Reviewed at end of Part 1 which supposedly to be the first half of the story.
I absolutely love this game and its story.
It has structure the In-Game world of FOG and real world pretty good, the whole story is pushed forward by things happened in both world. And this concept has created some really good sex scene that could not happen otherwise.
The story fall into the type of slow corruption, not like some games where the FMC get banged unconsciously and get blackmailed into non-stop sex because of some simple photo/video. The story in this game is solid with logics(of course the MC(kirito) will be stupid sometimes). And everyone has their own motivation and purpose of their actions. No one in this story is just a trigger of something. Even some side characters that just show on the map has their story behind the scene, which you can tell by their dialog.
Even through this story is slow corruption, it's full of sex scene. Not to mentioned that Asuna had unconscious sex in the game world, but also sex scenes happened to side characters where Kirito encounters/peeks. There are also a forum that provide another PoV for sex scene happens on the map which you can check for in game daily updates. And the footage shop of in game sex in FOG game world is also a good part to add other PoV for thing happened to side characters and to Asuna.
The game has illustrate the concept of hidden cheating sex very well like other games from this dev. The MC(Kirito) has only see part of the sex or just shadows, but the scene is fulfilled with details by other PoV either from the FMC(Asuna) or from video of the forum or from the in game footage. This is probably the first game I have played that has used some many different ways to provide different PoV of the sex scene.
What make this game so different is key strike of Asuna's real world vaginal sex with antagonist(Inoda).
I would say even this story ends here with a few scene in Asuna and Inoda's PoV for the last scene, it's still a good game.
Really looking forward to see the second half of the story.