Its probably safe to assume at this point that the cult killed the MC's dad , is at the heart of the slave girls, has ties to Jessica's parents(this one may just be a red herring as in a separate cult not related to the slave trade). That Harry is tied in as well as Walter and Mia(the Mayor gets mentioned too). Mary knows more but is not saying(she lets on in her internal dialog she knows more when MC confronts her on the drugs). That Allen worked for them at one point. That the secret experiment project ties into the cult. That the Girl who comes over to get the MC fitted for clothes before MC goes to the bar/dinner with Harry and Gerda is a mistress connected to the cult(this ties in to the other neighbor as well and probably the silhouette going to check on chick on sex machine in warehouse not to mention she is the one pegging Harry) Okay that all that comes to mind if others have things to add please do.
Awesome, man. Are you by any chance a fan of the Matrix? You should be a screenwriter. With a fantasy like yours, the pathetic losers of the Wachowski brothers - sisters will simply be put to shame.
Hmmm... Surprisingly, almost always when discussing issues related to games delays by their lazy dev's, there are their so-called "defenders". In their opinion, the main trump card of protection that kills pirates on the spot is the following argument: donaters pay and do not complain. Apparently, the "defenders" believe that with such a pathetic argument they are killing their opponents - freeloaders on the spot. The fact is that the whining and complaints of patrons here on the forum will be regarded unequivocally: the recognition of themselves as pathetic losers, whom cunning and lazy dev's milked for money
Further. The statistics you have given, my dear friend, are incomplete. The full statistics for the entire development of this game suggests that while TT was promoted, its releases were released quite regularly. As soon as the game became popular, it was put on the so-called "milking".
Keep an eye on March/April 2022 ... but don't be surprised if it goes a bit longer.
... Golden words, my dear friend!!! Instead of regular updates for 1 - 1.5 months, this game will soon take the bar: one update = one year. Indeed, it is already difficult to surprise us here, because the record of the game "Apocalust" has not yet been broken
Can't speak for the others but I am not paying for this game presently or in the past, but that is not the reason I don't complain about release dates and not the reason I generally don't get too wound up about late releases. No matter what I say it will not make the release come faster even if I was a patreon I doubt me complaining would speed up the release. I like the game but would not go as far as describing my self as a rabid defender if you read my posts in the past I have not been afraid to point out flaws. If they are milking and people still want to support them that is on them not me , does not make it right but if suckers want to pay let them pay. I don't know if they are milking or not and don't give a fuck either way. Having said that I support peoples right to complain even if I think it is pointless. Some complaints are warranted.
[Teaser] Officer Swan There's a new sheriff in town.
Meet Officer Swan, One of Taffy Town's finest with some 'unusual methods' in dealing with crime, but someone who somehow always seems to catch his man in the end.
Some say it's just pure luck on Swan's part, he just always happens to be in the right place at the right time,
or maybe Swan really is just crazy like everyone else says he is.
Or maybe, just maybe, There's more to Swan than he lets on
Awesome, man. Are you by any chance a fan of the Matrix? You should be a screenwriter. With a fantasy like yours, the pathetic losers of the Wachowski brothers - sisters will simply be put to shame.
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or what but I liked the concept of the Matrix but a lot of the movies were just Okay. Don't give two flying rat fucks about the Wachowski brothers - sisters.
I state to not be surprised if it takes longer because shit happens in life. But as for your accusations at the incompleteness of my statistics, the game has only been on F95 for 4 years and a majority of the content has come in the last 2.5 years.
You infer this game had regular updates for 1 - 1.5 months with nothing to back it up ... the best major update was at just under 2 - once. Here is the complete list:
v0.68.2a release September (6 months)
v0.47.5a release March (7 months)
v0.22.0a release August 2020 (4 months)
v0.17.0a release April 2020 (5 months)
v0.14.3a release November 2019 (4 months)
v0.11.2a release July 2019 (2 months)
v0.10.5a release May 2019 (3 months)
v0.9.2a release February 2019 (2+ months)
V0.8.1 release November 2018 (1.75 months)
v0.7.1a release October 2018 (2+ months)
v0.6.1a release July 2018 (2 months)
v0.5.1a release May 2018 (2 months)
March 2018 - posted on F95 Zone
Again, what does it matter if the updates are 1 month or 1 year? It's free. We play for free. There are 10,000+ other games to choose from. There is no reason to be here bitching and moaning about wanting an update except to be a bitch.
My favorite game listed on this site had 1 year updates for the last 2 years and it is worth every bit of patience and the dev doesn't expect a dime from me, nor does he get one.
[Teaser] Officer Swan There's a new sheriff in town.
Meet Officer Swan, One of Taffy Town's finest with some 'unusual methods' in dealing with crime, but someone who somehow always seems to catch his man in the end.
Some say it's just pure luck on Swan's part, he just always happens to be in the right place at the right time,
or maybe Swan really is just crazy like everyone else says he is.
Or maybe, just maybe, There's more to Swan than he lets on
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or what but I liked the concept of the Matrix but a lot of the movies were just Okay. Don't give two flying rat fucks about the Wachowski brothers - sisters.
Hmm, ..., well, actually, yes, at least it was sarcasm. The fact is that the Matrix trilogy is a fairly complete work, in which, as the brothers - sisters said, they said what they wanted. However, if we look at the Matrix world through the eyes of their fans, then a slightly different meta-universe will open up before us. I like the Matrix myself, the first movie was especially good. Perhaps the creators should limit themselves to this film only. As for your thoughts about the game and its continuation - they are really good. But no offense, bro, where do you get all this from?
Hmm, ..., well, actually, yes, at least it was sarcasm. The fact is that the Matrix trilogy is a fairly complete work, in which, as the brothers - sisters said, they said what they wanted. However, if we look at the Matrix world through the eyes of their fans, then a slightly different meta-universe will open up before us. I like the Matrix myself, the first movie was especially good. Perhaps the creators should limit themselves to this film only. As for your thoughts about the game and its continuation - they are really good. But no offense, bro, where do you get all this from?
From the game. The clues are there, now if I interpreted them correctly is up for debate. I took no offense from your post. There is no way I would be a good screen writer. I barely can type and my grammar is horrid. I can't claim any credit other than being somewhat observant when it comes to details. I did like the first Matrix movie better than the other 2 have not seen the latest one kind of done with that franchise at this point. Besides I hear it sucked ass. The idea of the world that is pulled over your eyes to deceive you to what is really going on is extremely relevant in this day and age , imo.
I state to not be surprised if it takes longer because shit happens in life. But as for your accusations at the incompleteness of my statistics, the game has only been on F95 for 4 years and a majority of the content has come in the last 2.5 years.
You infer this game had regular updates for 1 - 1.5 months with nothing to back it up ... the best major update was at just under 2 - once. Here is the complete list:
v0.68.2a release September (6 months)
v0.47.5a release March (7 months)
v0.22.0a release August 2020 (4 months)
v0.17.0a release April 2020 (5 months)
v0.14.3a release November 2019 (4 months)
v0.11.2a release July 2019 (2 months)
v0.10.5a release May 2019 (3 months)
v0.9.2a release February 2019 (2+ months)
V0.8.1 release November 2018 (1.75 months)
v0.7.1a release October 2018 (2+ months)
v0.6.1a release July 2018 (2 months)
v0.5.1a release May 2018 (2 months)
March 2018 - posted on F95 Zone
Again, what does it matter if the updates are 1 month or 1 year? It's free. We play for free. There are 10,000+ other games to choose from. There is no reason to be here bitching and moaning about wanting an update except to be a bitch.
My favorite game listed on this site had 1 year updates for the last 2 years and it is worth every bit of patience and the dev doesn't expect a dime from me, nor does he get one.
Hmmm, ..., well, you see, as soon as you gave the full statistics, it became clear that at the beginning this game was regularly updated at least once every two months. As soon as the game became popular, hmmm, ..., milking began. Muuuuuuu ...
Well, in general, no one, especially, is crying. Hmmm, ... Perhaps all the tears about the delay of updates have long been wept out
Hmmm, ..., strange as it may seem, but we breathe for free. Fuck, we breathe for free Probably and someone doesn't like it! There are really a lot of amazing things in the world, for example, the ability to breathe for free!
This developer, as their project has grown, is taking longer between updates offering more content per update - rather than smaller, quicker updates.
Hmmm, ..., in my opinion, this statement of yours is completely untrue. At least because dev is currently redesigning the project. That is, instead of really complicating the project and spending more time on its development, as you wrote about, author followed the path of many other dev's and began to rework it. All these so-called "mega -updates" are updates in which the content is slightly more than usual.
I understand you like the game. Indeed, against the background of other mediocre 1000 games, as you write, this game looks just fine. But in the defense of lazy people and fox's, you clearly overdid it, and this already contradicts common sense.
I assume you are not talking about Becca or Sara but the other neighbor. Kind of think we have seen some of her in the warehouse when you rescue Becca the girl strapped to the fuck machine kind of looked like her body could not see the face due to mask so not really sure about that.
Anyone got save from prev versiona. as in a save where the new stuff from the prev version hadn't happen yet . I replaced mine and thought it would keep my save but fuck no -_-.
Anyone got save from prev versiona. as in a save where the new stuff from the prev version hadn't happen yet . I replaced mine and thought it would keep my save but fuck no -_-.
Have you tried to use a previous cheat code from the changelog in the OP to load a save at the version you want to catch up on before playing the current? I don't know if that would work, but worth a try.
Don't use the spoiler for the current cheat codes, go to the spoiler for the changelog in the op and find the version closest to the one you want that has cheat codes listed at the bottom of the list of changes for that version.
Have you tried to use a previous cheat code from the changelog in the OP to load a save at the version you want to catch up on before playing the current? I don't know if that would work, but worth a try.
Don't use the spoiler for the current cheat codes, go to the spoiler for the changelog in the op and find the version closest to the one you want that has cheat codes listed at the bottom of the list of changes for that version.