A suggestion for the site, can we streamline the bitching, maybe call bitching about updates a number 4 for example, this post could be replaced with
so much easier right, and easier on the eye.
we could have a similar system for the responses so in this context an example could be
which would of course could stand for
- Stories get harder to write as more cannon is established
- Stories get harder to write as it gets harder to come up with new ideas
- Stories get harder to write as developers get worn down by trolls
- Coding gets slowed down when you need to learn new versions of whatever engine you are using
- Games get slowed down by having to update old material to use in new version
- Games get slowed down by redoing old art to by in line with the skills you develop as you produce content
- Games get slowed down by new members of the development team learning the ropes
- Games get slowed down but fancy new hardware not working as you expect
- Games get slowed down by life (covid for example)
And the list can go on & on
just a thought.