Unity - Completed - Survive 4 Pleasure [Final] [Naked Sausage]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Okay, this is... REALLY fuckin' stupid. Especially for a "Completed" game. This reeks of one of those Russian cash-in shovelware games that gets shoved out on steam with some shit title like "Hentai Minecraft Zombies" or some bullshit. Genuinely, this is awful.

    The game play is shit, the headshots just... stop being headshots at some point, the mercenary doesn't appear to actually work properly, the zombies are more obnoxious than they are good or scary, and there's no real tactical growth from repeat gameplay loops, so you're just throwing yourself at a wall over and over again expecting mildly different results.

    The sexual content is nonexistent. I'll spoil it for you. The "Pleasure room"? Is just your character, naked, and you can click on them to make a moan sound effect play, or a leg wiggle. Maybe. The stripper mode/photo mode? Again, just scrolling through useless and worthless poses in an extremely subpar model that frankly feels like an asset store rip, but somehow worse.

    It's a shitty wave shooter that doesn't seem to understand the gameplay behind wave shooters, sold on the shitty prospect of porn that doesn't seem to understand what porn is.

    I've seen some shitty ero games in my day. But this might actually take the cake as one of the worst lazy scams of a game I have EVER seen.

    Save your drivespace, save your bandwidth, and just skip this atrocity.