Ren'Py - Sweet Affection [v0.10.11] [Naughty Attic Gaming]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm forced to give this a low score ATM, so, an immediate point to clear up:
    I am still playing this game. I do enjoy the game. My low score is NOT MEANT to warn people off from downloading the game, but the game does have some severe flaws that need to be pointed out, in feedback.

    So, what are the flaws that drag down my score so much DESPITE me thinking the game is still worth a look if the tags are up your ally?

    I like a strong narrative, and one flaw many games have is one scene is rushed through to get to the next. Slowing down and taking time to flesh out a scene makes games better. But...
    Ok, look. Many games say in 50 words what should be said in 500, and feel rushed.
    This game says in 5,000 words what should be said in 500. So while I appreciate the dev trying to include deeper conversations and making everything feel more fully realized, it instead leaves the player feeling like they're drowning in dialog.
    Normally, if I find myself skipping dialog in a game, it's a sign I'll delete the game sooner than later. I intend to either play through and read the story, or just not bother with a game at all. Here I find a rare exception where I am content to keep playing, but find myself skipping 40-80% of the dialog, depending on the scene, as while occasionally funny, cute, sweet, or plot relevant, it is often so overwhelming that skimming through (and the occasional scroll back to make sure nothing was missed) is enough to move it forward for me.
    Think I'm being wordy here? Maybe I am. But the game is at least as heavy handed and overly wordy as I am here, and arguably more.

    2) A burn so slow it's glacial.
    Like stories that don't try to rush themselves, I also appreciate a slow burn to build things up. But just as this story slows to a glacial pace, so to does the relationship building.
    I LIKE THE MECHANIC of building a relationship and seeing how it develops over time and in stages. But for the mom/sis, following the diaries, you do the same countless actions, including weekend exclusive actions, to fill the pages, reach the next level, do so again, repeat repeat repeat.
    The mechanic isn't the problem, but the number of things you need to do is.
    Over 30 actions need to be done for mom, and another more than 30 for sis, before you reach the event that raises the level. Then, you start at square one and do another 30 for each, over and over.

    This doesn't count side characters, either, who also have multiple events per level.
    I'm in the level 7 now. That's WELL OVER 240 events, just to finish 7 and move to 8.
    And between time-sensitive and weekend sensitive, it can be a grind to get them all. Sis have 4 events and mom has 4 events in the same timeslot, and it's a weekend time slot? You get near the end of events for that level and find yourself skipping weeks just to get back to the weekend for a single 10am event. While not grindy in the technical sense, it is exhausting.

    3) No gameplay at all.
    Weird to take this long to get to this point, but here it is: This is a kinetic novel, not a visual novel. You make no choices AT ALL. You move on to the next scene, and it plays through. You choose nothing. There are no branching paths. This also means that if you don't want to interact with a girl, you just avoid any events with her. Great, except you'd worry that might impact the story. Well...

    4) The story, outside of the core family, is a disaster.
    No one has any meaningful interactions with anyone else. Store clerk is a story unto itself, and she doesn't meet anyone else. Neighbors are a story unto themselves and they don't meet anyone else. etc etc etc.
    Sure, you meet characters through other people. Kelly at the spa you meet after going there with your family. And then her events are just her.

    Did you think that the neighbor's story and Sydney's are connected? Well, they're not. Did you think your family will every meet their neighbors? They won't. Now, admittedly, as side character stories are NO WHERE NEAR as fleshed out as the family story, there is a lot of room for this to change!
    ...but thusfar, it shows no sign of changing, so I'm not holding my breath.

    Laura is thinking of hiring someone for the store. Does the MC mention this to any of his other interactions, even ones who talk about wanting or needing a job? No. Because each story is an island unto itself.

    Also frustrating how, in every one, MC insists he doesn't have a girlfriend. When kissed, talks about how he hasn't been kissed in a long time, etc. And plays it all off in a way we are supposed to read as him being sincere, and not bullshitting people. Because the stories are so loosely connected that if you are practically dating say, Laura, it's like she doesn't even exist when dealing with Rose.

    5) Every man is evil in the world. Except for you.
    This one drives me up a fucking wall. I get it. No NTR. We don't want romantic rivals. Ever woman is either a virgin or untouched for so long that she might was well be one. Fine. Whatever. Some of that I'm OK with, and some is can shrug and accept.
    But EVERY SINGLE MALE CHARACTER WHO IS NOT THE MC is a rapist, or beats their sister or wife or daughter, or is otherwise the scum of the earth. Even characters not seen and merely referred to. It gets pretty fucking old.

    so, in summery?
    I don't care about the visuals. It's an HS game, and is what it is. That's fine.
    It's an incest focused slow burn game where you play someone who genuinely cares about his family, and even has some severe internal conflict about some of what he's done and a desire to come clean and pay the price (which, lucky for him, is usually complete forgiveness).
    The side characters are interesting, and so is their stories, even if each one al most seems like it is trying too hard. They work enough that you want to see them resolved.

    The game has a decent amount of good going for it. And that's why I say you should play it and enjoy it.

    But you shouldn't sugar coat it. The flaws are glaring. And I'm hoping that pointing them out, while still explaining why I like the game and why you should give it a chance, inspires the dev to look a second time at how they approached things, and wonder what they can do better in the future.

    Far too much has been done in this game for it to be conceivable to address my concerns, even if the dev were so inclined (with the exception of pulling disparate stories together). So the best bet is to finish this game, as it has been handled thusfar. But should the dev choose to make more games in the future, I hope they look at what was loved about this game... and what was criticized, and use the critical feedback to help navigate their future game designs, to account for issues were we felt this game was lacking.

    Critical feedback does not mean a product isn't good, or isn't enjoyable, or that it shouldn't be supported. And I'm hoping, if they read this, the devs realize that.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    UPDATE 8.9 -- I have nothing to say about new content really, just want to chime in and say: The names should be reversed. The MC name should be on the right because the player doesn't need to see it, but when he's speaking to more than one person, you have to actively look all the way across the screen to see who's talking. And MC is not even interesting enough to be called vanilla. He's purified tap water. Every interaction is completely boring and tame until somehow people want to sleep with him. "I don't mean to impose. *Smiles*" Just come on. Have SOME kind of personality, please?! ALSO Dialogue can be more than one line long. That's why this is so much of a click fest. Renpy automagically returns to the next line, you know that, right?

    So here's my review at 0.8 and I'm very ambivalent about it. By that I mean I really want to rate this lower. And I never say that. I really want to give this one or two stars because the writing in this is awful. But everything else about it is done so competent and even well. The UI is good, the renders are alright, and the animations are at least not 240p. And the "slow burn" of the game is something I like. But this writing... My god...

    So you start out as Nice Guy MC incel. You live with NOTMom and NOTSis but this game is written in a way that it would literally not make sense any other way. And you get income by running a patreon page with no content... I guess? Which is whatever, no one likes money grind so at least it's not a dumb minigame. But onto the actual writing. You play as a character with no actual personality and if you spoke to people like this, I would think you're an actual serial killer. "Oh I've never felt this way about anyone else, never mind the 8 other women I'm seeing." or "Oh you don't have to go on, if that makes you uncomfortable." or "No, I'd never be pervy with you, I'm looking for the right woman(I'll just spy on you in the bathroom)" You can't see my face, but I make a mocking face when I say that. He's a straightedge M'Lady type that goes to a bar to drink water. And if you have ever had a conversation with a living human being, you'd understand that being this much of a "Nice guy" is pretty gross and unnatural.

    All that said, if you skim through the reading, the rest of the game is done well. Which is irritating. I remember back when this game was called [Something] Corruption and have no idea why it was changed to this. I'd rather have more natural sounding writing and it be about corruption than this Friendship is Magical mentality.

    TLDR; if you skip through just to see the naughty bits, it's good. If you read anything and aren't a M'lady, you'll hate it
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I first played this a while back, and although it was a bit grindy, I enjoyed it. The grind is still there but it is now made worse with hours of pointless dialogue. Shame really because it was really good before these changes. Characters are good and scenes are good but it´s now a mare to get to them.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I've got mixed feelings about this game, leaning towards good but it's not quite there.

    The relationship buildup with the mother and sister is an extremely slow burn from week to week but it makes it plausible. The sex scenes are very nice when you finally get to those.

    The other characters don't seem as well implemented, it's almost as if they belong to a different game. While all progression with mother and daughter is on a set path with up to three different interactions for every hour of the day in a given week, any non-family member has their own progression which seems completely detached from it. The game would be a lot better if everything where handled in the same way.

    There is a lot of text to read, an extreme amount even. Some of it is pretty cringeworthy, especially from the daughter, but that seems to be on purpose. I have never seen the term lady flower so much in my life.

    Another gripe I have is the weekend grind you need to do if you want to unlock all interactions. Since everything takes up an hour slot and for some hours you have three actions for each character, you need all five days of the week and sometimes still can't complete the week log.
    The weekends are the worst here because the hour interactions cannot be done on the same weekend day as the date events, or the spa outings, and since there can be up to six events for a single hour you need to repeat the full week at least four times to see everything.
    Some of the interactions, especially early on, take virtually no time like the peeping or knocking where you're told to go away. It should be possible to combine these hour slots with other events.

    On the plot level, currently it's not possible to go for only the mother or only the daughter. You need to do both before you can progress to the next week for the new interactions.

    With the art style I have only one complaint: the characters smile by showing all their teeth and this looks very off-putting.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    [v.0.7.7 Public]
    There's so much content: many girls with many tiers with many events.

    Unfortunately, while experiencing them all is great, even if it gets a text-heavy at times, it's only possible to track Your families events and progress at the moment, making it easy to miss out on events;
    Additionally, having inaccessible yet interactable places that only say "to be developed" is bothersome, since if I hadn't known about them, I wouldn't be as "teased".

    Seems like a lot of work was put in and a lot of work still awaits, great game, needs to make use of what it has, specifically- event tracking is necessary to be "fully playable".
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Sweet Affection is about a sociopathic horndog manipulating all the poor innocent honeyselect women in his town. Unfortunately, every single one of them is being targeted by people with "powerful connections" that our brave MC has to stand up to. Boy that premise sure sounds interesting! Not really.

    The MC suffers from two different personalities. The dominate one (unfortunately) is zealously devote catholic school boy that knows that lust is a sin and s*x is reserved only for the sacred act of procreation. Several of the girls all but grind on the poor innocent MC only for him to say "um, maybe we should get to know each other first? Let's wait till marriage *smiles*." The other personality is a desperately horny sociopath willing to do what he needs to do to get off. Here's an average day in the life of the MC:
    He spends the day out by the pool with his family, promising that he values them more than anything in his life (certainly more than his own life in fact) and swears he won't let anything hurt them. The next hour, he barges in on his sister in the shower desperate for a whiff of pussy. He makes it up her later by telling that he would do anything to make his family feel safe. After he's rapped up with that, he sneaks into his mothers room while she sleeps so he can eye-rape her for an hour before bed.
    It's not like these peeping in the shower and sleep scenes aren't common tropes for these games, but the MC is so outrageously white-knighty that the actual porn sections of this game feel so tonally different that it makes it feel like the MC is poorly imitating human emotions. And that's not made better by the robotic *smiles* that is in 80% of his spoken dialogue.

    The game, other than the dialogue with the MC, is alright. Unfortunately dialogue IS 95% of this game, and boy does the MC love to talk. So for this reason, I'm out.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. The graphics are good, same as the story line. A simple story without pils or manupilation. The incest goes slowly, its a game where you have to work for progress with your family.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is fairly good, but could use some slimming down and refinement.

    The Good:

    - The MC is a nice guy.
    - The two main LI's are really solid.
    - While I typically dislike sandbox, this one is well done.
    - Several interesting side-characters
    - It has pretty realistic ( about as realistic as you can be in these games ) character development.
    - I really like the diary. You get intimate insight into what the characters are feeling & thinking.

    The Bad:

    - As as I mention up top. The game could use some sliming down. I'll explain below.
    - The game has tons of renders. Literally thousands. But a lot of those renders (if not most) are just different facial expressions. Raised eyebrows. Smiles. Eye movements. On one hand, it makes the conversations more realistic. On the other, it adds a lot of unnecessary filler.
    - The dialog is similar, too much filler. Every event has lots of dialog. This review will probably have a comparable number of words as each conversation event has.

    Now, I'm getting into the style of the game itself.

    It's very much a day-by-day slice of life game. But as I said above, too much filler.

    Just talking about the main 2 LI's. You have an activity for every hour of the game, starting at 7AM and going until midnight . You also have multiple things you can do for that activity. So in total, we're probably talking several dozen events per level per LI.

    So wait a second. Several dozen events per character? That's awesome! But here is the issue: A lot of the events become very repetitive, even if they're technically different events. The characters more or less proclaim their love 3 different ways per activity. That makes the game feel grindy, even though it technically isn't a grinder game.

    I personally think, instead of having events from 7 AM to Midnight, that having a morning event -> noon event -> afternoon -> evening -> night or some variation of that would be better. You'd get the same amount of progression, but cut a lot of the filler.

    Now, onto the side-characters. As I said above, they're solid. Yet they suffer from similar issues as the main LI's do. But I'm not going to talk about filler renders or overly wordy dialog. I'm going to talk about the progression itself.

    I think this is when the level system hurts the most. It makes sense for the main 2 to be slower burns. But I do not believe the same for the sides. For example, Mrs. Tyler in this update ( 7.4) has masturbated with MC, taken risque pictures with him and shown him her boobs, multiple times. Yet she, technically, has 0 direct sexual content with him.

    That doesn't make sense and why the level system is flawed when it applies to the side characters. She is *only* level 3, so it's "too soon" for sexual content with her. But the way she behaves would imply she'd jump on MC's dick in a moments notice. She isn't the only side-LI who is like this. Their progression isn't logical. They buildup a lot of sexual tension fairly quickly...and then do nothing?

    - This is a minor issue. You can make money in the game, yet only need to buy something a few times per level. You actually automatically gain more money each day, I have over 75k so far. More ways to spend the money you've hoarded would be nice.

    So yeah, I guess this is getting a bit long so I'll wrap it up. This is one of the only game on here where it'd be better if it had less. Less renders. Instead of 1200 average renders, do 400 great ones. Instead of countless lines of repetitive dialog and events, have quicker, shorter and more organic dialog. And just because you have a level system doesn't mean some characters can't have quicker progression that meets their personalities.

    All that said, I do like the game. I play every update. 3.75, so I'll round to 4.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I just can't bring myself to finish the game even after suffering my way to day 6...

    The good/okay
    1. Interface is clean, intuitive and accessible.
    2. Same with the maps and floor plans for navigation.
    3. I'm okay with HS models/animations.
      1. The characters aren't typically as realistic or diverse, but the animations are more likely to be at least close to real/enjoyable
    4. If you exclude the dialogue there is no real grind. Money is easy to make early and it doesn't take much to not even have to think about it.
    The bad/terrible
    1. Hands down the most tedious, terrible dialog I have ever read!
      1. This is why I just couldn't bare it any more and stopped playing. I kept going hoping the writer would change stride eventually, but after chapter/level 6 it still didn't change. Stripping hundreds if not thousands of lines from this "nice guy" dialog would make the game flow better/faster all while still portraying the MC as someone who cares.
      2. It feels like it was written the way a stereotypical "nice guy"/incel expects the world to work, but in this reality apparently that's how you score. At least with your family. Just non-stop repetitive, "your so pretty", "should I stop", "i want you to be comfortable", "I want to be with you forever", compliments/thinks the same physical features hundreds of times, on and on and on and on and on. Don't get me wrong these are all things your average woman wants to hear often... but not THAT often!!! Even the most damaged insecure woman would walk away from this MC thinking, "FFS man! Enough of this insecure bullshit!! Just put your dick in me or go away". Being caring is good, but too much is a turnoff for most. Without some confidence and initiative in the mix you're just going to make friends or get ignored. Being aware/considerate of the current mood/situation and taking action accordingly is WAY more potent than regurgitating the same sappy dialogue over and over and over. Basically what I'm saying is without heavy doses of alcohol or sedatives it's just not believable that this MC is getting laid.
      3. Hundreds/thousands of unnecessary dialogue about walking into rooms, looking at people, at object or even turning your head left, right, up or down. MC always seems to walk in looking straight ahead at the wall in front of him and apparently he suffers from tunnel vision because it always take 2-3 dialogue actions for finding anything/anyone. Small rooms even, but apparently no peripheral vision. "you look at your sister", "you look at the bed"... Yeah, I know! I can see it on the screen!! You realize this is a visual novel right!?!?!! Not a book?? Looking at your mom's rack, "you shift your gaze up to her face". Uh , yeah!!! I literally saw her breasts then the scene shifted to her face. I also know that her face is generally "up" relative to her tits. You don't need to add that type of dialogue... It seems like you're trying to fill out the pages of a college term paper with filler instead of content.
      4. At day 6 you could have shaved an hour or two off reading unnecessary, uninspired dialogue. I assume it continues like this.
      5. "Nice guy" MC is spewing thousands of lines of "I care" "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable", et., etc., but immediately sets up spy cams everywhere and constantly barges in on mother and sister. Not once and realizes he shouldn't do that. 50% of the game is spent invading privacy. Something Doesn't add up here.
      6. Mom is slightly more normal. Not likely, but not impossible that she would have sex twice to create 2 kids and never attempt another relationship for almost 20 years.
      7. Sister reads more like a 15 year old than a young woman in college. I get internet is blocked, but she's got a phone and is in college. There's no indication she was involved in some super strict and chaste religion and she wasn't home schooled. She must be approaching 19-20 at least and she's still making out with an oversized stuffed bunny, referring to her vagina as "her special place" and MC's dick as "your thingy". Don't even get me started on the whole "lady flower" thing...
      8. The hourly event pacing could be better. The mechanic is fine, but there are too many event crammed into the same times forcing you to skip days just to progress. Specifically 9AM, 10AM and 1PM. Also the once triggered event (spa) I know of happens at 10AM. You wind up needing to skip though weeks worth of days just to finish all the weekend events for any given level.
      9. 3rd person kissing scenes are terrible. Arguably one of the greatest potentials for intimacy and eroticism ruined by the fact that they never actually kiss. The lips just hover centimeters away. Anticipation is great, but not if it doesn't end in execution.
      10. Hand jobs suffer a similar fate to kissing. The hands never make contact.
    For all the reasons listed above and more, the current state of the game is terrible. Almost everything could be fixed with a total rewrite of the dialogue, removal of all the unnecessary action dialogues and better character development. Fix the kissing and hand-job animations. work on the event pacing so we don't have to click the skip day button 30 times every chapter to complete it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Short Version: On one side, i love this game, on the other...the endless dialogues, really test and destroy my patience...

    decent...nothing memorable either in a good way or a bad way, at least it's cute

    Originality: Not really original, it's the classic slow-burn love story...but it's soooo slow...redundant dialogues, constant repeating of the same 5-6 scenes over and over each scene is basically a 3000-5000 characters long fanfiction

    Renders: plain, like under the average level, which means it needs to be worked on it...the only good-looking character is the sister(the mom's lips look like she needs some chapstick, that aside she would be perfect)

    Sound: I played on mute, so no comment at all

    Playability: It's on it's very playable...but this game takes the concept of grind-fest to a whole new terrifying level(and i used the cheats!)...i would like it because the amount of content is huge...but again the endless dialogues...i'm considered chatty and i don't talk that much XD

    Performance: It's on nothing to say

    Bugs: none, but i suck at noticing bugs

    Animations: Basic but they work.

    Voice Acting: there isn't.

    Grammar: understandable which is fine

    Amount of content: huuuuuuge amount...the dialogues are cute but sooo long

    Conclusion: This game wins for the amount of content(7 gigas, most of them dialogues...i'm pretty sure) but again the dialogues are endless, some are good and they must be long but others...are just pointlessly stretched and longed..they're just too much sometimes...but there are many good scenes...sadly i can't give more than 3 stars because this game while very good, full of content, is also tiring to play ç_ç sorry
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    Fantastic game! The story progresses quite smoothly and there's a ton of content with the main characters. Many casual scenes to be enjoyed and overall a great gameplay that progresses through them. Really excited for having more content in this one. I understand the focus is on the mother and daughter, but having more scenes with other girls would be great.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been kind of playing this since it was originally released as Research into Affection, but seriously have been playing it and all the updates this week. And what I have to say is wow! Just, wow!

    First of all, the game is well written and has a great story. Second, it shows a much more realistic depiction of the slow development of complicated relationships between the MC, his Mom, and his sister. The dialogue is well constructed and does a good job of explaining the internal struggles that each of the characters have with how they are feeling and what they are doing.

    The content is unbelievable. Not only are there many major events for each level of "affection" that is achieved, there are also a series of spycam images and texts, all of which add nuance and background to the story. I only discovered the gallery by level 6, but I will be going back through the levels and loading everything I missed along the way.

    The graphics are ok, but using whatever software the creator is using to animate the sex scenes is resulting in very realistic (for the most part) scenes. I am at the critical juncture of the transition from Level 6 to Level 7 and am eager to see how the many conflicts are resolved. I look forward to future updates.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I seriously cant take it anymore, and i tried and ate so much redundant dialogues. "i just want to have a fun time with my littole Sis, Sis" Oh Cmon! that doesnt even sound well in writeen language, you can not tell me that is normal or a cultural thing. Maybe it is at a drama club, but no serious adult talk like that. I actually searched the rpys and there are so much "honey" alone that i decided not to lose time editing them. At least they could be changed by "love" or "hon" "dear" "handsome", i dont know, something.

    Not being able to have custom names makes the "sis" thing beyond annoying, is like a constant bashing to my skull.
    Let me tell you, i lived with 3 sisters, if they had dialogues as repetitve as the ones in this game, either i would have killed them, or i would have cut my ears with a chainsaw, for real.

    No normal person speaks to a close relative like a salesperson, cause that constant "adressing" is something they teach you for that line of work.

    And then we have the issue of the structure of the game,. the game consists in visiting the same places and performing the same clics over and over again to level up until the tier evolves and scenes change, and back again to repeat the same process...
    It could be nice if those scenes inside the rooms in the house reflected better the state of the character relationships, and not only the level of "reward".

    That thing when you enter a room and it takes 2 renders to find the person inside? It is like your eyes have 50degres of FOV. The rooms are not even that big, and besides a waste of renders i cant find the reason for this.

    There is a lot of things like that, things that should be fluid and obvious turned into a specific action with some requirement and a totally disposable line of dialogue.
    For instance: "you enter the room, im getting in, you look left" these are 3 pointless clics.
    Or in oher contexts "lets pretend this didnt happen" or "lets change the subject, she may get uncomfortable" EVEN WHEN SHE IS LEADING THE CONVERSATION. There are quite a few times where after a couple of lines the subject of the conversation comes back after being changed. Again, pointless lines of dialogue that make the MC manipulative, and quite inconsistent.
    The mc seems to be thinking all the time and trying to say the right words.
    The game is supposed to be about affection, but the MC is 0 spontaneus, i cant believe he is speaking from his heart. i dont see anything sweet here.

    And "independent stories with litle to no crossover"? You need to progress the story of the nother, in order to progress the sister, you cant upgrade their tiers separately.

    This novel is a bad experience .What have i done to deserve this? Besides touching my niece and my younger sister?
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    As someone, who supported the idea of this game and supported the developer till this month, it's kind of sad for me to give this game a 3 star. I'm not going to talk about the character models, HS graphics and story because honestly, they are fairly standard for HS incest games and I didn't feel very strongly about them. I did enjoy the idea of a slow burn and the developing relationship. And now, that is my problem with this game.

    I just finished playing 0.7.1 and for the first time since I started playing this game, I had to skip a fair bit of the dialogue for the level 6-7 event and the level 7 events. This is primarily because, through 7 levels of relationship development there has been no change in how the characters interact with the MC and how their conversations play out. Like how are the conversation between the MC and M/S still the same after sex as they were at level one, when neither party was even thinking about a sexual relationship? The MC, for the millionth time, tells S that he finds her pretty etc. and she is still seeking confirmation for it. Like girl, I've been telling you that for 2.5 years now, just accept it.

    Similarly, even during the level-up event, there is no change in character dynamics between the M/S and the MC. C'mon, I get the old relationship, but there's got be a change in dynamics after this much "relationship development". Someone in the earlier reviews pointed towards My New Family and I really want to reinforce that: that is how you develop relationship. The character dynamics, interaction and conversation changed almost completely in that game (which is what makes it exciting now) as compared to the start of the game. The dialogue reflect those changes, but in this game, it's essentially just the same dialogues on repeat.

    Now, I haven't been active on this forum for a while, but I still took the time to post this average review, not because I hate this game, but because I used to be excited for it at one point and just feel disappointed that despite "content", there just hasn't been any real development in the character interaction. I mean, I've always been a supporter of feel-good games without excess drama, corruption, rape and all that shit, but even I'm starting to lose interest in this game.

    Either way, all the best JD and Boom and hopefully you take this a constructive criticism and not hate.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I haven't been playing this game in a very long time so I decided to restart from the beginning.

    Well, to be honest, I'm still at level 1 but already bored and annoyed.
    I don't mind slow burning relationships and reading texts when it's done within reason and in an interesting way. Which is not in this game....I didn't remember it to be that way.

    I had to skip the dialogues as they were so repetitive and lame. You are literally drown by boring text that seem to be written by a teenager. Too many *giggles-smiles-...." EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME!
    If I had to make a drinking game out of how many times I read "Don't get me wrong" I would be in an ethyl coma by now.

    No real story either just some encounters with girls that seem to be all bullied and saved by this wimpy knight.

    I'm not a fan of HS renders, but they do their job,
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is probably going to be good but barely any "good" stuff get's updated. At least, stuff I think people want. Considering this is based off a game that already had a lot of content, you'd assume you'd want to get back to that point asap but that may just be me.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't get over how anti-confident the MC is. The game has a ton of dialogue, and half of it is the MC asking permission to do minor things, or making the girl promise to tell him if she's uncomfortable at all.

    To give an example, he actually asks permission to kiss a girl, while they're both naked and she's on top of him, grinding on him. Or he apologizes every time he's caught looking at their breasts like that's some major offense, while they've been deliberately walking around topless around him for days. You can probably call in artillery strikes with less double-checking than this guy uses to kiss a girl.

    Basically, the MC acts like the key to romance is asking permission before every separate sexual act, then apologizing afterwards.

    So yeah, I agree with a review further down the page: the dialogues seem taken from the mind of a virgin 18 year old beta orbiter.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    a good sandbox game.

    story? I don't think there is one but a good sandbox game doesn't have to have one.
    the UI is Excellent, its easy to play with time and navigate the game, there is a gallery that is always a plus and 3 hint systems!!! but all 3 kinda suck...
    the scenes are amazing, lots of facial expressions and verity.
    lots of stuff to do, even a bit too much... found myself skipping whole weeks just to fully see weekend only scenes.
    lots of characters but they look a bit bland even when they get corrupt.
    and so far there is a heavy focus on only 2 of them.
    some features are left unexplained (such as searching the rooms and phone messages)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    First, I applaud the dev with being timely and professional with their updates and releases. JD is punctual with the release schedule and the communications are always respectful and transparent. That should go a long way for prospective members to support his Patreon. Considering the sheer mass of near-abandoned projects and the scammers who put more energy into their promises than their projects.

    As for the game itself, the models are hot (except for the MC) and the the dialog is mostly well written. The background music suits the mood of the story compliments the grind. And speaking of grind, it's perfectly paced IMO, especially considering the fact that cheats are built in if you would rather jump ahead.

    The content hits the mark for those like me who enjoy a slow-burn. There is plenty already to prevent being blue-balled. This includes
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    . There are also many side quests that are proving to be spicy.

    I have some constructive criticism however:

    1. The story and MC have conflicting story arcs. It starts off suggesting the MC's motive is to use his M&S as research to make an incest game, essentially setting you up with a-morale intentions. However, everything after that is an MC who is affectionate and caring, with tons of dialog reflecting conflicting feelings. One minute he is worried about hurting his M&S, the next he is setting up cameras in their bedrooms and bathrooms. It's all just bit contradictory IMO.

    2. The dialog could be cut down significantly. Too many repetitive sentiments. Too much inner-dialog. It starts to drag and motivates the player to finger the mouse to death to skip through it. Which isa shame because there is good content hidden within the unnecessary writing.

    That's about it though. Great game worth playing and a great dev worth supporting.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    So disappointing!

    Why do you feel the need to put all the "glances" text in there? Just like you know I'm typing this because you are reading it I know we are glancing somewhere else because I'm looking at something different than I was looking at 1 second ago. Also the "giggles" text can go too I can see on the persons face that they are giggling, chuckling, gasping. Maybe if MC is doing those things you can leave that in, but everyone else just take it out.

    Jesus the dialogue in this game is incredibly annoying to read. the amount of repetition and monotony during conversations is mind numbing I find myself skipping through entire conversations because I know they're just riddled with the same compliments over and over again not even reworded or anything just straight up copy pasted. and its not even like there's just a few conversations like this its literally every conversation at every event of every hour its so boring. MC is a cheese factory capable of putting craft singles out business and if I read "if I'm honest," "I'm just being honest," or "ill be honest" one more time I'm going to lose it. if you take the word honest out of the script you'll easily cut it in half. If the devs are reading this go play My New Family and take notes on dialogue.

    As far as gameplay goes its fine if you're not at all interested in playing anything. Since I try to be a perfectionist I like the journal so you can make sure you're getting everything done. Don't really understand the point of money in this game since you really only buy inexpensive outfits and cameras that are completely pointless at level 6 I had about $50k and absolutely nothing to spend it on.

    The story is pretty much non-existent, everything you read in the game description is all you need to know since literally nothing else ever happens

    On a more positive note I like the character models for all the girls especially M and S. MC could use some work but that's not that important. The H scenes I find to be pretty enjoyable even if I don't know how we got to that point cause I skipped all the dialogue to get there.

    Don't know if ill continue playing the game in the future especially if I have to suffer through this dialogue but we'll see. This game has a ton of potential but the dialogue from start to finish essentially need a complete overhaul, everything else is minor.