I think I'm finally done with any more NLT games. After Lust Epidemic (great game!), Treasure of Nadia (OK-ish game) and The Genesis Order (OK-ish as well), the most recent game "Symphony of the Serpent" is quite disappointing so far. Although I kinda like the new isometric view -- it has its pros and cons. I also do have issues with all of the (so far) introduced female characters in this game. Most of them seem to represent a more MILF type with huge breast which I don't like at all (that's the reason I rated the last two games from NLT "OK-ish" rather than great!), and also the first beta release of this game has quite a couple of game breaking bugs: I do like the fighting mini game they have added, but it's bugged as f*ck -- sometimes enemies just freeze and stop moving at all, and sometimes you just get hit with no enemies being nowhere near you. Sometimes you just get stuck in an area with no way to return to the map, and you'll have to reload a previous game. I hope NLT will fix those bugs in the next version, which might be the last version of the game I will playing unless they will add/introduce some decent and appealing female characters.