RPGM - Completed - Sword Princess FINE [v1.1.3] [Simple House]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Played this in the past and have to say had a lot of fun even though i didnt understand more then half the game since it was in Jap. Thankful that it finally got a full translation so i can finally play and finish the game once and for all. This is one of the first RPGM games i ever acutally played so i will have a small tiny bit of bias on it. It is an enjoyable game though overall, with a good story. Theres a good and evil path which you can choose from and thats what i like about this game as it explores 2 different paths allowing the mc to choose which path that they want to explore and end in. The art was something i loved a lot it is really nice and good looking which is what was one of my main attractions to the game in the first place. The music is enjoyable and so is the combat of the game overall a 4/5 game for me.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I couldn't finish the game. I think i got halfway through.
    The game starts when the heroine is teleported away from her kingdom without her weapon. She immediately goes into prostitution to buy a new sword, and can proceed to walk around naked for the entire rest of the game. For no reason.
    While NPC's all make comments about Fine's nudity, it doesnt *do* anything. Guards don't care, shop keepers don't give a discount, there is no solicitation or sexual assault. I don't understand what the point is.

    Aside from the very start where the PC spontaneously engages in exactly 2 acts of prostitution, I couldn't find any H at all except for boss defeat scenes. Sadly you normally have to voluntarily lose to the boss to see the scene, then manually load your previous save from the main menu. Even worse, the damage sysem and some boss mechanics are actual RNG, so you can randomly win or lose the boss and have to try it again several times.

    A good thing about the game is that the main combat is quick and easy auto-resolve, none of the typical RPGM combat system. Walking through the maps doesn't waste your time much.

    Overall I wasn't into the art that much and the H scenes were really bland. The game overall was boring.