Yep, the porn writing where you're a raging giant cocked MC with a devil side and pretty much fucks girls to submission with little to no problem, especially the plot with the cleaning lady? Oh no, that's TOTALLY BELIEVABLE. Even the dumbo pills that made Mary's friend dumb, yes that was well written and not forced to make a character just be a dumbo.
But nope, the story is forced and badly written now because NTR was a thing.
Its a hentai/porn plot. Fucking. Youre banging a rich lady while her husband gets NTR'd, but thats fine tho, theyre into it. You make Clara act out in a stream while you NTR her husband online and hes forced to sit there, that's not "forced" to these users. That's "good" writing to you.
I like this game a lot, I dont mean to sound like im trashing the writing, I like this update but holy fucking shit, users in this site sometimes pretend they came in here not to coom but to see if theyre gonna find a Tarantino or a Coen brothers level of writing.
Jfc no wonder 4chan /hgg/ and /weg/ makes fun of the users on this site...