[Survey] What game content turns you on?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2022

I have been send from shrink to shrink in an attempt to get myself fixed and every single one of says i am beyond there ability to help.
Its only the last 2 years i got one who can help and even she is running out of idea.

I see myself as an evil person who hate's being evil and wants to be good.
But being good is hard.
No hurting people for anoying me with there endless stupidity.
No stealing, no lying and no cruelty.

I use video games to relax and give my frustrations a way of dealing with braindead hairless monkey's called humans.
This world is a mess and my desire to fix it but being unable to drove me to mistantropie.

I hate humans.
I hate humanity.
And yet i want to save it.
Because i know what it is to suffer and i dont want anyone to suffer.
People shoud not suffer.
Yet because some jackass decided to drive drunk or some moron decided his dick is more important then some girl entire sense of self people are made to suffer.

And i am learning how to let go of my hate.
But i have a long way to go before i am a decent person.

So no i am not ok.
I am pissed.
And i want my revenge against humanity but i know it woudnt achieve anything.
So playing games where i enslave humanity and break them into obediance is a nice relaxing distraction from the endless wave's of morons who shoud be put to the sword so that they no longer can cause suffering to there fellow human beings.

Sorry for the rant.
I try not to burder others with it.
F95zone however seems to be more accepting of the darker parts of humanity.
Damn I'm sorry to hear that bro, well it seems like you're mentally disturbed based on the stuffs you've said here, no offense. I hope you get the help you need. I'm not shaming you for how you feel towards humanity itself, it's just a very unfortunate outlook in life. I hope life treats you better.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2022
No offense, but this really does sound like a question asked by an alphabet organization.
No offense taken, in all honesty I'm just pretty new to game developing. Literally starting and I'm still studying college so I'm just trying to gather as much info as I can right now.
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Oct 14, 2022
Damn I'm sorry to hear that bro, well it seems like you're mentally disturbed based on the stuffs you've said here, no offense. I hope you get the help you need. I'm not shaming you for how you feel towards humanity itself, it's just a very unfortunate outlook in life. I hope life treats you better.


Sep 30, 2017
Are you okay?
Are you not getting used to this yet? Lmao

Jokes aside, I do kind of agree with what Malaficus was saying. Fetishes aside, the power dynamic between characters is usually the main point of attraction for me, especially when they're well developed. That, and breath play. There's a terrible lack of it in adult games and that makes me sad.
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Active Member
Nov 24, 2022
Are you not getting used to this yet? Lmao

Jokes aside, I do kind of agree with what Malaficus was saying. Fetishes aside, the power dynamic between characters is usually the main point of attraction for me, especially when they're well developed. That, and breath play. There's a terrible lack of it in adult games and that makes me sad.
I didn't know breathplay existed until now :PogChamp:

Does choking count?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2022
Sure as heck does. Sadly I can only think of one memorable scene that really played into it (in Tyrant Quest). I guess it's not that popular, or maybe just hard to make? Either way, would love to see more of it.
Interesting. Well I'll make sure to tag you when I start developing my own game xD

I'll revisit my threads from time to time anyway. I'll see if I can bring some interesting breath play content.
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Cocaine Cowboy
Game Developer
Jul 11, 2017
All things in life is about sex.
Execpt sex.
Sex is about power.

I get turned on by controling people.
Everything else is just flavor used to enhance it.
From breaking milf into helping me rape there daughter to a shota blackmailing his teacher into whoring to a loving husband fucking his submissive wife.
The only thing that matter is the feeling of power over the woman.
Everything else is just to make that feeling greater.
After all fucking your submisive wife isnt much of a victory.
Mindbreaking her femdom mother into being your submisive fucktoy and fucking them both in a threesome.
That is hot.
Because you took a person who thought they could rule over you then broke them in suchs obediance they are willing to break culture taboo's to please you.
A man of culture.

My taste run pretty similar when it comes to enjoying content. Domination and breaking someone's will are all themes that I find turn ons.


New Member
Aug 24, 2022
Gameplay wise, i love traps (and not as in femboys) as in well, erotic traps,

As in the deception games, if that game was on pc with mods id be set for life lol.

Especially if some "traps" can be humanoid or monsters or whatever, as well.

The Card type rogue gameplay with erotic stuff works well too, like "last evil" went for the fap, stayed for the absolute gem of a game.

So basically dungeon/escape/traps/rogue would be my sweet spot.

Now, about kinky stuff, pretty much everything goes aside from scat/mutilation/Hairy stuff/nipple penetration. Also have a 20/40% furry limit.

If i get to choose, i probably would go for slave/bdsm stuff.

i detest rpgmaker and VN. so my options are not many.

Not that im giving up tho.

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Greiya Archives

Game Developer
Aug 23, 2022
You're absolutely right, but it's still enjoyable to discuss our tastes and see what else the conversation brings up. Why else would we hang out here?
hmm alright you got me, i'll play.

I love nonconsensual lezdom, and cuckqueaning (reverse ntr / ffm ntr)
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Sep 30, 2017
hmm alright you got me, i'll play.

I love nonconsensual lezdom, and cuckqueaning (reverse ntr / ffm ntr)
That's the spirit.
I find it interesting that so many of us get off on non-consent. NTR (or netori) are both forms of it, in a way. Corruption, rape, blackmail/(mind) control are all popular themes which pretty much everyone agrees are fucked up in real life, yet here we are indulging in those fantasies on a regular basis. I wonder if it's just because this is a biased group of people, or whether there's something more going on.
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Active Member
Nov 24, 2022
"what do you like" and "what do you hate" threads always end up with literally everything in them, cause people like and hate different things.
If there's anything I've learned from the previous threads I made asking these questions, then I'd say I now know that most people really aren't a fan of disgusting fetishes understandably so. Taboo is one thing but vore, scat, and all that stuff is just something that would make people turn off their pc lol

Seeing everyone's preferences here gave me the artistic freedom to explore things I've never even heard about before. If I want to make a good game then I should have at least the skill to be able to listen to the people's voices all the while sticking to my main theme.
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Active Member
Nov 24, 2022
Gameplay wise, i love traps (and not as in femboys) as in well, erotic traps,

As in the deception games, if that game was on pc with mods id be set for life lol.

Especially if some "traps" can be humanoid or monsters or whatever, as well.

The Card type rogue gameplay with erotic stuff works well too, like "last evil" went for the fap, stayed for the absolute gem of a game.

So basically dungeon/escape/traps/rogue would be my sweet spot.

Now, about kinky stuff, pretty much everything goes aside from scat/mutilation/Hairy stuff/nipple penetration. Also have a 20/40% furry limit.

If i get to choose, i probably would go for slave/bdsm stuff.

i detest rpgmaker and VN. so my options are not many.

Not that im giving up tho.

I see, well thanks for your input. I do suppose that getting "trapped" in erotic situations seem hot. I already am heading on that way since the stuff I plan to write includes taboo/dark fantasy types of sex. Ones that make the player feel pressured with their decision making and to make things interesting, there would be caveats to their actions. I think that would make for an interesting story.

I really wish I could share the prototype story I'm already coming up with for the past few days but I've still yet to write scripts. I don't think I'll delve into furries though lol. Never been a fan, though there might be some fantasy creatures I might include.

I remember writing this one on my note. "A bunch of cock hungry nympho fairies that would eat your dick as you feel the sensations of their tiny tongues slithering through the wholeness of your thick meat." kind of thing.

... Yeah. A glimpse of my fucked up mind :LOL: But that's not even the main point of my story, it's kind of just a bonus scene.

Oh yeah may I ask why many people dislike VNs and RPGM?
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Active Member
Nov 24, 2022
hmm alright you got me, i'll play.

I love nonconsensual lezdom, and cuckqueaning (reverse ntr / ffm ntr)
I- Well I didn't even know about these terminologies until you said it loool. Anyway, it'll be interesting to do these at some point as well. I'll keep note of it. Thanks!