THe three stooges raping simulator.
The typhoon scene is the breaking one for me.
You seriously want me to believe Kaito doesn't bring his OWN god damn keys with him?! Sure bruh
Who is dumber.
#1 The MC who apparenty won a Battle Roayl MMORPG, but in real life walks around oblivious to his surroudings.
#2 The GF with a Golden Heart which turn out to be a magnet for BS, cause she lacks the ability to think logically.
#3 A abused kid who most likely did something to his parents, and his only idea of solving a problem is raping.
THe plotholes in this game are so big you can hide Dave Blunts in them.
-A convenient coincidence. The MC was about to visit AKina, but suddenly has to do errands for a teacher? Seriously!? And he is too stupid to figure out he should bail and really visit his GF?!
-Akina shouldn't even bother visiting Inoda! She supoosedly wanted to break up...Why even bother visitng him.
Instead she spends a whole day with him?!
-Why is she at his house to begin with!?
-She waits until IT STARTS TO RAIN. Doesn't ring him, doesn't bang on the door. Why aren't the lights on?!
-Why are they wet?! Those japanese houses always have a roof above the corridors.
-Inoda ALWAYS there when MC meets Akina. ALWAYS.
-How did he know to take the spare?
-Why does the MC blabber to himself about hiding the spare key?!
-Why doesn't she have a spare of her own to begin with?!
-Typhoon is coming. The whole city knows excpet her. Too stupid to figure out on her own.
-Kaito calls her to tell her after it starts to rain...Why didn't he call her earlier?!
-One day flu LUL
Definitely the worst writing I have encountered.
The game is just sad...
The only enjoyable part of this game is the relationship betwen hebishima and the MC's sister. Whatever the hell her name was.
Actual NTR. Also all the small NTR encounters around town. Unfortunately there weren't enough scenes know...THE ACTUALL SEX. Show me more of Akina's mom, all those school girls. The web scenes are too short. Show us all the depravity in it's glory.
Also there should be more commentary from the MC about all the cheating going on around him.
You have to get off on the idea of everyone fucking each other behind their spouses backs. We know it's happening, yet all behind the screen, off camera...
The only character and story progression moments worthy of praise are Kaito slowly realising a connection betwen Inoda and Akina, and his talks with the priest. Unironicaly the Akina/Inoda relationship which should be the strongest part of the game, is just a poorly written dumpster fire.
So like, what's the point?
The typhoon scene is the breaking one for me.
You seriously want me to believe Kaito doesn't bring his OWN god damn keys with him?! Sure bruh
Who is dumber.
#1 The MC who apparenty won a Battle Roayl MMORPG, but in real life walks around oblivious to his surroudings.
#2 The GF with a Golden Heart which turn out to be a magnet for BS, cause she lacks the ability to think logically.
#3 A abused kid who most likely did something to his parents, and his only idea of solving a problem is raping.
THe plotholes in this game are so big you can hide Dave Blunts in them.
-A convenient coincidence. The MC was about to visit AKina, but suddenly has to do errands for a teacher? Seriously!? And he is too stupid to figure out he should bail and really visit his GF?!
-Akina shouldn't even bother visiting Inoda! She supoosedly wanted to break up...Why even bother visitng him.
Instead she spends a whole day with him?!
-Why is she at his house to begin with!?
-She waits until IT STARTS TO RAIN. Doesn't ring him, doesn't bang on the door. Why aren't the lights on?!
-Why are they wet?! Those japanese houses always have a roof above the corridors.
-Inoda ALWAYS there when MC meets Akina. ALWAYS.
-How did he know to take the spare?
-Why does the MC blabber to himself about hiding the spare key?!
-Why doesn't she have a spare of her own to begin with?!
-Typhoon is coming. The whole city knows excpet her. Too stupid to figure out on her own.
-Kaito calls her to tell her after it starts to rain...Why didn't he call her earlier?!
-One day flu LUL
Definitely the worst writing I have encountered.
The game is just sad...
The only enjoyable part of this game is the relationship betwen hebishima and the MC's sister. Whatever the hell her name was.
Actual NTR. Also all the small NTR encounters around town. Unfortunately there weren't enough scenes know...THE ACTUALL SEX. Show me more of Akina's mom, all those school girls. The web scenes are too short. Show us all the depravity in it's glory.
Also there should be more commentary from the MC about all the cheating going on around him.
You have to get off on the idea of everyone fucking each other behind their spouses backs. We know it's happening, yet all behind the screen, off camera...
The only character and story progression moments worthy of praise are Kaito slowly realising a connection betwen Inoda and Akina, and his talks with the priest. Unironicaly the Akina/Inoda relationship which should be the strongest part of the game, is just a poorly written dumpster fire.
So like, what's the point?