So tenth girl was indeed regal lady from the Symphony of the Serpent trailer as several of us surmised

. But who could have guessed lady ten would turn out to be Cleopatra VII Philopator?!


As far as I am aware this first time NLT Media includes a real historical personage in game, not only as a character but actual love interest, all other characters invented by the developer or taken from lore, legend or mythology. As game is set in the imaginary Osira, obviously based on Egypt but not actually Egypt, I rule out Cleopatra as having potential to be cast as a character in SotS.

So very glad I am this time to be wrong.

And what is Athena (Greek goddess of war) doing bullying God (who may or may not be her father Zeus using alias or title maybe) in what is presumably a part of Arianna's Empyrean rather than home of Greek pantheon Olympus? Aha! Plot thickens delightfully.

How very weird and wonderful to see extraordinary Cleopatra as a character in SotS instantly my favourite of favourites from NLT Media game past, present or future.

Really love unprecedented twist.

Pity every update isn't story based like this because the side-girl thing does nothing for me and leaves me cold.
(Pity update only not available for to download > 2 GB for half hour of game play seems hard going.)