Ugh, just realized AI CG was added to the tags. Looked at the old stuff and man, that's depressing. It wouldn't be so egregious if it at least matched the text and what was happening, but it doesn't even do that... Like even really easy details to change in writing like "zipping up jeans" when wearing sweat pants... Dang, thanks.I also noticed that the scene with Becca in her room was cut. Uber just didn't add the cunnilingus part. I don't know why, but it's still in the text. It's actually weird, I just replied to BlaBlaCat and attached a post that suggests CG artwork is about 20 percent of an artist's work for a season. Plus Uber realizes that a lot of people come purely for them. But he just fucked up of at least the character faces.... Something I don't get - if it's at the very least not very difficult, but very important in these kinds of games - why is that aspect so fucked up?