Side note - Good luck with Uberpie on itch, accepting PayPal payments for his product that definitely violates PayPal policies. Itch even states that:
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One of the reasons Patreon has the policies they use is because of PayPal policies. Uberpie shouldn't be using PayPal or Stripe (or Payoneer?). Yes, I know there are games on itch which also violate the payment processor terms. I'm not an idiot. But I'm not the developer who got kicked off Patreon and denied on Steam because of content (different content between the two, but still content violations). Hopefully Uberpie's bad luck doesn't come back to bite him --- all it would take are a couple of reports for his itch account to get reviewed for compliance.
3 or 5 --- depends on the time on the clock.
Each subsequent season (as of now) is said will have its own retail price. Not free.
What people will pay is what people will pay. That's their choice. And without them, we'd not get to pirate it here from their leaks.
It is finally available for purchase on itch. Now android users on F95 will just have to wait. And then we'll get the second wave of "WTF?" in the threads.
Some people aren't as adamantly against AI as others. And, actually some of those AI images are better than the original hand-drawn work. I mean, while there's some inferior AI, there's also some AI that could be seen as better:
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when comparing the two, they each have their faults --- but overall, for me, the second looks better than the first.