Ren'Py - Sweet Affection [v0.11.0] [Naughty Attic Gaming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    nice game, this is my kind of games, slow burn to the goal. The history and how you slowly unlook the kinks on the family..... uff. Animations are great, character development really nice, the conflict slowly solving is really nice, its a shame the it feels like its on the en of the road.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This has the distinction of being one of the most annoying games I've ever played. It's wordy to the point of being ridiculous but there's something about the characters that makes it impossible to stop playing. I WANT to advance with every character and see what's coming next, while being constantly concerned that they're all going to find out about each other and remove the MC's genitals in revenge.

    It's called Sweet Affection and it certainly does have that lovey-dovey feel to it. I like the diary system, it's nice to see something like this. I think it adds something useful and interesting to the game.

    Problem that I can see is that once you've unlocked the sex scenes with one character, from then on it's all pretty much the same thing just with different pixels. So unless the dev is aiming for one huge orgy at the end, it's difficult to see where this is headed.

    Having said that, I can't stop playing the damn thing so the dev is doing something right...

    I'm not going to change my rating but there's n o way I'm downloading this one again. It's become far too large, even the 'low quality' version is nearly 8GB - that's just ridiculous.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is a bit weird, like at the start some girl steals money from you and when you find her again she tells you she stole your money so she could pay her tutor? really....a tutor?...anyway you can see its a very vanilla and boring.
    Also Sharing is forced on you as well, Rosa and Donna whos mother and daughter is in a sexual relationship with one another and you can go after either but you cant be with one alone, its close to being NTR since either can be a LI and if you want one of them you cant you have to share them and be with both, its a bit to shitty for me since i hate the mother so game is unplayable without free choice.

    Next you meet the thiefs familie and get your ass kicked by her father? and also finds out that the theif ahd her mother might be in a sexual relationship? i mean what? then the thief and her mother gives you a key to their house? again what? they known you for like 2 mins....dosent really make any kind of sense and feels quite a bit weird.

    Then Rose talk to MC she says shes happy she stole money from MC with the mother right next to her and mother says nothing about it, something Rose and MC kept hidden to for appreently no reason at all?....also the mother of Rose walks around topless around MC all the time which is just plain stupid and makes no sense, story is just way to weird.

    MC is a whimp that talks alot but cant back anything up, he is also the standard childish kind with a 12 year old mindset, any girl he meets he find hot and cant stop looking at tits and yeah boring and stupid, MC is just to nice and never dares to ask about anything, like he hears one girl was hurt by her father and he goes "i wont even ask about it" i mean its boring as fuck.

    Dialogs with any girls seems flat and plain, it just to boring.

    What is really annoying is how Kinetic it all is, its a sandbox but you got 0 freedom to do what you want, if you want to go with Rose your forced to do Roses mother questline so questlines are tied together removing any free choice, i dont want to touch Donna with a 10ft pole so i have to drop Rose as well which kills the game when you cant pick who you want.

    Same for the Sister you cant even go on a route with her without including the mother, i will never understand why you arent allowed to pick who you want a relationship with, i mean what the fuck does the mother has to do with you being with the sister, same for Rose and Donna its idiotic, and this is what destroys the game the most.

    They really should add the kinetic tag to warn people that you have no choices and no freedom, even though page one on forum makes it sound like you can pick who you want to be with but in truth you cant.

    What really makes it boring is the hole setup with quests and girls and all that, you dont have any choices like when someone tells you, "you can always say no" but you never get an option to say or do anything, you just follow a 100% kinetic story, cant really call it quests either since all you do is click on someone to talk with them and repeat that a million times to gain points with the same scene played over and over, and its get a bit annoying that you have 0 controle, if someone ask you/MC if you like them you dont have a choice to say no since MC loves anything....

    Girls look ok but its they arent great in any way.

    Animations are short and just around average.

    Music is a standard background music like when you ride in an elevator, better then silent but still meh.

    In short you need to love everything, young/old/huge tits/small tits and so on to play this game, personaly i hate huge tits and since you cant avoid LIs with that due to questlines tied together the game becomes unplayable for me.

    What really blows my mind is how fast you run into "in development" with some LIs i mean game is more then 5 years old and some LIs has no content after level 2, and game is 20gigs i mean really wtf? wheres the content...animaions are even short and just avereage so i really dont get the size of this game.

    Well there arent really any.

    Worst story and drawn out game ive ever seen, getting to fuck sister takes ages and your even having a freaking granny forced on you before that happens to, just no.....
    Forced sharing if you want to be with a girl.
    0 choices in the game, you cant turn down a LI since its 100% kinetic storyline for all LIs, and MC loves eveyone and you have no choice in anything.
    Questlines tied together so you cant progress one LI without doing another who you might hate.
    Flat and plain boring dialogs.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Characters have the same conversation every event.
    Lack of actual sexual content in favor of endless repeats of "Are you sure it's okay to hold your hand/kiss/touch you etc"

    Tries to be both a porn game and a novel, fails at both.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    *giggles* *smiles* *giggles* *chuckles* (broken English) *giggles* (more broken English) *giggles* *chuckles* *smiles* *giggles* *smiles* (even more broken English) *giggles*
    (repeat ad nauseam)

    It's not a bad VN, per se. Likable enough characters and the diary keeps the "grind" from being too painful. Old models but I don't really mind that much.

    Biggest criticism is, you guessed it, the dialogue. Needs a major revamp. Far too much giggling, smiling, etc. A bit of that sprinkled here and there is fine, but it quickly wears out its welcome when it's literally every other line. (I was beginning to wonder if the mom and sister characters were constantly high or something)

    Running it by a native English speaker certainly wouldn't hurt either. Also, tighten up the script in general. "Brevity is the soul of wit" is a famous quote from Shakespeare. Basically, get your point across in as few words as possible. You're not getting paid by the word, so there's no point in using them to excess.

    Currently sitting at 3 stars, but it has potential to be higher with a bit of tweaking and polish.



    EDIT: Reading through the discussion thread, it appears that the author has a problem taking constructive criticism, seeing it as a personal insult. Listen, the reason it's given isn't because we think we can do better. It's because we think YOU can. We're pointing out the flaws because we want to see you improve. There's something good that you've managed to create here, but it needs work. Look at it as an opportunity to learn and grow as a writer, instead of getting defensive about it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    - I really liked the idea of diaries.
    - I also liked that there were a lot of animations and situations.
    - long plot, a lot of text, it’s not for everyone, you can shorten it, although some will like it
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game will take ages to complete, even in its incomplete stage. There is a very high amount of content, but it's padded by an also exorbitant amount of grinding. Not in the sense that it requires repeatedly doing the same tasks again and again to “unlock” content — there is actually near zero need to unlock anything — but that you need to see every variation of every single event from both the mom and sister characters for each time of the day before you can advance the story, and there are multiple events on many time slots. So prepare yourself to spend multiple in-game days just going to the guide to see which events are missing, and then painstakingly watching every single scene. Not every one of those scenes is as interesting as the others, so sometimes you might feel like it would be nice to be able to skip the less critical content.

    The dialogs are also painfully repetitive. The characters are all nice and sweet towards each other, and at some point you can't handle reading them say the same love declarations and emotional reassurances again, and again, and again, and again. There is almost zero drama here, just characters getting more and more in love with each other, and the amount of sweetness might give you diabetes.

    On the plus side, I’d say that this is a game that does sandbox right: the mode exists to free you to play its truly overwhelming amount of content in the order you decide, and there are helpful tools in the game to tell you what you have and haven’t seen so you’re never really lost.

    That said, it's a nice fell-good story for a change, and there are some sexy scenes that make the game worth playing.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    There might be a good game hidden inside, but as it is right now it's just a waste of time.

    The dialogues are way beyond excessive. 200 clicks for a simple "How are you?" are rather on the lower end.
    If there is some interesting story somewhere, then it's covered by a shitload of meaningless back and forth banter.

    Talking about excessive? Everyone is constantly apologizing to everyone else for nuffing.
    And everyone else insist that an apology for nuffing is not needed which is answered by another apology... Oh boy...

    I made it to a point where a NPC did something very outrageous. IRL this NPC would have spend some months in an ICU and then many years in prison. In any other game this NPC would be dead on the spot.
    But here? More apologies!

    Edith told me I forgot to mention: It gets worse over time. At the beginning it looks rather benign, only slightly annoying. But these mindless dialogues get exponentially longer the farther you "progress".
    At some point "War and Peace" seems like a jolly short story...
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this game.

    The graphics are great, the story is fun, and I very much enjoy the mechanics.

    But it’s the slow build that does it for me. No rush into content; you have to work your way there. I think the diary/journal system is a neat touch.

    Been following this game for a long time; appreciate all you do, dev!


    - Radical_Dreamer
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll preface this by saying I really did want to like this game. Wholesome overly romantic true love incest? Sign me up. But the execution of the idea is just too tedious and uninspired

    The worst part of the game for me are the characters, they all so boring they have 0 personality traits besides being wholesome and flawless, victims of the world. Combine that with the game having so few events that are not just "you are so perfect i love u :3" type conversations, leads to the game being so boring. (albeit I did not complete all the routes maybe it gets better)
    The problem is then exacerbated by there being a LOT of text so you will be spending hours and hours reading the same conversations seeing scenes that are 90% the same.

    The logic of the characters is also inconsistent and illogical, for example the MC is constantly prattling off about how a woman is his one and only whilst he's actively pursuing different ones which completely invalidates the weight of his words maybe this could be made into a flaw or something to give the MC any personality and not be the least interesting guy in the planet but instead it's treated like it's not happening and the game is left with 0 conflict.

    The poor writing could be more palatable if the game was visually competent but unfortunately the models look on average pretty bad maybe 2-3 out of 10+ look decent

    I'm giving 2/5 instead of 1 because the texting, the diary and the corruption-esque changes of the daily events are all pretty decent concepts. But all the good is destroyed by how dull all the characters are and how empty the story is
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Sweet Affection [v0.10.1] [Naughty Attic Gaming]
    It's not a bad game but it's not a good game either, I don't think it deserves a 3/5.

    Let's start by saying that the character models are very mediocre, only Laura, Sidney and the two main female characters are saved.
    I almost completely skipped the stories of the characters other than those mentioned, I just read their first events.

    The gameplay is very repetitive and you have to do the same things with each increased level of relationship with the main characters, but it didn't bore me so much, all in all I preferred it over a visual novel without gameplay.

    One thing I particularly liked was the diary, apart from a few pages that don't explain the event that happened (mainly those of the increase in the relationship) it's perfect (of the two main girls, the rest of the diaries are not the best, we'll see in the future).

    From my point of view there are too many useless characters.
    As mentioned, I skipped these characters almost completely, they take up development time and weigh down the game (the game is not worth 19+ GB).

    This version also lacks webcams, which I liked months ago, too bad.

    Despite the vote, I recommend the game to those who want to waste some time and don't have space problems on their PC.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn't think I would one day, but come on.
    Graphics: Terribly outdated, I hope the next game, the developer uses at least a HS2, or something more current.
    Characters: If it wasn't for the mother model, I don't even think I would have played this game, the rest is totally disposable (personal taste, of course).
    Gameplay: If you follow the step-by-step included, I don't think it's difficult. Although having to restart a new game (in the past) every version was frustrating.
    Story: Well, this is where it all went downhill. It started out great, slow burn (just the way I like it), without rushing anything, or making it too artificial. It was perfect, that's right, "it was".
    With each update, it was more of the same, and as much as I like a good story, it started to become monotonous, uninteresting, to the point of becoming boring, and I kept skipping the dialogs. And when you get to the point of speeding up the dialogs, something is not right, it is a sign that the game has lost its essence, lost its magic.
    The sex scenes are monotonous, repetitive, too many dialogues during sex. And every sex scene is like the first time, where several things are repeated. I know that this is a romance game, but for the characters to be embarrassed at each sex scene, it is unreal, senseless and very artificial. As much as this is an incest game (which I love so much), with a slow burn... It gets very strange these behaviors.
    Anyway, I would give one star for what the game is today. But in respect to the developer, and for what the game was in the past, I will give two stars.
    I will still follow the game, but just take a look at the images and animations. I've lost interest in playing.
    To the developer: Don't take this personally, this is just an opinion. So don't get discouraged, and keep doing what you like and what makes you happy. I liked the game a lot in the past, but I think that for me, it has become something that I have lost interest in.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    EDIT! Check towards UPDATE

    Do you like grinding? Good then this game is for you! I've played games where you grind for maybe an hour or so, but this game takes the cake. Don't bother going after multiple people unless you seriously care about everyone and their endless amounts of lore and little to no sexual content for hours on end leaving you softer then when you played.

    The MC is probably the biggest pussy there is and is so obvious he's a cuck with how he plays the Nice Guy role the whole damn time. All he says to everyone is how beautiful they are and suddenly the girls are interested in his dull ass. The way he talks is fucking annoying. Take a shot every time he says "honestly" or "to be honest" and I guarantee you'll be in and out of the hospital before this game lets you see any action.

    The women in this act dumb as hell. "We can't spend the night in the same bed!", then don't pass out on the MC and suddenly be shocked when it happens! You're suppose to be a mature woman, but act like virgin who can't drink from the same glass from anyone because their lips would touch :FacePalm:

    There's luckily some characteristic for each woman so they're not so dry, but it's not that much and all them act like damsels in distress and almost all of them become a shy mess like they've never flirted or been flirted with before.

    The text in this needs to be better. Bum and tushy is not hot and only makes me think this gonna show some weird ass scenes where the woman says "Would you kindly put it in my tushy, ever so gently" and the MC saying "I'm about to arrive! Was that good for you too?".

    I almost forgot, but the dialogue in this is ridiculously long. I chose to skips bits here and there and try to get a gist of everything, but still be stuck on talking about the same small thing that should’ve been glossed over and moved on from. How is it I skip dialogue and still somehow continue where it left off without me reading the several texts I’ve skipped???

    The only good thing I'll give this game is the idea behind texting people for pictures, having hints, and that it's still being made and can hopefully improve the drastic things that I've mentioned. Other than that, opening this game makes me feel like closing it again just to not go through another grind session of text and interactions just for the dullest nice guy MC wannabe cuck to get knocked out faster than Mike Tyson's right hook, shit himself, and say "honestly you look cute" to anyone with a vagina and instantly want him.

    Simple things to know. Don’t add sexual content at the beginning of the game and don’t wall it off behind 10 hours of dialogue. Find a middle and stop using this nice guy act on EVERYONE. It doesn’t make me want to interact with anyone that could so easily fall for a word just because it’s said "honestly". Use different approaches!!! Why are the women just suddenly trusting or into the MC? "Hey I saw you got laid out by my ex from a single wimpy punch. That was hot and I think I can trust you with protecting me and my daughter from my malicious ex even though we just met. Here’s the key to my apartment". Yes this is the actual start with one of the women and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    UPDATE: From 2 stars to 1 star

    Apparently the dev thinks they're being review bombed by people and think their opinions don't actually matter. Let me give you a wake up call! They do! Especially considering you changed the game to what it was before and went from a corrupting game to the slowest love story with the most repetitive and grindies content to probably ever exist on this website. From my last post I decided to look back and figure out how long I sat there skipping your slow repetitive content and actually get to a part either filled with some decent content or just not the same hug and cry and repeat over and over again slop and it was for 10 HOURS!!! You talk about blaming people because they don't want to get their fix faster than you wanna bore them to death, but the real problem is you! You've done nothing, but prove that you can't listen and understand your mistakes, but instead double down and blame the people for critiquing your shit game and never listen and improve on it.

    Let me put it simple for anyone wanting to know what to expect.

    Slowest love story with either dumb or dull characters in it that you'll hardly have much interest in except the mom and sister and the neighbors, including the MC who everyone falls in love or is trusting of him just because he helps out 1 time. Cause that makes sense :FacePalm: Several women to choose from, every one of them a crybaby princess needing the dullest and weakest MC to take care of them, but don't expect any content for hours on end, even when you focus on them. Grind grind grind and grind again for more crying and boohooing and "save/help me, I can't do whatever" or 1 hour of talking about how they obviously love each other, but won't do anything til they cry, date, hug, talk some more, and repeat over and over again til you FINALLY kiss. Oh and then grind again. Don't worry though! If you didn't get enough of reading, you could read your journal that'll get filled after each level of grinding and reading text for hours on end. A different grind system such as stats, strength, wisdom, charm, est. would've fixed half of the issues in the game and could've been used to cut even half of the grinding down or more. Getting punched and knocked out and all the sudden having the key to the apartment, will never make sense. Especially not because you're a "good guy".

    Oh, but don't listen to me people. I just seem to know nothing according to the developer who seems to think that these reviews and more don't mean a thing since they don't fit the fancy of their game. Definitely not because of everything I've mentioned and before :BootyTime:
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The best VN I've ever played personally. Inspired me to start creating my own VN and inspired me to treat my real-life partner with a little bit more affection. Some of the storylines hit pretty deep, I can't describe how much this game has meant to me. Refreshing to see something like this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.9.5

    I've been following this game for a while since it was under a different name, but I am very glad that this game has had the opportunity to keep growing and expanding its character driven world.

    It has been a pleasure to see the characters grow together, develop trust in each other open up their inner thoughts to each other as the story progresses. Even though it may not be the most visually striking at adventure its true strength lies in its writing.

    While the ideas of a harem could be wonderful they are not present in this game. This does not mean that you are locked into individual adventures though as it allows you to explore all love interests mostly independent of each other to ensure that you don't have to miss anything or go through multiple playthroughs. I greatly appreciate that.

    Thank you!
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    played version .9.5. wasted like 3 hours on this, the dialogue is such cringy redditor speech it made my dick soft. what could've been a really good game got ruined by the softest mc ive ever seen in any media. sissy protags are more manly than the mc in this shit game. in the first ten minutes you get 1 hit punched by a dude and it lays you out cold, not even for comedic value. then another guy threatens to kill you while you shit ur pants and look up to him. this game feels like it was made for a cuck's perspective instead of a harem protag. Mc unironically uses the "nice guy" act. it's the cringiest shit in the world.

    i eventually set the girl's relationship to max w the cheat menu just to see some sexy shit, and deleted the game when the first scene i saw was mc literally cummy wummying in his fucking pants from a light clothed butt rub. i'm so irrationally angry at how much of a wimp the mc is.

    Some props i'll give the game though, the diary system is really nice and i like the relationship progression for the mom and sis.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Bad and uninteresting dialogues compromise 90% of this game. Every scene is 10 times longer than it should be, conveying very little actual information or character, the author/writer is convinced that being overly verbose = good writing.
    Due to that needless conversation length and the author's insistence of putting a million slight pointless variations to a scene, the game is considerably heavier on the hdd space then it has any business being.
    The art itself is below average by HS standards - bad colors and lighting, mediocre model quality and terrible usage of the built in animations.
    The gameplay itself is barebones - do events until affection maxed, do event to go to next level, repeat. At least the amount of bugs is minor, as I have only hit two.
    Overall, a waste of time. Much better HS based games exist and your time is better spent with them.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    this game does a lot of stuff right. i usually prefer more corruption based rather than romance but the slow burn and progression is executed very nicely

    my biggest problem with this game is the amount of dialogue. a lot of conversations between the mc with his m&s just seem incredibly stretched out for no real reason. most of the time the dialogue is pretty cringe and serves no real purpose aside from trying to make this whole situation seem more normal than it really is by making the mc seem like the most charismatic mf in the world
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    In the last 3 years i have tried this game on and off, but it never really got me, so i bailed rather quickly every time. Well, i just tried this again a few days ago, i don't know why if they changed something or just because there is that much more content now, but i absolutely love this game, the slowburn, the slow progress with m&s of course with a lot more content now, i also enjoy all the side characters for sure!

    Full stars for sure, great work!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to start off with that I really enjoy this game and whole-heartedly been playing and forgetting how much time passed in real life. I get into the community that the dev(s) have created in the game, the different lives of each character, their ups and downs, their stories and their lives. I can see how much time, effort and love the dev(s) have put into this game and would like to see this game succeed. I played this a long time ago, enjoyed it for a while but wanted to wait for more updates to see how the game was progressing, so here I am. Though, it seems the game still has a long way to go, I at least wanted to put in my two cents. With that said, I would like to voice a couple things that I believe would help improve the experience, though, in the end, it is entirely up to the dev(s).

    Hopefully, this doesn't come out as too critical:
    1) While I really don't mind only the sex scenes being the only scenes that are animated, as per any VN of this genre, I believe it would be more enjoyable that those sex scenes have a little bit of audio (moans, gasps, etc.). It doesn't need any voice acting per say, since the reader/player can fill in the voice in their head when a character "speaks", just a little bit of different pleasure sounds during the animated scenes to feel more immersive.

    2) It seems as 80-90% of the VN is from the POV of the MC but there seems some scenes that has the 3rd person view. In my opinion, those 3rd person views would be more acceptable during the animations, not during any other scenes. I actually like the fact that during the animation scenes it automatically goes through different speeds and different views, both 1st and 3rd person so that shouldn't change but to feel like you are actually part of the story, I feel like all other scenes should only be 1st person. On a small note, I wish that the animated scenes would be on a loop instead and by clicking the mouse would go to climax animation instead of all in one and ending too quickly. This would give the player more control of when to end the sex scene themselves since I know that some/most players would use those scenes as fap material and ending it too soon kind of kills the buzz.

    3) For this part, I understand that having the diary entries takes a lot of time since the dev(s) have to come up with a different entry for each event between the two different main females characters and there will be some mistakes but the only ones I found would be that some entries are repeated when it should feel like they are different. Example: Older female character has the same diary entry for both the 9pm open and knock events at level 3. I mean the exact same wording, while at that point, she is still not happy with him barging in, and it still ends in a massage, I feel that both should be different in the diary section. It only happens very rarely and I know that putting these diary entries in the game is a lot of hard work, it felt like the choice didn't matter while reading the diary entry. To be honest, when i read them, I thought i accidentally clicked the wrong entry at first and had to double back to make sure.

    4) I like that the cheat section was added so that you can unlock any events that you may have accidentally missed after you level up, it unfortunately doesn't unlock everything you missed on some characters you missed. To fix this, either it should be where you do unlock all events you missed from the previous level or swap it out so that you can return to a previous level so that you can unlock the event yourself. It shouldn't unlock anything on the level you are on with that character since you can just go to that event yourself, just a way so you can still see the event from a previous level. Also, I think the income/money modifier should be taken away. Since you get income everyday, it only took me a couple days in game to have it get started and I didn't have to touch it since. You can easily get rich by just starting it even on the first day and not touching from then on. Especially since you will be concentrating on advancing each character and still getting paid. Maybe to add a little bit of a challenge, you don't get paid everyday automatically, but instead, either get paid once a week or only the days that you go on your computer and work. Have the income still increase each time you work but have it less often, especially since you don't have to buy many items at the moment.

    5) This is probably something the dev(s) might implement, but maybe having more items in the store that you could use as gifts for the different characters would be nice. Such as, some that can be used for all characters (ex: alcohol (wine, beer, etc), chocolates, flowers, etc) and some for specific characters (ex: different stuffed animals for the younger characters, something more conservative for the older characters, etc) or even some more specific gifts (ex: Donna, different types of cuffs/S&M toys, Sidney, different types of eye patches/cheerleader outfits, etc.). It doesn't need to be implemented in any scenes, just a little extra to show your feelings towards those characters for that specific scene/event. More than just words. Maybe even have secret scenes where you buy an item and some characters are more appreciative than others and maybe even giving a little "special" service. Could even have it so that you can't unlock it in the cheats but instead have to figure it out yourself to unlock that scene. Just a thought.

    6) These is just suggestions: I know there is already so much to do, trying to increase the intimacy of each character, unlocking the different scenes, etc., but I was thinking maybe we could have different things the MC could do by himself. I know that he can go on his computer, or just walk down the beach but maybe could add him going for a bike ride, or just going to the park so that he can either relax or even get his thoughts straight. I mean, I'm at the level of the game that he is dating pretty much every female in town, that could definitely weigh down on a guys mind. Maybe could even add him fantasizing about a specific character, both naughty and not, and hearing his thoughts about each one adding everything that has happened up til that moment for that character. It just seems to me that other than what he tells the other characters, there really isn't much to the MC. Though, in my opinion, he isn't exactly good looking either but I understand that with this style of 3d, its hard to get an attractive male character.

    So far, those are my thoughts. I still really enjoy this game and would definitely hope that this game succeeds as well as the dev(s) and would hope/like to see them work on other projects. I know that with time, they will get better at what they do and the players would appreciate it more and more. On a side note, there aren't many works that I appreciate enough to leave comments like these, I could probably count them on one hand, but that shows how much I like what they have done. I hope that this didn't sound very critical or that it sounded like I didn't enjoy the game, even though I very much like it. Keep what you are doing and can't wait to see what you have in store for the future.