Now that I've gotten the chance to fully clear the content on Challenging. Here are some additional thoughts that I think are useful for improving the game:
1. No, not going to happen. It's designed this way on purpose. Yes, I know many other card games do this differently, but that's mostly because they feature multiple players who need to finish their turns quickly. Supermodel's card game is built around, among other things, the choice between instant reward and delayed, consistent rewards. Your combos aren't always going to trigger right away, and that's by design. Unlearn habits from other games and take Supermodel on its own merits. Changing the challenge/action structure would completely wreck the game balance and require redesigning most of the cards. And for what? People are mostly very happy with how this card game works, at least based on the feedback I've received.
2. Card draws aren't meant to be cheap. Many other card games fall into the trap where card draws are so powerful that they become the sole determining strategy to victory, and I want to avoid that. It was possible to abuse card draws in an early release of Supermodel Snapshot (the standalone card game), which forced me to introduce the Burnout mechanic. It was a little overtuned and has been toned down slightly in Supermodel Update 2. It might get further tweaks based on player feedback. The one thing you shouldn't expect is to build a deck centered around drawing huge amounts of cards every turn. I don't want you to do that. What I've seen is that, even with the overtuned Burnout, people still used the cards that allowed you to draw in most winning decks, and that's fine. As long as it doesn't dominate the "meta," that's okay. Card draw is neither weak nor overpowered, and that's how it should be.
3. Based on feedback on my Discord server, the AoE attacks (or sweepers as we call them there) are not only well-balanced but practically a requirement in any finely tuned deck, especially those that rely on Confidence. Deep Breath is one of the most useful, powerful cards in the game right now, for example, and almost every deck I've seen features 3 copies of it, including yours. As with everything else in this game, the sweepers aren't a one-size-fits-all solution to challenge cards. They're another tool in your toolbox, a piece of the puzzle. Sure, attack cards do more damage and scale with Skill engines, but they also only target one card each and struggle against abilities like Guard or the challenge card that can't be attacked directly.
4. The mistake you're making it that you think you can make one deck that fits all circumstances. That might work (with difficulty) in the current version, but you'll soon run into a brick wall in future scenarios if you continue thinking that way. If you find yourself repeatedly sitting there with a hand full of attack cards that don't match the challenge cards, you should probably try a deck with a different focus. Each of the three girls currently available as opponents has a different focus for their challenge cards (Confidence for Vanguard, Skill for Seraphim, Trust for Blink), so a deck that matches these with its engines will do better. This is deliberate. Create multiple decks and experiment with them.
5. This is a known bug that will be fixed in one of the upcoming versions. I only learned about it recently.
6. Confidence's strength is pure Heat generation and nothing more. If your deck doesn't take advantage of the excess Heat, for example by playing the big, expensive sweepers or upgrading your engines to their uppermost tiers, it's going to feel weak for obvious reasons. Confidence isn't really meant to do much apart from trivialize Heat for the player, but that comes at the cost of some utility elsewhere. As with everything else, it's all about finding the right balance in your deck. Confidence, like Skill and Trust, is meant to work in tandem with one (or two if you're willing to stretch yourself thin) other types to strengthen both. You might find it interesting to hear that early feedback during Supermodel Snapshot was that Confidence was
too powerful. I see every kind of combination of types on my Discord server when people beat the higher difficulties, and these combinations typically change depending on the opponent. Try not to get too caught up in the Skill/Trust trap. I know it looks tempting on the surface, but you're not expected to have to rely on both of those. One, sure, but not both (unless you really want to, which is fine too).
7. This is a good suggestion for the card detail screen. Noted. I won't do the same for the card texts if that's what you're asking. Real estate in those small boxes is too valuable as is, so I can't waste any more of it.
8. All the things you mention here are things I also want. It's tricky to implement, however. On the other hand, the filter functionality added in Update 1 made these options much more straightforward to implement since I had to rebuild the foundation into something more flexible (sorting, in particular, is now a lot easier to add). I want to make the deck list more user friendly in the future, but I haven't entirely settled on a final design yet.
9. This won't happen. There is some "magic" happening behind the scenes to optimize booster packs, but within a single rarity, it's entirely random what you'll draw. Keep in mind that the current reward system is not final and will be changed by the time the game is finished into something that encourages you to try new difficulties on new challenges instead of repeating the same ones over and over, which means that card gain will happen more gradually over the course of the story. I always intended for players to NOT necessarily gain the cards they want so that there isn't an overarching meta that people can follow blindly instead of thinking for themselves. By ensuring that everyone won't have access to the same cards (early on, at least), any attempt at establishing a dominant meta is immediately hobbled. But this is something that will only matter in the future. For now, try to avoid relying too much on cards you
don't currently have. Instead, try to work around that limitation.