This game is great. Like many others have mentioned, I was also initially deterred by the art-style, but decided to give it a chance due to the praise given to the story. And I was quite pleasantly surprised.
The game is presented in a pseudo-sandbox style where you choose what your daily activities will be and partake in sub-plot arcs that deepen your interactions with certain characters which also tie into the main narrative.
This works well because the pacing of the main story takes into account the various side-arcs and between each major plot point there's enough freedom to explore and develop relationships with the characters of the game as you see fit. It's not perfect, and sometimes the incongruences show if you've delayed starting any of the subplots, but it's good enough that my immersion isn't completely destroyed.
The story itself is intriguing and fun. The writing is a bit rough around the edges, both in style and in polish, but the overall effect is solid. The dev hasn't been afraid to pull away from the MC's perspective and give narrative space to the supporting cast and the antagonists to weave a comprehensive web focusing on the conflict driving this story: monsters and heroes.
While the process of the MC gaining, exploring, and growing stronger with his powers has been deeply engrossing, for me the core appeal of the story lies in the way we as the players can choose to use these powers and how they change both the MC and the way the people around him view and interact with him. The secret identity trope is one that's been done for hundreds of years and still remains one of the most popular, for good reason.
There's a rich lore that has been built up around the monsters, the characters, and the factions, and while some of the imaginings of the world and societal institutions are a bit overly simplistic, that stuff is largely peripheral and doesn't take away from the central appeal of the game. It should also be observed that while there's a wide array of characters and side-stories that we can engage in, ultimately the branching of the story path is fairly contained, and thus far, whether you sleep with everything that moves or maintain your celibacy, it does not seem to impact the main story in any meaningful way. That isn't necessarily good or bad, just a reflection of the main-narrative focused nature of this game.
There's a lot of praise to be given to Superhuman, but I'm not without complaints, and there are aspects of the game that I feel could use more work.
First and foremost, the character-writing has been uneven. The game has introduced a varied cast of characters, but many of them feel woefully underutilized. It's a tall task to give every character with plot significance an arc, but in a game where the story has decidedly progressed beyond the first act, we should be seeing the progression and development of both characterization and interaction of many more characters than we do see right now. As of the current update and off the top of my head, only the MC, Alice, Jake, Jess, and Liz have had notable character arcs. In a game where sex is abundant, emotional connection and genuine bond-forming has been all too scarce and far in between. Alice is by far my favourite romantic interest in the game because she has a significant plot involvement and her personality, her motivations, and her story were given a chance to be showcased and appreciated. Most others have not had that luxury and though not every character needs to have a dramatic change or development, I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential.
Secondly, the presentation. There's something to be said about a game that's been in development for more than a year which art quality has remained the exact same from beginning to end. It's equally impressive and also unfortunate, and has been a common point harped by most reviews. And it's not just the art, things like the font choice (papyrus is controversial, to say the least), the backgrounds, use of stills vs. animations, etc. all go towards building an overall product. The music in the game has been enjoyable and really adds to the atmosphere, and I think the art style has a very distinct charm, but I also know that if dev could improve the quality of the graphics, the overall presentation of this game would increase exponentially.
All in all Superhuman is a true diamond in the rough. The rough can be really rough, so much that at a glance people may not even want to give it a chance. But where it gets good, Superhuman pulls together an intrigue that takes from a smattering of genres and tropes to concoct a goofy, campy, sometimes disturbing, well-balanced edgy-but-not-(too)-cringey urban fantasy tale that's genuinely engrossing.