in general, much less porn games. So it's easy to pick games to play based on the art style, which pushes gems like these down the list of priorities. Big mistake from my part, do not make the same one.

    Visuals: Game features a very peculiar art style. Thick, heavy lines, dark atmosphere and huge titty goth gf aesthetic abounds. It takes some getting used to because it's not Daz, HS or any other easily recognizable render farm. However, it really grew on me. Individual tastes may wary, but I strongly recommend anyone try this game even if they are on the fence due to the visuals. Main reason being...

    Writing: The writing carries the game. We have a very interesting overarching plot line and a very satisfying hero's journey through it. The developer has experience in setting up plot points and moving the story along. Nothing seems to sudden or too meandering, things happens at a timely manner and always leave you wishing for more. Could gush on for an hour, but you get the drift. It's great.

    Gameplay: Standard VN choice system with quite a few bad ends hidden behind some bad choices. As in you get options what to do during a boss fight, but there is generally only one path forward. Not like that's a problem due to quicksaves, but is something to keep in mind. As of right now game offers the chance to gain 3 stats, but only 1 (power) seems to do anything. Skill and Corruption will apparently start to matter later and at the very end of the game. There is no grind in the game, but some points in all stats can be missed if you deliberately ignore certain events with the other characters. Or resolve your fights in certain ways. As of right now it has not affected anything, no need to get all the points scattered about.

    Characters: What a lovely bunch of misfits the dev has assembled for us to enjoy. Even the villains get their time in the limelight and you get plenty of chances to determine how the MC should treat them. The MC himself has a nice backbone and is no idiot, which is refreshing. A lot of LI's scattered about the game and you'll get time with all of them. You can decide to pursue only one girl or try to build a harem. The MC himself can be a total dork and plainly admit it to the girls, which was a nice touch. Can't wait to see more of the cast in future updates!

    Updates: Speaking of updates, they seem to be pretty frequent. Game has not been out for even a full year as of the time of writing, but already has several hours of content. I binged it over the course of a few days to savor it and was very unhappy when the end screen popped up. I can only hope the game gets finished.

    Total: 5/5

    What an incredible gem of a game. Every night when this was the last thing I did before bed, I theorycrafted in my head about what was going on and how the plot could move in the future. NOT your one stop fap game, even if the sex is great too. As someone else said below, this game is proof that you don't need a thousand 4k super renders per update to be good, just good writing. Although jury is out on which one is harder. Must try and support if you can, the developer deserves it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4572181

    Excellent game. I was a bit "uuuh" about the graphics, but they really grow on you and I got fond of them. Storyline is solid. Great visual novel!

    Particularly fond of the gender bending aspects, but as of 0.751 unfortunately the MC can't still transform others. Would love to get into some gender bending hijinks!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the story and the body transformation, MC being a monster, increasing power levels, becoming more powerful aspects of the game. Not to mention the MC gets a nice big dong when he turns monster. It makes things that bit more 'believable' IMO that the MC is special and at times OP, explains much more realistically why all these hot girls are now interested in him. Those are the things that really keep me wanting to drive forward and see what will happen next.

    My constructive criticisms at this stage (playing v0.751) would be;

    1. its seems the implementation of the power and corruption system is fairly superficial. You are told its increased but it doesnt really affect anything because if you dont for example increase your power at every opportunity you'll hit a story dead end anyway. Its not like there are side story where you can use your newly gained power level to access something you couldn't before for example.
    2. Also there is somewhat an illusion of choice, in terms of the significant story events there is only one path forward and the other 'choices' lead to dead ends. There are certain non essential events that are locked behind which choices you make, which gives some replayability, but its very much a linear graphic novel.
    3. sometimes the text can be very wordy with a lot of back filler, at times i'd prefer the dialogue to be a little more concise
    4. It could perhaps do with a hint option for 1st time playthroughs as the afternoon events can be a little confusing what you should be doing and its possible to miss some content.
    Overall for me its been a rough diamond that i've stumbled on and I hope the dev completes this project.
    Likes: GaRbS
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Kan'u Unchou

    Don't let the disproportionate, jarring tits and dick push you away from this game. I went in due to the goth looking characters and I'm not disappointed because the story is gripping. The H-scenes seem inconsequential in comparison to the joy that can be obtained from the story. The game in no way is inferior to decent japanese visual novel titles of the the score 8 range on vndb and keeps you interested in the plot throughout. The story has an Alex Mercer (from prototype) sort of character and there is an overarching mystery plot to it, a pretty creepy and mysterious character, an assortment of mysterious villains and organisations, and engaging fights; All of this sewed together.

    No annoying and complex options, no unintuitive story branching options, and if you're not into the whole NTR and self gender bend into a girl thing then you can easily progress all routes and see all the content you want. As long as I enjoyed what I picked up the game for, or enjoyed the game as a whole even if contrary to my initial expectations of its nature, it's an instant 5 stars from me. This visual novel is nice. [ reviewed v0.751]
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Superhuman is an underrated adult goth/monster gem.

    Don't let the artwork scare you off. The creepy-hot visual style sets the tone for a fun ride down various rabbit-holes, sexy intrigues and strange turns of fate.

    There are quite a few optional fetishes for a plethora of tastes, plenty of big-tittied hotties to choose from, fun choices, and a story that keeps you hungry for the next update while offering substantial lore along the way.

    (rated v0.751)
    Likes: GaRbS
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few VNs that I'm invested in the story. Eldritch horror, superhuman combat with some mystery and suspense.

    The art is pretty unique, and if you get invested it works more than well enough for the medium.

    Bad Ends are often easy enough to spot or difficult to hit. I'm unsure of how diverse the story paths are, but on a more 'good' path, the dialogue is consistent, though with some more rampant murder than expected when in combat with an enemy mafia.

    Is good.
    Likes: GaRbS
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall an excellent VN. Love the story, love the artwork and love the flow (characters aren't long winded gasbags lol) Definitely recommend it to anyone that's into male dominant protagonists set in a world with supernatural beings.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    A visual novel about an 18 year old who looks like Nathan Explosion and is given shapeshifting abilities. The writing is all right. The art style is very unique, not exactly my thing, and all the women are freakishly big-titted. I will say that the game's creator has a very unique and distinct style and it's refreshing to see someone making something kind of edgy and weird like this. Altogether though it wasn't really to my tastes but I'd say if you're intrigued by the art do check it out.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    ha, i downloaded this game asap because "haha big tiddy goth gf, this looks so silly, might be fun, i gotta see this" but soon you get pulled by the plot, characters and good writing overall. its a great example that you dont need 900 unique renders per update + 10 animations, each consisting of 80 frames to be able to make a good/fun game and enjoyable experience. all you need is a good writer.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pure excellence. The plot and its dynamics, the kinks and fetishes, the storytelling and writing overall... Definitely one of the finest visual novels out here.
    The renders may not be likable for others, but honestly, with such a story unhinging at you, I found it not bothering me at all. Exceptional VN.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really unique game, I definitely appreciate the aesthetic. Already ready for the next update, definitely gonna need some more Liz and Amber content. A small side note, but also love that the MC is frequently mentioning building his harem.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually review games on this site but this game is really just that good. It hooks you in quickly and has both really good hscenes AND an enjoyable grimdark hero story ontop of it, a main character who's ALMOST too edgy but strikes a good balance and fits the setting they're in very well and a cast of side characters I really enjoy. Definitely one of the best Renpy games I've played and can't wait to play more. Reviewed version 0.71
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed - 0.71

    Art - 3/5
    But hold on! Remember that 3/5 is average. Technically it's slightly above average but I digress. The art quality varies quite a bit and generally improves as the game goes on. The character portraits and some action art look a bit rough on the edges, but it's already impressive that it even has illustrated action sequences. Really, it gets quite impressive as it goes on. The dev leans heavily into the goth aesthetic and big ol' head sized titties but if that's what floats your boat there's plenty of it. Sure, I'd love it if there were more images per sex scene, some animations, or even a second pass for character portraits, but those are all very expensive and what's already in the game is perfectly functional.

    Gameplay - 2/5
    At the end of the day, it is a VN and VNs fundamentally restrict gameplay. That being said, the bad ends are easy to rewind and move past. I cannot say for certain whether or not your choices really affect the story, but I know that there are some scenes that I missed on my first playthrough due to my decisions made early on. There are key decision points along the story that point to having significant impact on the story in the future, but time will tell if that pans out.

    Characters - 5/5
    A rare breed of game to have a compelling cast and a likable MC. Your choices absolutely matter to his characterization, and he acts rationally and is relatable throughout the events of the game. The female cast is obviously critical to a H visual novel, and I was pleasantly surprised that there were interesting male characters and non-romantic female characters available as well. While not all of the characters have had their time in the spotlight yet, most get some backstory and attention at one point or another. While I was ambivalent on a few, there were none that I found to be "objectively dislikable." I know that's an oxymoron, but I cannot think of a better phrase to describe some of the grating archetypes that too often pop up in games like this.

    Story - 5/5
    Surprisingly good? Not at all what I was expecting on the tin or even after the first fifteen minutes of playing. There's a few mysteries afoot, some relationship drama, superhero struggles, and even some good ol' fashion class struggle. It's great! Really - well done! My only complaints were two very minor ones - the ability to pursue multiple storylines simultaneously can be a little disjointing. Tiffany and Alice both seem like plotlines of the MC getting in over his head with the wrong crowd out of necessity, for example, but they start at relatively the same time and (so far) in complete isolation. There was a point where I had to decide whether or not to ally with one of them and there was no mention of the fact that, at the end of the day, I would probably be in a better situation if I chose the other girl. The other, minor gripe was that the Evolution during the big showdown was a bit of an ass-pull. Just personal taste, but it felt kinda... anime? Lol. I can excuse it since it was somewhat telegraphed, but still. Deus ex machina and all that.

    Sex - 4/5
    I need more. In all seriousness though, I hope there's plenty of opportunity for some hard dicking in the future, but I kinda wish there'd been more littered throughout the current content. For the dev's reference, I basically did nothing but train before the Frat Party event, then I did Emily's content + the Gym, then trained some more and then binged all of Alice's content. Only after that did I go back and do the cheer content etc. I was concerned I would lock myself out of certain opportunities if I didn't go all-in on power from the start, but it ended giving me a bit of whiplash between long periods of serious story stuff. Between the early conversations with Ella and the clashes with Jared, I did feel somewhat pressured to play this way.
    I think either giving the player more time to explore the daily events or giving a specific, highlighted option to progress "main" storylines would alleviate the issue if it's deemed necessary to do so.
    As far as what is there, it's good. Sometimes great! I like the vanilla content, but I'm fine to lean into the bizarre more too, in the future. As much as I dislike Ella, I cannot deny that the opportunity for kinky mischief is at an absolute maximum between two Superhumans.

    All in all, it's great. Well worth your time. If you're really against goth stuff, I will give you fair warning that it's extremely prevalent (but then just look at the preview images...) If you're only interested because of the mind control or futa tags, maybe don't bother. It's only in a few scenes so far. Other than that, go at it. I'm crossing my finger that the story doesn't jump the shark as the stakes get ever-higher, but otherwise I'm confident in giving this Superhuman a 5/5 rating.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Superhuman has a fantastic art style & engaging story. It sounds like the game has original music as well, the whole production value is impressive. This game strikes the perfect balance in my mind between the H-scenes and building enough connective tissue between those scenes to make them meaningful. If it looks like your kind of thing, it is.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Mind blowing. Probably my favorite game yet. The narrative is great and keeps you wanting more, the art is awesome, and the characters are well fleshed out in terms of personality and backstory. Can't wait for the next update! Would definitely recommend.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, especially if you like manga or anime or the game "Prototype".
    Unique 2D art, which constantly improves, and a lot of drawn scenes.
    Various optional fetishes included such as gender bender, futanari, breast expansion.

    One of the best games on the site.