Unity - Taffy Tales [S1 Redux] [UberPie]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Why the AI art change when the art was great ?
    Why do you have to do 2 seperate paths at the same time?
    Why did this update take 8-9 months to complete?
    Why was the update so short and content wise small for both versions?
    Why was this advertised as a MEGA UPDATE the BIGGEST ONE YET?
    Why hasn't (REDACTED) hired more people if this is the amount of content he can do in this amount of time?

    2/5 at least future updates should focus on 1 path at a time or better yet do a full postal (3) and forget this update even happened.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Quality of the game really dropped hard even prior to the last update before v0.95.7

    Utilizing ai art is fine but there still needs to be polish to make things work well.
    Really looks like a slop of things put together and thrown out as an update.

    Positive was that the game did run better for me in the sandbox without much issue in terms of bugs.
    Negative was that the gallery is super buggy.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is for update 0.95. The overall quality of the game has fallen enormously.
    Two updates ago the game showed its great potential with unique art-style, interesting characters and great turns in the story. All the previous updates had a nice balance of teasing routes along with corruption routes.
    However, this update screams LAZY in all fronts.:
    -The art took a major hit, it feels cheaper even if the devs now have a larger budget.
    -The main or secondary routes did not advanced at all, everything stayed the same and it was a MEGA-UPDATE. The story have open routes for a big number of characters and yet the devs decided to only dedicate sex scenes to the two most exploited characters wich together already represent like 70% of the total sex scenes. Moreover the scenes were increasingly saddistic indicating Red complete takeover, not the balance between the personalities that was hinted in previous updates, and even if it was justified, it feels unnecesary with all the wasted open routes. ---The main secondary route of this update was Chantelle and the devs re-used 3 renders to build 4 'lewd scenes' and it didn't progess at all.

    I hope the devs re-examine what they want for the game, so they can finish the proyect as a the great game that once was destined to be.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had a lot of promise. It original had a very unique art style and charm that made it stand out among the others. But the developer seems to have consistently become more greedy. Taking more money, but not hiring people to speed up development.
    And now even resorting to using AI (human artwork laundering tools) to generate the bulk of the artwork with minor changes on top like pasting the heads.

    So what exactly are people paying for then? Absolutely despicable to be taking all that money and then use AI generated art.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This used to be one of my favorite games on here.
    and im not even bugged by the NTR. im indifferent to it.

    but this last update has taken this game from a 5 to a 1 over the course of 9 months.
    and there isn't even really an extra content? and the polls the patrons voted for amounted to fucking nothing.

    lets just say theres a reason you can still download the previous version... this one is massively garbage, and does indeed have a bit of filth in it.
    one of the commenters said it the best.

    the meaning behind the scat scene, is the developer literally shitting on our faces.

    yeah no. no more support from me. and i'd suggest not even downloading the update, even if you are into NTR heavily. theres only one sex scene, and it isn't worth it due to it being AI generated art.
    9 months and using AI art too? this is unacceptable.
    the writing has taken a hit too...
    this is a 1 star anymore.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    art style used to be great, story direction is great, writing is well done and indepth. characters are unique and intruiging, with each of them standing out as their own. content is vanilla, nothing overly special, its your generic VN exploration style game that doesnt really do much to have it stand out from the others.

    the developer just doesnt update the game frequently enough, with content updates being misleading, despite patrons being able to vote on which characters they want as a fore focus, they disregard them, atleast with the recent update.

    waiting nearly a year for an update for it to be one sex scene with clara, and the rest voyuer or teasing scenes. just aint worth it.

    the developer gets off on blue balling, misleading, and just long winded updates with little content for the time that folks wait for.

    game has a promising premise, but the developer lacks a clear direction in which they want to take, so the game often feels underwhelming and all over the place. probably give it a miss. and i wouldnt say with how long updates take to come out, and how minimal the content is for how long it takes.. just aint worth financially supporting this developer anymore. IT MAKES ZERO SENSE HOW THE DEVELOPER CONTINUES TO TAKE MONEY, TAKES EIGHT MONTHS PLUS TO BRING OUT AN UPDATE, AND THE ONLY THINGS IN THE UPDATE IS ONE SEX SCENE, AND A FEW TEASE SCENES. EIGHT DAMN MONTHS. I HAVE NO PROBLEM OF CUTTING CORNERS TO USE AI ART, CAUSE ITS STILL FAIRLY FKN GOOD ART. HOWEVER, BY SKIPPING THAT CORNER, YOU'D THINK IT WOULD MEAN LESS TIME WOULD BE NEEDED TO DEVELOP THE SCENES AND UPDATES ITSELF.. MEANING LESS WAITING TIME, AND BIGGER UPDATES.. NOPE. ITS LITERALLY AS IF THE DEV JUST THREW SOMETHING TOGETHER AT LAST MINUTE. BUT THAT IS JUST MY OPINION
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    the large shift to ntr content is not what was promised in the beginning as well as a shift to AI art lowering the overall quality of the game. not much more to say and the game seems to be on a down word trend.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to be one of my top 5 games the art, red MC , even the story was one of the few I didn't just hold down the skip button. Now the story is getting wack uberpie is using AI art now you gotta wait almost a year for 20 mins of content its sad really what happened to this game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding effort as far as a lot of long running titles go, a lot of effort has been put in.
    The art style, writing, large updates, a cohesive narrative, believable characters( for a porn game) are all indicative of a team that is committed to providing a quality product and I truly believe that this one is one of the greats.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    So NTR update wow really wow this game have problem known as long updates but after NTR man thats was not that bad man NTR is ruined this game beyond repair not only because of that game gonna needs more time to update and story is really bad with NTR like its just fap time for cucks and NTR fans nothing more like i dont dislike good one but this one is bad really bad.

    Without NTR this is solid 5 star but with NTR its like hardly 4 maybe even 3 its bad really bad i know you can ignore that but still its gonna take time and content from normal route and gonna ruin update speed so meh.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend.

    Taffy tales is a game that pushes most of my buttons, it was incest, harem, corruption, porn and good art to boot. It also has some NTR content, which is a big negative. That content is avoidable though, which is great. But it's also kinda not depending on interpretation? we'll get there.

    The story is about how a soy boy beta cuck becomes the harem king and has all the women trying to fuck him. Oh also there is a sub plot about a drug/sex trafficking ring that goes straight to the top of the towns leadership, or something. It is interesting to be honest, the way it morphs into a culty kind of thing where your involvement might be more significant that it would seem, but it's not all out yet and i don't want to spoil anything, point is it's a good enough that you can skate by with it and the porn side by side, as opposed to other games where you end up ignoring the story to appeal to the porn.

    The art is in my opinion top tier, this style of massive accurately drawn titties and ass with a healthy mix of absurd exaggeration is my bag, Becca in particular would be waifu material if I was into that. Every character is highly unique and has there own distinct silhouette, The artist on this game should be extremely proud of themselves, they're really showing how much they understand illustration and artistry as a whole, like to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if they worked as an illustrator professionally for studios and shit. I have more to say about this game and not all of it's positive but if you like the art that alone is enough to recommend it for me.

    The gameplay is where my negatives start, it's basically just a standard porn game you'd find anywhere on here, move between scene, click on the thing, experience some kind of dialog/monologue, and continue. But you can't scroll back through dialogue because this isn't in ren.py so some times I would get the gist of what I need to do skip through and realize they told me EXACTLY what to do in that last line but I can't go back, I ended up having to guess or find a walkthrough. There's a hint system but it's not always clear, with great hints like "where's character?" or "go to place that isn't on the map". There not impossible to decipher or anything but they can be confusing at times.

    I think my biggest gripe with this game is structure, It's structured in such a way that in order for you to progress with character X, you need to progress with character L,M,N,O and P. Which would be fine except this isn't an open world game its a linear story so instead of reaching to a point with say Becca realizing "oh I need to progress more with Clara to continue", you just stop progressing with her at all for a while. I mean you start the game saving Becca from being raped by Darnell, then your sister starts to hang out with him, and you don't do anything about it until this patch. Like what? Are you telling me the MC of this game lets his sister hang out with an actual rapist for, at minimum, WEEKS in game before he does anything??!?!?! I guess time isn't real in this game anyway since a lot of the day specific tasks can be done whenever but still. I think the game would benefit a lot from a progress tracker for each character so you can see from that perspective how much more content there will be.

    My second biggest gripe would have to be the main character, all 2 of him. I said at the top that he has split personality disorder so you actually play as 2 characters, there is blue who is the most spineless soy boy cuck known to man, he's also denser than an anime protagonist and deserves to get beat up. Then there is Red who is a psychotic monster completely and entierly obsessed with sex and depravity that HE TOO decides to commit a rape, the justification being that she ends up better off after it. Would some fucking middle ground kill you? Someone who who can train his girls without raping them? I hate him he's my least favorite character and I wish he would have his like anime change arc where he becomes this not completely insufferable cunt.

    I think that's everything those are my big negatives/issues, OH I actually almost forgot the weird NTR thing. Okay so this depends on how YOU personally define NTR, I've basically equated it to anything cucky, either getting cucked or cucking someone else, the developer would argue it's ONLY "being" cucked that counts though. Because you do cuck another character in the game, one who is into it to be fair. I've said in the past that I'm fine if I am the one cucking so this wasn't an issue for me personally but you might not want it in the game altogether, so it's kinda dealers choice.

    Either way that's everything, I do recommend this game and hope the dev keeps it up.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's actually good, the story seems interesting the character arts are also on par with the summertime saga. The art I always remember Melkor Mancin when I see those shining skins. Overall this game is worth a try the MILF content is also good, the downside is there is a bit of a bug but still playable.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is just too janky for me. It's a sandbox where they give you a list of things to do, but don't tell you that you have to do six other things to unlock the scene you are trying to see.

    In one extreme example, I was playing ball with a girl named Becca and she threw it into someone else's lawn. It took WEEKS in game for me to unlock all the completely unrelated stuff necessary to get the next scene that is supposed to happen minutes later after you lose the ball.

    The whole game is like that. Early on it tells you when some events are Morning, Evening, etc, but pretty soon it stops giving you that information and you just have to wander around hoping it's the right time of day to find whatever the next step is.

    The pros are that the art is fun and the story is villainously charming. But you have to waste SO much time wandering around to get to the good parts that it's not really worth your time.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.89b - Very well made game. Its a VN that pretty much keeps you on track, with a limited sandbox that isn't too irritating. Not any choice that I can see, lots of pretend choices but they all basically move you in the same direction.

    The art is pretty awesome, very very well done and lots of characters to move through. Limited animations, and sex scenes are nice but only a couple of images and some text. Still well done.

    Content - From the description I didn't really get the feeling that this was pretty much a male dom focus. (It is) The MC is a pretty decent spineless guy, but his alter ego is very much a dom, spanking, humiliation, slave training, abusive kinda dude. Treat them bad, of course they will come around and love it...ok. Apparently all women want to be treated like shit and if you do that they will turn into your personal cumpdump.

    Done about 20 percent of the content, and long play time so far, and a couple of the LI's get a little more romantic, but the fucking is still a male dom fantasy. So if you like that, this game is for you.

    So excellent art, serious amount of content. Decent (linear) gameplay and decent plot. Very male dom focused game. If you are into kissing, romance, loving relationships, ...maybe some of that might come later into the game, but I haven't seen it yet, so be aware.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Absurd amount of content for the version number, the game has high aspirations and actually seems to deliver on all fronts - as long as you enjoy the artstyle and can get on board with the split personality that is happening. Tough pill at first due to MC being a basic goodguy, however seeing the corruption and personality of the other personality has been a highlight.

    The writing is creative, the story mysterious and delicious, the characters hot. Later on it seems like full animations are also added which will make the game even better as it nears completion.

    The current version 0.89.8b took me 130 in-game days to complete.

    The only cons of the game can be summarized as:
    • More quality music and sound mood changes would fit quite well.
    • Minor indicators on the map if there is some new intractable at the location could potentially be a nice QoL change.
    • Able to go straight to your room from street view of your house by clicking on the window could save a lot of time, skipping 'hitting the sack' dialogue faster or adding a variant to it as well.
    • The bimbo should definitely go blonde.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Tomas silva

    I think this is an average game, nothing so good and nothing so bad, but it's still fun. Now if you're waiting for an excellent game, I'm sorry to inform you, but this game is far from that with many bugs and many basic errors that persist in this game that have not been fixed, but this is not as bad as it seems, because this game has its own alma is not a generic game made in any way despite the problems it is still an interesting one to pass the time or for those who like cuck it is also an option give it a chance maybe you will like it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    bobby brexit

    I like UberPie and his work however Taffy Tales early updates were a little too softcore for my taste. But when update 0.82.4b came out in 2022 I think the game really came into its own gameplay wise and artistically. The whole update had a clear, crisp graphical style and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the game a big boost. UberPie has been compared to ICSTOR but I think Uber has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

    In October UberPie released 0.89.8b, his most accomplished update. I think the undisputed masterpiece is the Mary doggystyle scene. A scene so arousing most people probably don't even read the dialogue. But they should, because it's not just about a boy laying pipe in his own Mother. It's a personal statement about the game itself.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a unique game. The art is fabulous, the story is triggering, it has different genres for different players. So far it is still one of its kind game. So it deserves a high score.

    I understand a lot of players may think the playstyle is confusing. But it is suit the game. The only thing that is still improvable is the update speed. but it is a must try category game for anyone who just wants to spend several hours on an interesting journey player.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Would be half decent if not for the fuck awful quest hints and the metric shitload of needless running around doing fuck all. "Talk to someone" is not a useful direction, who the actual fuck thought that was okay? It would be one thing if you had some semblance of freedom but you're railroaded into a specific path, which makes these useless ass clues even more offensive.

    Lacks consistency on when and where you can talk to people which only confounds it even further. How the fuck can someone be in four locations at the same time of day?

    Even further, no way to tell if a particular conversation wastes daylight or not, potentially even wasting more time by precluding you from doing what you intended. It feels like you spend more time wasting time to try finding which instance of a person you're supposed to talk to than playing the game or interacting with the plot.

    I played through a much earlier version than the current 0.89.8b and do not remember it being nearly this unbearable, no idea what the hell happened.

    Art is about all it has going for it, it's stylish and unique but is not nearly enough to make this in anyway fun.

    Give this a hard pass.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    It's good for what it is but ultimately the terrible grammar, spelling, and malapropisms (kept forgetting that word until I read another review, thanks) just destroy this game for me.
    All the question marks at the end of sentences as well as overuse of the word "though" frustrate the hell out of me as well. "I wonder though?", "I wonder blah blah?", "Maybe blah blah ?", or something passive-aggressive/stupid like that.
    I don't really have any problem with the common complaints:
    - NTR is pretty easy to avoid. Just don't get rid of "Red" and then from there, just use common sense to "not watch" something or to " intervene".
    - not really a sandbox since you have to progress with each character but I'm okay with that since the story's interesting enough
    - Red is indeed a psychopath but so is almost every other character. Not an excuse but I just see it as an extreme overreaction to the games with spineless MCs who have 2 brain cells.
    - I haven't played since version 0.68.2a but it looks like most bugs have been eliminated (Edit: except for maybe one or two). Not entirely sure so don't quote me on that.

    Things I didn't like however were:
    - Obviously the poor English. It dramatically improves at random times and that's all I can say. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason I can guess as to why that happens other than maybe there's more than one writer. I'm not even asking for "adequate". I'm just asking for basic grammar and spelling that doesn't remind me of the two vaguely Scandinavian guys from Family Guy who almost get an American phrase correct but are off by one or two words.
    - Most of the body types just aren't for me. I like milfs but I'm not really into "thicc" milfs. At some point, everything just looks like blobs of flesh which is pretty gross.
    - I don't mind that the quests just seem to railroad you into doing whatever the overall plot dictates. It's just that I wish the hints/objectives weren't so vague. When I first played this, I remember going back and forth from the game to this thread to search for explanations to a lot of quests. I still had to do that for a few quests. Unclear instructions that require constant browsing of a forum full of people who already played the game is a sign of a bad game. (Shout out to Count Morado the MVP, single-handedly fielding all questions and concerns.)
    - Map design seems kind of meh. Everything is either at the Mall or I just buy everything from the "Shop". Although, I'm not crying over it. I'd rather development of the story continue and not get sidetracked by things like expanding on map assets. That'd be such a dumb move.
    - Not a fan of switching the player character around. It's not a big deal and I think it was interesting to try it out but overall I just don't care about playing from other characters' perspectives when you can already just read their inner monologues anyway.
    - More and more characters are being added when I just wish the more underutilized characters had more content. (But if that's what Patreon supporters want then it is what it is.) Still, it feels like I'm going to be dead before I see anything besides the Mom and Clara taking up what feels like half of the game's content.
    - Sandbox features like quick travel within a location would be nice to have. Especially when at some point, you're just having to go do one thing then going back to bed for several days to a week. Shit, even just a bed icon at the top of the screen would make sense.
    Edit: I forgot one more thing. The assets that already exist seem to be underutilized or sometimes really fucking random. Everything is either "click the bed" or something even when it'd make more sense to use the laptop or check the chest. It just seems non-intuitive or lazy. The random parts would be suddenly having to check the stairs to the roof when if you explore at the beginning of the game, it basically telling you it's pretty much closed off and not to bother checking it unless specifically prompted. (It could have prompted me but damn, I was so fed up with the broken English that I just hit "skip" for most of it.
    - That reminds me. "Skip already read" doesn't seem to work as intended. There are some points I know I didn't see yet but the dialogue was still skipped. I even checked to make sure I didn't have it on "skip everything". Not the actual terms used but you know what I mean. So that might be a bug.

    I think I covered all my thoughts about this game. Overall, there are things about the game that make it not for some people but there are things that make it interesting and I appreciate the different art style. However, there's still a lot of room for improvement even though it's been around for a while now. It's an "okay" game but could be better but at the same time, it's been this way for so long that I don't think "better" is ever going to come along.
    Although, to be honest I'd be satisfied with the devs just hiring a good proofreader and giving more attention to characters with little to no content. If I was a more skeptical person, I'd think it was on purpose to egg on supporters to keep them donating to maybe one day see their favored characters. In reality, I'm thinking I'm just the odd man out and the characters with the most content are who patreon supporters actually want to see.