VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.991] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly a great game, the story is amazing, the conversations feel real, and the sex scenes are just mwah. I feel some of the characters may have badonkahonkers that are a bit too big, but that's just personal preference I suppose. I was actually incredibly disappointed when I found out that this game isn't more widely known, plenty of way worse and super clunky lewd games out there with more than 10x the following.

    The pics on the download page don't do it justice btw, the descriptions better but still a bit lacking. I would definitely suggest changing them to be more representative of the game. When I saw the page I was interested, but just barely enough to check it out and was way less excited about it than some other ones because of pics alone, but the game was by far the best.

    Thanks for making this game man, it's actually amazing. I was more emotionally invested in the story of this free lewd game than the LOTR, like actually wtf.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game, well I should say I played it for hours and developed a love hate realtionship with it. I like the scenes and it satisfies a lot of my fetishes ( futa, consensual dp, killing old powerful rich men who try to exploit women). The story was good as well though lets just say most of the bad ends feel so absurd.

    Now the things I absolutely hated to the core of my heart is one and one thing only. Ella. ****ing Ella. It was clear that she was author's pet since we already had Tiffany's father, Xanthe,Langdon as villains along with Monsters's true god, but Author still kept around Ella, giving her wins after wins, allowing her to turn two people close to MC. She gaslighted, manipulated two characters and turned them against MC to the point they were so brainwashed they kept on hurting MC to the point of death again and again. I didn't want to kill Jake and Deryl because thaty would mean I gave the win to that b***ch. Yet author tries to create situation where MC has to face her cordially as she keeps on mocking him and belittling him, gaslighting him and we have no angry option to deal with it. B***ch everthing the MC has achieved it was the constant struggle and deaths and close counters and constant practice thatbrought about his evolution. All you did was manipulate, gaslight, two innocent youngsters and turned them against you, steal shit from places because she is incapable of developing her powers naturally, kill a bunch of innocent miners, not caring how many innocent bystanders get killed by her failed experiments and the author has the audacity of constantly bringing her in our face as a friendly face. Every scene she was there, I just tried to skip past the dialogue as quickly as possible. hell I even have to share the scene with two innocent characters with a fucking apathetic psychopathic narcisstic mass murderer. Ewww just was leaving a bad taste in mouth anytime she was on screen and still will be till the end of story. I hope in the end there is a choice where we get to rip Ella apart, piece by piece, bone by bone, muscles by muscle , cell by cell and destroy her till their is nothing left of her existence. Of course as I have seen in several stories, narcisstic, manipulative, gaslighting characters are usually author's pets and gives them hardon or wetness and when the time of justice finally comes they get off easy compared to the pain and suffering they inflict in the story.

    So many content so much practice yet we still can't reach even Evolution level 3. Lot of techniques yet every character we fought can shred though our bodies and got explosive AOE moves that negates our regeneration. And author's insistence to show dark worlds by killing bunch of civilians who have no relation to the story yet even they get off easy because why a innocent killing mass murdered must be inflicted the same pain and suffering right.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.902 -
    Loved the game. Good characters and plot and world building. Best thing about it is that the MC is not the most powerful and there are side characters that are more powerful than the MC. The MC always has to adapt and use his wit to win. Cool scenes despite the art style.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best stories here. Really well-written. I liked the power fantasy. The fight scenes are depicted with a quality like no other h-game. This is definitely something unique. Don't be put off by the humongous boobies. They will get to be charming after a while as you play. I hear the dev is also changing the art style and it looks much better. But for me this is not a game you play for the visuals anyway. It's the story. Genuinely interested in what happens next, which is not what you can say for a lot of games.

    The updates are substantial. Each one takes hours to play through. It is tricky when you write a superhero story to maintain consistently interesting villains because the hero is constantly training and growing in power. Superhuman manages to do this extremely well, all while keeping character relationships and romance with the girls interesting. So, definitely worth playing if you like well-writtten games.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    awqsrem man

    First off, this game is LONG! It is also not for those who are faint of heart and dislike crime type things, murder, rape and corruption.

    I just played through the entirety of up to 0.902 and not saving at every decision, only ones I thought were important I got to the 27th page of saves on renpy.

    This game has bad endings and its quite easy to fall into them, however some decisions are pretty obviously bad.

    So what is this game about? It's a psychological thriller with horror and supernatural elements. The sex doesn't really ramp up until a little later into the game but its there constantly and there's a lot of it.

    In this game you play as a guy who gets transformed into a superhuman who can tranform. There are a lot of other people with different abilities. You go through life doing stuff at an epic college full of hot chicks and classical school developments. You become a hero at a frat party by saving people from monsters with similar powers to yours. A lot of interesting things and interesting characters appear in this game.

    The only problem with this game is the images. They aren't very high quality at the start and if you aren't into a heavy goth theme, the start might be difficult for you to get through. This game howeverisn't too negatively impacted, as there are so many images and sex scenes that the quality isn't that much of a problem.
    The writing quality, while not amazing is consistent and most importantly, different from cookie cutter stories. All in all a good 40-60 hours of enjoyment from this one.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most content-ful games here with an interesting fleshed-out world (reminiscent of Wildbow's Parahumans universe) and a good main plot. The game never feels grindy while also making your decisions have impact.

    However, the art style may not be to everyone's style, but the quality is improving. The sexual themes and scenarios are also not super interesting. The result is that Superhuman is a great game, but just a good porn game. However, its impressive writing and world building makes up for it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    AS for version 0.902 its visual novel with superpowers that is not a power fantasy...for the most part at least.

    Plot is simple, you ordinary legal aka 18 years old john doe that got bitten/infected/etc. by monster with unknown origin into/to shapeshifter/mimic. Atop of it builds entire plot. Like there are also other monsters, other infected/bitten humans turned to superhumans with various abilities, etc.
    Also, its more of VN than porn game, so dont expect to see sex in the first five minutes of game

    Arts seen screenshots right. But closer to the end of current version arts direction changes from roughly hand drawing to....ehhh elegant hand drawing I guess.

    Characters is slightly cartoonish, in a sense of personality, but not too much. Some of them looks similar to each other but not much.

    Overall plot sometimes, in a heat of battle (there are no any battle system, just plain text), turns to....ehhh dark power that a thing??? I mean characters act like they invincible, for a good reason, but at the same time they can be killed by simple pipe, if it hit in the right spot.
    So yes, there are some gory scenes, but not to the point of TAKE AWAY PREGNANT CHILDREN AND IMPRESSIONABLE ANIMALS AWAY FROM THE SCREEN

    However, game have one huge flaw.
    It reveal to player things that he, player, shouldnt know and than propose a choices, that uses revealed information. Game sometime jumps from character to character, to show you, player, what different characters doing, before proposing you to make a choice, based on obtained in such way information.
    Ill explain. In game you made new a friend. You character thinks hes a pretty cool guy, and he actually a pretty cool guy, despite being a wimp. But than SUDDENLY he turns to bad guy, and game shows it to you, as a player. BUT your in game character dont know this. For him hes still a pretty cool guy, despite being a wimp. Which is okay, fine...tension, plot twists, all of that...yeah, whatever, okay, fine...
    HOWEVER heres go even bigger BUTT. Game proposes you to make a choice being a dick towards aforementioned character, because hes a bad guy, multiple times, WITHOUT PLAYERS CHARACTER KNOWING THAT!!!!!!
    I mean game doesnt distinguish you, as player, from you, as a in game playable character. You proposed to use information that unavailable to players character to move plot further.....which ruins all SUDDEN PLOT TWISTS and plot in general.

    Porn is okay, I guess. Multiple different scenes, some weird fetishes, etc.

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  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for close to a year now and I finally decided to make a review. I honestly already loved the game from the first time I finished playing and now I love it even more after experiencing the dev's update schedule and content release.

    Let's start with the obvious and probably most pressing reason why people would be unwilling to play this at first glance; the art. While it's true that it may not be appealing to everyone or even most, it weirdly suits the kind of world this game is set in as well as its themes.

    Moreover, the art only gets better with time, I'd say it's quite good as of the latest update yet. Another thing that may be off-putting to people are the overall designs of the characters, especially the female ones, namely the great size of their boobs. The game even goes so far as to dabble in the breast size expansion fetish, so if that's not something you can stand then I recommend either not playing the games or ignoring the characters that aren't to your tastes.

    But no, what really sets this game apart is its visual novel aspects, I.e. the writing and event CG's. I'd even go so far as to say that they stand on its own without being reliant on the sexual content to be enjoyable.

    The atmosphere of the game is pretty dark without being depressing, as it allows the player to immerse themselves in a power fantasy with harem relationships.. The latter is far from being rare in this forum, but the former certainly is.

    The story contains plenty of fight scenes that aren't not only written well, being descriptive without being confusing, they also come with CG's for one to actually see what is happening on screen, as well as music and sound effects. These are all pretty basic things for a VN, but it's nice to see it in a western visual novel with sexual content of this quantity and quality.

    Something that I feel bears mentioning is that the game contains Lovecraftian elements to it, both in the story with the characters' powers, them feeling like their sanity and humanity is slipping and the appearances of certain creatures. So be prepared to see some freaky stuff, this game didn't earn the horror tag for nothing.

    As for the gameplay, it's honestly not much, but that's a given seeing as this is mainly a visual novel. Gameplay consists of choosing things to do in a given week, which can be either character events to progress their routes or you can just train to increase your stats.

    What is noteworthy is that during fights you also must choose the right actions to do or you may either die or not certain stat points later. This adds a deeper level of interaction with the player instead of just solely reading.

    Yes, the game has a stats system, which helps to decide what kind of events happen in the story. If your stats aren't high enough for a given conflict you may reach a dead end and get a game over. so it's advisable to keep multiple saves along the playthroughs.

    Stat points are gained through choices at different points, there is also a currency system, but rest assured that so far the game requires no grinding. Money is simply gained through correct optional choices in the story, and the items that you buy with money are mostly optional and not required for story progression, but simply give more sex scenes.

    The game also has a morality system, with stats such as corruption, public and government opinion. These are so far the most important stats outside of power and skill, which are mostly obligatory for not losing in certain fights. The scope that these stats will have in the overarching narrative is yet to be determined, but so far they make things different enough to warrant at least 2 playthroughs.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So yall know how there are some games where you come for the art and its only the art that manages to keep you there? shows where if it wasn't for the fanservice youd drop them instantly? Yeah this game is not that in the slightest. Its like highschool DxD, you initially come for the "plot" but you stay because the actual plot is surprisingly good and well thought out. Like, even if this was just a visual novel and had no sex in it at all it would still be a really good story and game. There are minor potential plot oddities like using your powers to turn into someone i didn't think qualified, and some of the girls have skin or hair colors that seem just a tad off from believable (and no its not Ella im talking about) but this game is great and i can't wait to see where it goes from here.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game fucking rules. I'm not gonna lie, at first I just downloaded this for the h-scenes, but then I actually tried paying attention to the story and I was hooked. Out of all of the h-games I've played this one of the only two that actually has a fleshed out and interesting plot. All of the powers and characters are interseting, and the fight scenes are amazing. The artstyle is a little weird but you'll get used to it quickly. Also the music in this game is great. Not to mention I'm a sucker for dark/edgy stuff so this scratches that itch well.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried this game because the premise was interesting.
    I was immediately hooked. The story, the characters, it's like a book that I just can't put down. I have to keep reading.

    It has a good mix of superpowered action, and relationship drama, a mix of the world of heroes/monsters, and humans.

    My only complaint is the art style, some of the skin tones look sickly, and the proportions get ridiculous, but I still love it for the points I mentioned earlier.

    Can't wait for updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn , I fucking love this game.. I have lot of love for the big games in this site and all but rarely some games were able to get things right.. perfect music choice , right amount of art pieces and the narration with all emotions thriving in the dialogue exchanges ! Wow.. when the art brimmed beautifully as it went on.. making all the girls more of an exception , it felt special and i got really excited to see even some of the girls I found distasteful ( in the appearance ) !
    Felt the jake , Deryl and mc thing was little dragged out ! All the characters were engaging , with the idea of many possible routes especially !
    Hope Jared suffers more ! If the dev is reading this.. pls utterly humiliate Jared !
    Great designs and an awesome game man ! Peace ✌
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Dropped about 1 hour into it, reached around 3 endings, the first 30 minutes was real reading but the latter half started skimming a lot more.

    I love that it's a proper VN rather than a porno. There's characters, there's plot, there's sophisticated routing where your decisions matter. That's great, I think.

    The biggest con for me though is that it just doesn't pander to me. It just doesn't give me that sense of power fantasy I look for in my entertainment. The characters are lame rather than cool. There are so many dudes in this VN, why? They take up so much screen time and don't have anything to interest me. The girls also don't make me happy and excited to get with them, rather they're weird and unappealing. Like, if they came up to me IRL I would pass on fucking them.

    Also the art is horrible but I try to think mostly about the story.

    However I see the effort put into this and will revisit this later if the good reviews from other people continue.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    pretty cool game. It's clear this dev likes anime, manga lol etc. Game feels like a seinen manga that had a baby with a shonen manga. Sex scenes are pretty much the same. Lots of missionary, tit fucking. surprisingly the current game is a lot longer then i thought it would be.

    Took me like 15 plus hours to reach the current end. The world building is there, interesting characters all about, good intrigue, nice action. The art is unique. Even if this game had no sex scenes, i would still play it. The music is varied and awesome. It fits the game perfect. Can't wait to see where this game goes. Definitely a sleeper hit.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This was so much fun I really enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next update. While the art isn't the best it has a charm that really grows on you and the story is absolutely amazing. 5/5 stars great game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for porn and stayed for the story. It's one of these games that has great story that you might even not care for porn. Art is nice but I can see why some people might not like it, plus there is quite a lot of grammatical errors (like using they're when it clearly should their).
    I must say, when I downloaded it, I didn't expect to get sucked in by the story. That was a nice surprise.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Expected a simple monster fapping simulator, got hours of engaging story, nice characters and even some emotional moments.
    Strongly recommended but it has some gore and very graphic (mostly text) scenes, so be warned.

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  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I somehow missed this game for over a year. Definitely one of the best games on this site. Fairly unique with a ton of content. Given it's at version 0.9b I am assuming the game is almost complete.. It seems like it isn't that far from a possible ending anyway. If you are reading this and haven't check it out, download it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    First: i encountered a bug, the Cheerleader Epilog was not accessible for me. Probably because in scripts/eventscheerleader.rpy with label cheerleaderhunt25 the cheerhunt counter is increased 2 times (Line 3806 is the wrong one?). I had to manually increase the if clause from 17 to 18 in one of the scripts/day79 to 82 or something .rpy files to start the scene, Or if someone reads this, you could also use a save file editor and reduce the cheerhunt variable to 17.
    old version:
    "See Jess and Tess" if cheerhunt == 17:
    new version:
    "See Jess and Tess" if cheerhunt == 18:
    But the better long term solution would probably be to fix the variable in a save game editor like this one i guess:

    Rating to the game: nice game, nice story, good and creative scenes. Only the art/artstyle can feel sometimes a bit low quality/lazy, but you are fast accustomed with it and then it is fine. Not enough to reduce even half a star for me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I accidentally pulled an all-nighter playing this game from the start this Saturday-Sunday thinking to myself "How can there be this much content??". I was surpised when it kind of just turned into a full-on VN for a bit with a story that was way more compelling than I'm used to. Still good for a fap in the less dramatic sequences though :)
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