VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.991] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games that I've seen in the Latest section many times, ever since it was first uploaded actually, but never really gave it any mind because of the art style, regardless of the good ratings. While I did like the art style itself, I am REALLY not a big fan of absurdely large tits, and avoid any game where seemingly all models have it. But then, after a year of seeing it around, I decided fuck it, let's give it a try, and thank god I did. What I found is possibly my favorite game I've ever found on this site. I very rarely give reviews, but this one is special enough that one is needed. The story, the scenes, the art style, the various different fetishes, the weird but very creative sex scenes, the beautifully dark ambiance, it's all fucking amazing, enough that I'm easily capable of accepting the gigantic tits. Not to mention, I was blown away by how much content this game has for being here only a year and such a low size file, it was a very good surprise. To me, it's easily the best erotic ren'py game ever made. My only real gripe with it is the music, but that can easily be turned off and I play some Deathprod on spotify (I really recommend for that dark atmosphere).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Patreon version 0.88

    Honestly, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the story. Far and away one of the best of any game on the site. While the art style is a still not really to my liking, its grown on me a little bit. Still a little too edgelord but at least its a style, which makes it stick out from a generic honey select or DAZ offering. Frequently updated with solid amounts of content, interesting and engaging characters and a fairly unique story for a porn game. Couldnt really ask for much more.

    And the NTR is very easily avoided. Like you have to actively pursue the NTR options. Same goes for the gay and futa options. And WeirdWorld even gives you the option to to back out if you somehow accidentally click the option for NTR. So the anti-NTR contingent cant complain

    5 stars, easy
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A weird (hehe) artstyle which is excellent, good story, not just a filler one, its actually exciting and makes people think whats going on, whos this whos that etc.. Relatively quick updates, and lots of content per update.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is the best part of the whole game, with the sex scenes as an added toping. I've personally never been engaged in a porn based game such as this. All in all, a very good and engaging story that'll take you several hours to finish at least from v0.851 at least. NTR is easily avoidable and is an extremely small part of the game. Also, if you're deterred by the art, don't be. Try it out for an hour and it'll start to grow on you. Crazy action scenes too. 10/10
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game obviously takes heavy inspiration from The Prototype. If you liked that concept, this is basically that but with sex and 100x better story.

    Speaking of, the story is probably the best part of this game. Like there are some good h-scenes in here, but the character interactions are really what sell it.

    Gonna be honest, the art was a little off putting at the start, but it really grows on you, and you can tell WeirdWorld is getting better and better at drawing as the games goes on.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I've always skipped this due to the poor art with vibes of edgyness, but after reading the reviews I decided to give it a go on account of two promises by many of these said reviews: 1) writing and sex scenes transcend the poor art, 2) plenty of good sex scenes.

    I have no idea why reviews would say this. This game is exactly what it looks to be: a Ren'Py game succumbing to all the usual pitfalls (walls of text with very sparse adult content in between sandwiches of boring characterization and very little interaction), but on top of this, it has poor art.

    Why it's one of the best reviewed games on this site, I have no idea.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    the art style was a bit of a turn off for me at first, but as time went on, it grew on me. the story is nice and fun to read. I love the different charcters and the interactions between them. I really was sad when the game ended, because this game really is one of my favorite porn games of all time, probably top 3. MC can genderbend and become a futa and is op. this really is the perfect game for me, thank you devs for making this masterpiece.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I was surprised by this game.

    So, at first the image, the description, the vibe, etc made me dismiss it as another edgy cheesy game.

    But I was in for a surprise, the game a surprisingly high quality, it has plenty of content, well-made H scenes, the girls (and other things) are pretty interesting and varied, the story is actually good too, many actually important choices and the mystery got me hooked.

    Overall pretty good game, I do recommend it and will keep an eye out for updates. Its main flaws are some characters having bad art and sometimes it not being clear what you're picking when you make choices, but it's pretty minor stuff, solid 9/10.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    I didn't have super high expectations when I picked up Superhuman. The art looks iffy to be frank and VNs are really a dime a dozen around here. The reviews seemed quite good though, so I figured why not.

    I'm definitely glad I tried it. While the art is a little dubious, there are a number of images that are better and there's something about it that fits the tone of the story at times. It's still probably the weakest aspect of the game, but it's not a deal breaker.

    It's really the story and the characters that make the game shine though. It's gonna sound a little jank, but I'd liken the story most to DragonBall Z. The power levels, evolutions, and even combat feel like they could come straight out of the anime... though with a few more tentacles. In addition, there's an obvious overarching plot that it feels like we've only been able to see a tiny corner of since Ella is a dirty tease. I'm definitely looking forward to a number of big reveals.

    The characters are very good as well. While there are so many that it takes a while to get to know any of them too well, they have distinct personalities and goals. I'll grant a few bonus points for them not all being anime cliches as well.

    I'm a little concerned about the choices matter aspect of the story. While your choices can certainly lead you to a bad end, I've yet to see a lot of evidence for longer term consequences. I've generally been playing as a good guy, so a lot of my enemies remain alive and on reasonably decent terms. However, sparing my foes to hopefully make them allies hasn't really seemed to have an impact on the story yet. I understand that this sort of thing can be hell for any story to compensate for, but executing it well can be the difference between a good and bad VN. I have high hopes and expectations.

    Overall, I would definitely recommend the game. There's some decent moments of sexiness, an excellent story, good characters, and a cool representation of super powers.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2553135

    Overall, one of the most interesting games I played on this site.

    Story. It is very unique and engaging
    Graphics: While the graphics may take getting use to, they are well done.

    There could be more renders for the sex scenes
    The LIs for this game are terrible; most are just rampaging sluts.
    The MC needs to grow up fast; I get that he does not take stuff seriously, but he needs to focus on his training (which he even points out).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Ngl, never expected something THIS good. Im just here because of the weird shit art, stay for a good game overall. I won't mind some gameplay for the fighting scene though, but that will take quite an effort so no pressure, yea <3
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: v0.851)

    I have been playing this game for the past half year or so. I had put off playing the game at first after seeing the odd artstyle in the preview images. But, I felt that it stopped bothering me after about 15 minutes of playing the game. Infact, I'd say the odd artstyle is one of the game's most attractive features. Some people are put out by the NTR, but since the path is totally avoidable, there is nothing to regret about playing the game.

    The story of the game is quite interesting, with the MC going through several highs and lows. Some treacheries are easy to read while some come out of the blue. But, the MC also makes great friends along the way. I'd say Ella is one of the main interesting points of the game and easily one of the best antagonists among any AVN that I've played so far. The MC is quite lovable. Helps that he can both be a good guy as well as a partially bad guy. Alice's background story was great, as well.

    Hope to play the next update soon!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Considering that work on this game has only started last year (as of v0.85), What has been done is pretty impressive.

    The writing in particular deserves a salute as the story is really engaging, has a very nice length, and manages to balance different genres such as action, comedy, drama, etc in a way that allows each genre to shine and fans of it to enjoy it. There are also some nice touches like the story actually providing a good reason for the MC's eyes not being shown, which one wouldn't expect as lots of VNs don't show the MC's eyes just to make him even more of a player insert (which this MC isn't. He has a distinct personality while at the same time giving you some nice dialog choices and decisions, thus providing the best of both worlds).

    The fight scenes in particular are really well done, both in their CG and in their writing, and the fact that you have to make the right choices to actually survive a fight rather than passively reading it until it finishes adds to the excitement and enjoyment of them. You can also make some major decisions about some important characters as a result of them, which one hopes would have an important effect down the line.

    The art style is definitely uncommon, but it feels very fitting to a story that focuses on monsters like this one.

    The music used range between "ok" and "pretty good", and I found it interesting that some tracks were actually songs with lyrics, rather than just tunes without lyrics like most VNs use. On one hand, that was a bit distracting. On the other hand, the songs were pretty good and I even downloaded some of them :).

    In closing, I highly recommend this game for sure, and can't wait to see what comes next :).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    While the art and writing may seem a little rough around the edges at times, Superhuman weaves a compelling story through its alluring characters, an engaging mystery and action.

    A pleasant surprise and a game that I would highly recommend.

    Well done.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Violet Tucker

    I came for the hentai and stay for a very good story way batter and interesting then I ever thought I was going to get myself into, every update is fun and cool with all the different characters that get long storylines that I care about. Plus the fights are pretty sick I love reading the heavy story parts like that.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Version played: v0.85

    Before I start my review, I want to state that I generally prefer to play 3d rendered games that are abundant on this site and avoid games like this because I find it hard to connect with games that have art like this.

    However I am a sicker for games that have at least a decent amount of story in it and this 1 was really interesting. The story premise can set off ones imagination as the MC can literally change into a pure female form or futa (female with both gender sex organs, my favorite btw). The game also has music almost throughout the game and has many sfx for the right moments. However despite having a interesting story, it does have a few flaws.

    Firstly, the sex scenes are erm, not very visually impressive to be honest. Given the games art style, it serves as more of a lubricant to support the game's appeal. Secondly, I was hoping for more of MC scenes where he can have sex in his futa form with other female characters. There are some, just not much.

    Overall I would recommend this and other similarly designed titles like Summertime Saga or Shelter-an apocalyptic tale. Very likely I will return to this title in the future as the story to this point has me intrigued.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    review vor v0.85

    This is an amazing AVN. Its not your average porn game on f95, its an actual AVN. The graphics take some time to get used to, and are the main reason i havent played this game sooner. The story is great, there are some inconsistencys with characters and the timing of events (some girls disappear for 80% of the game only to be the only person MC interacts with for hours). But the overall idea, the story and the execution are top notch and make this game one of the best on this site.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4721658

    Came for the weird porn, stayed for the story.
    Story is captivating and fun, characters are cool, the artstyle is interesting and different (I'd have liked the female characters to have more different body types).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game goes above and beyond, concerning what a quality game should encompass. It has a mesmerizing story, deep characters whose personalities are distinct from one another, and excellently executes the inclusion of a variety of fetishes. If you are a fan of superheroes, epic battles; Lovecraft, or fucking god knows what, then this is your game.

    However, it wouldn't be an honest review without mentioning the art. Whilst the art is by no means bad; it is very unique and absolutely takes time to get used to. In fact, it was the art that made me stay away from this game for months every time that I saw it in the "Latest Updates" tab. Do not make that same mistake. These days, I eagerly await every single update.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a 5/5, despite me not being a fan of unrealistically big boobs. The story is engaging and the sex scenes quite varied. I only wish that the ability to transform into other people would be used a bit more. especially in sexual contexts.