Version played:
Time Played: About 1 hour. Reached end of content
I think the "sweet" in the title most likely refers to this game being the most vanilla experience out there as I can't really think of a thing this game is doing that sets it apart from others in the same vein. There's all the right elements of medieval fantasy from a settings perspective, but it's also all just so bland. The game doesn't do anything explicitly wrong, yet it doesn't do anything particularly right either and while I didn't hate my time playing it, I just kept clicking hoping for something to happen both from a story and sexual perspective.
+ Generally cheerful, easygoing tenor
+ Big tiddies
+ Original art
- Art is a bit amateurish and suffers from looking different from scene to scene (there's about 3 different "styles" on display)
- Nothing really happens at this stage
- Lack of sex scenes
I think this site's policy of not allowing other games to be referenced in reviews is very negative in situations like this where both potential players and the devs themselves could benefit from taking a look at the competition.
Overall, if you like original art and medieval fantasy and have exhausted the several other options out there, give this one a try. I think I might revisit it after a few updates, but as it stands, there isn't really much to recommend it at this moment. Honestly more of a 2.5.
Note to devs: Work to set up some kind of overarching plot and conflict. More sex scenes please.