VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.991] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Usually, I write long reviews, after spending the last two days playing this game from the very start to the latest update I have to say.

    You better not have done what I think you just did or I am changing my review to 1 star. It's a great cliffhanger though.

    No seriously, one of the best games I've ever played from this site, simply from a content point of view I don't think there is anything like it. Very very dark though, be warned!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why I hadn't reviewed this game.

    I love it.

    Definitely one of my favorites, the gameplay loop is fun, there's a lot of content, the art gets REALLY good later on, and the characters are likeable, the whole lore and story is fun and complex. I'm not the biggest fan of all the extended fights with sometimes too much dialogue this game has, and I would be lying if I said I don't fast forward through some of them but I still pay attention to what is going on while doing so, because I do care about the story overall.

    Genuinely one of those games you find and you know you'll enjoy for the entire duration of it and it kinda gets better the more you play and the more you get invested in the story and characters.

    Christie lowkey best girl.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Although some of parts of the game feel a little slow and repetitive, the game is still a masterpiece with practically no competition as I've played a lot of games on this site and none of them were even close to approaching Superhuman. Do yourself a favor and play the game it is 100% worth it
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    For anyone who is put off by the screenshots: Do yourself a favor and download this gem. You get used to the art after a while. Not that it matters with such a gripping story, vast character set, and memorable soundtracks. One of the best AVNs I've ever played.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Peak, absolute peak. this right here is better than any schlock hollywood or triple AAA studios have made in a while (with some exceptions) the story, PEAK, the art, amazing, its very unique and captures that early 2000's metal grunge. the girls, heh, lets just say the girls are fucking based. awesome story, great mysteries, best fights i've seen in a game, and an overall fucking bad ass game. good soundtrack to (shoutout to technoaxe follow him on youtube)
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    I have to be honest - the only reason I downloaded this game is because of it's rating. I don't like games with graphic like this, I just avoid them, but I made an exception here.

    And it was a great decision. This is simply an amazing game. Have no idea how the hell do I compare it to other games with "normal" graphic but surely this is my favourite game with this style.

    Story - incredible. Interesting as hell, you just keep reading it and waiting excitedly for next things to happen. I'm not a big fan of this supernatural stuff but it's made so well here that it just makes sense.

    Girls - great, interesting, funny to engage and build relationships.

    Fights - well, it is part of the story, but it's so important that I had to write about it separately. There are numerous fights in this game and while I think there should be more choices in them (even simple choices like do something or die because sometimes in a fight that takes an hour you just choose something two times and I feel like this fight is taking place no matter what I do), they're great. My favourite is probably a fight with Valravn (not sure that's his name, the birdknight dude), but they're all awesome, the peak of writing and the peak of this game. They're intersting even if MC is not fighting and you just read/watch someone else's fight.

    Amount of content. I was absolutely shocked how long this game was. Well, I played it first time in 0.982 version, but still, playing just a few hours per day at max - it takes weeks to finish it. Few times I though "surely this must be the end of current content" and it just kept going. There IS a lot of reading here, it's a main part of this game's length (sometimes there are no renders and you just read the text) but I'm ok with it. If you don't like reading and want to just CTRL through a game - this is not a game for you. I didn't count obviously but surely there is 40+h of content (well, mainly depending probably how fast you read).

    The biggest and only dissapointment for me in this game is the size of tits of almost all LIs. I know this may seem stupid to some people but it really bothered me while playing this game. If there was a mod for this game that shrinks tits of girls - I would install it. I think proportions of girls are weird, I know this is a style of this game and it just is this way but I had to write about it as this is the only thing I don't like about this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This unironically might be my favorite piece of media ever, including both porn and not porn. The story, world building, fights, characters and everything else is fantastic. The porn is also great, but I honestly would play it even if it wasn't there at all.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Helluva lot of content. Interesting story. Love the power-growth. Overall one of the best games on the site imo.

    Story is by far the best aspect.
    The art, starting out simple, evolves into some pretty damn compelling pieces. Honestly, from the start, I thought it was a little sub-par, but at some point the art really improves. It's honestly kinda stunning in quality at this point.

    Probably one of the most unique stories I've encountered, I'm really looking forward to the next update.

    If you're thinking of trying out this game, stop. Just play it, you won't regret it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this with low expectations since its not really my genre, very pleasantly surprised. Weird characters, but the story is entertaining, unique and well written. The amount of content and built out branches is also superb for a game thats only 3 years old. While there is plenty of sex content in this game, I prefer the story aspect and it is more story driven than anything else
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Do not let the art dissuade you from playing this game, this is easily one of the best vn's on this site! Great dev as well, most games dragging updates every 5-7 months while he's still delivering great updates every ~3months.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR : Amazing plot and story

    The sex scenes are great, it could be a lot more kinky with how good the setup is, but it's already pretty good.
    I don't really know how linear the game is because i have not replayed it yet, but it sure as hell don't feel like it.
    And the story is INSANE, It made me addicted to the game, sex scene became a bonus not the reason to play
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of my favourite AVNs yet. Right in the top tier for sure.

    The story, the characters, the world that the writer has created are all so interesting and the clear shining light of the game. Even ignoring other AVNs this is enjoyable work by general fiction standards. This alone makes it a must play for me.

    On top of this the visuals, whilst not perfect, are very adequate. The artwork fits the vibe wonderfully and the sex scenes are plentiful with loads of variety and implementation of powers in them. They aren't super complex visually, one or two pictures most of the time but they're well written and nice to look at for what they are.

    I will also add that the game as of my review is very long by AVN standards which is a big plus for me. I always want to support developers that show that they can put out regularly in good quantity.

    For anyone interested in a diverse cast of well fleshed out characters, loads of unique powers, big fights etc this is the game to play.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best AVN's I have ever played, the story and worldbuilding is so entertaining I would play it even if it was rated T. Nice thing though is that it's not, the game is full of giant goth tiddies and weird shapeshifter sex.

    An absolute gem 10/10
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5615723

    So Ive finally finished this story after 5 days. This is one of the few porn games that I play just for the plot. The story might have its flaws, but it's very creative and interesting. It keeps you hooked till the very end, and makes you want more. I dont know what it's inspired by, but its very much like an anime. The only downside is the art. It's morbid, but very amateurish. The recent 3D models dont work either. The art needs massive improvements is all Im saying. Dialogues should also be refined in the future. The new and improved art would also make the not so good sex scenes much better, and animations would be the perfect cherry on top. Other than that everything is good to go. The one perfect aspect of this game is the music. I cannnot emphazise enough how flawlessly music is used in this game. The soundtrack used by the dev in every scene works perfectly. The only thing this game needs are perfect endings, and then it'll literally be the best game in this field. For me atleast.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing, decent art the beginning and stunning later on, heart-pumping fights, awesome soundtrack, deep and expansive lore, intriguing power system. Honestly, what's not to love? This is my favourite VN, possibly my favourite story. I've been following Superhuman for over two years.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so fucking weird and yet I spent like 4 days straight playing it. The plot and style of the game is very bizarre and yet it works so well. I can't wait to play this when it is finally finished. It also does not shy away from the natural questions posed by the bizarre superpowers (the questions being how do I use these powers to FUCK).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few avns that captivated me the first time i got into it, and it's by complete coincidence too. The first time coming i had low expectations as to what the game would be like, my first impression was that it was gonna be another poorly drawn sex game with weird aliens but what i got was something out of this world (no pun intended) that caught me by surprise.

    First off the writing is some of the best out there, everything is written with a clear and concise way that doesn't feel overbloated even with the large amount of dialogues in the game. The protagonist is written excellently too and is a very likeable guy (depends on your choices i guess) that's surprisingly competent at what he's doing, he comes off as an actual person rather than a H game protagonist and that's a welcoming change. The characters are also written very well with some looking like a generic trope character that turns out to be a more complex character, overall all the characters are written excellently with each having their own characterizations that makes them unique to each other and i don't have complains whatsoever.
    Perhaps the best thing about the game is how cleverly written the power of the mc is. The power of shapeshifting has lots of potential and WeirdWorld knows this as much, it's not a cheap trick that the mc uses once in a while, it's a genuinely powerful power that can help him as easily as it kills and i love that so much. Power fantasy or no it's a very well written one.

    As for gameplay fundamentally it's the same renpy fare of clicking and reading while occasionally seeing cgs here and there but the nonlinearity of the story and the amount of variations in the scenes helps make it feel less of a boring chore and more of a complex game that can challenge you if you want to optimize your playthrough. It's an engaging way to spice a copy and pasted formula and i rather like it, i just wish they didn't impose a time limit but afaik it'll be remove in the full release.

    Overall i find this game to be a really enjoyable one with an interesting story that explores the concept of shapeshifting more than any media have taken it so far. The artstyle is a bit of a hit or miss but don't let it dissuade you, trust me it'll stick to you once you've played it, it's far more charming than you'd first think and creates a unique tone to the game's settings that complements the story. If it's still a turn off to you then i can't blame you, it's not for everyone but if you DO try it then you're in for a visual feast. I highly recommend it
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    enzo ferrari

    Renders are awful and animations are non existent but the lore, the options, the story are top fucking class. This proves wihtout a shadow of a doubt that avns doesnt need 4k animations but good story and options.
    my only gripe is that power hungry asshole mc should be more explicit. maybe i havent played that part yet.
    top top game
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Was walking into this for the power fantasy, but actually stayed because the story was interesting and fun.

    The sex scenes while lacking actual animated frames, are alright. Its more akin to a power point presentation flipping back and forth, but it does the job.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    tl;dr: came for the smut, stayed for the story.

    This game probably took a lot of my first times. First time reading 90% of the text without skipping, first time emotionally invested, first time properly naming my MC, first time trying to write a proper review... Well maybe not really the first, but you get it.

    Fun fact: My MC's last name is King, which makes my dad Stephen King. I didn't even know, there was just a mysterious voice telling me to properly name my MC for this game. Good call.

    Story - 5/5 (y)(y)(y)
    Not your average superpower story, where you get powers and then suddenly you're getting all the girls just because. Hell, most people didn't even know MC had powers until around one-third into the story. This game actually focuses on storytelling, instead of making shit up because it is convenient. Instead of "let's have an alien give you powers and the alien doesn't have to be talked about anymore", this game has things well thought out, where events and characters can link together, the past can link into the present, foreshadowing, etc. The emotion compartment is excellent too, there aren't many games that can stoke or traumatize me like this. This is a PROPER story you guys.

    Overall, story is coherent, consistent, and well-planned. There might be slip-ups occasionally, not that I've noticed. But even if so, I cannot nitpick, only real life can be 100% consistent after all. Oh and hey, all that suspense between scenes is delicious too.

    Characters - 5/5 (y)(y)(y)
    Like the story itself, the characters are consistent, and the developments are there. Character connections don't feel forced, they don't talk to you just because you have the MC energy. They approach you when they have a reason to, they hate you when they should. And of course, each character has a solid and unique personality, and it stays consistent. The lovable remains lovable, the mysterious remains mysterious, the hothead remains a hothead. (WW you better do the hothead and her twin right or I'm coming for you. jk, or am I) Surprises are not lacking either, like the cheerleaders who I totally thought would be stereotypical bitches, are not. They turned out lovable in their unique ways, one of them gets so much cuter when she tries to be a good GF, not something you'd expect right off the bat.
    Character developments are certainly there. As the MC goes forward, so do others. Either through opening up more and filling you in with backstories, or trying to change or improve themselves. Their intention and motivation for going forward are well-presented. It makes you convinced of what they are doing and why they do what they do. It also allows you to guess their next moves just a little based on their character.

    Art & Design - 4/5 (y)(y)
    The original direction, I wouldn't say I don't like it, but it's simply not my thing. But it could well be style matching theme, so I won't complain much. The new style is much more to my taste. Not much more to say about it, it's all personal preference, though some of the lipstick colors could be weird in the beginning. The redesign basically captured the characters' essence, like you can clearly see that's the redesign of this character.
    The reason why I don't give this a 5 is because of the inconsistency unlike the story and the characters. The old and new styles are still very much intertwined. Would be nice to slowly clean up going forward, though I know working retroactively is quite a pain so probably low prior.

    Sex scenes 3.5/5 (y):unsure:
    Scenes are good. Reason it's only 3.5 is because I don't feel like I have enough. Not the number of scenes, to this point the number is pretty substantial. It is the content inside each scene, while this is totally just my own opinion, the art is great, but sometimes say the angle, or the dialogue would have me say "Just a little more!", can't put my finger on it, but sometimes the scenes leave me blue balled. Personally would prefer a bit more of MC's body or the girls' legs (the fuller picture?) in certain scenes like cowgirl.

    Other scenes 4/5 (y)(y)
    Like action/casual scenes, not much to talk about. Casual ones are relaxing like you're really chatting with friends. Action ones are epic, I know what's going on and the character's mental process, the art adequately reflects what's being said. Only think to nitpick is that sometimes it could get wordy and I can't focus on all of the text, not that it impedes my overall understanding.

    Ugh, sorry for writing too much, but if a game can keep me invested 6 days straight, this review is well-deserved. Quite some time ago I played this once, only to drop it after ten minutes. I'm both sad and glad I picked it up again, for I did not know what a gem this was, and for waiting long enough that it is even better now.